The Age Old Question...Wax Or Tweeze??

Okay so I need a show of hands from all you girls out there who hate to tweeze you eyebrows. I know hate is a very strong word and yes I know I shouldn't use it, but why does it have to hurt SOOO bad?? I actually have a couple of issues when it comes to plucking these bad boys. First of all I sneeze like the dickens!! Seriously, my friend Trina was at my house one day when I was checking myself out in the mirror and the task had to be done. She witnessed the sneezing frenzy of course laughing the whole time. I thought she was crazy when she told me that, "NO. I never sneeze like that!!" But it is true, I have watched her do a little plucking waiting for the tissue but it never happened. So I'm thinking I have some sort of problem.
On to issue #2..I have pretty fair skin, especially in the winter. So I have to tweeze my eyebrows only at night before I go to bed (sorry Rusty) or at a time of day that I know I will not see a sole. Really, it is bad, it looks like I just got slugged in both eyes. They are so crazy red that nobody wants to see that picture.
So I know what you are thinking....silly girl just have them waxed. Well been there, done that, let me tell you a little story about it. About a year ago I was talking to my dear friend Trinaleah and I was trying to convince her to get her eyes waxed professionally. Now the convo DID NOT come up because she has facial hair issues (hehe), we were just chatting about girl stuff. Anyway we were headed to Wal-Mart and I told her that I even think that Wal-mart will wax you eyebrows in their little salon. She was like "Yeah well that is great ...but no thank you." I should have listened to my good friend right then and there. However I was out to prove a point that professional waxing was the way to go. I thought her hang up was w/ that, but I'm kinda thinking now it was just with the whole "WAL-MART" part of it. So we get there and I plop myself down on the chair and I tell Trina, "Come here.. Get closer, I want you to see that it is no big deal." She walks over and the lady ( who I trusted knew what she was doing) slowly dipped the stick in the wax. She clumsily then pulled the stick out and kinda tried to get the glue to stop being stringy. I noticed this, and this should have sent bells and whistles off in my head, but I was tryng to show Trina that this was our future, no more plucking ourselves. (Many red flags are going to be put up and really I didn't heed to a single one.) So finally the lady got the wax HOT enough to attempt to spread it on my eye. As her hand started to make its descent down to my face I noticed that she was shaking...thinking okay, no big deal, right.. wrong! I'm a little nervous that this shaky hand was about to spread hot wax on my eyebrow and was supposed to leave some hair behind!! (Red Flag) So that somehow got accomplished and the spreading was done. She then put the strip over my eye and then immediately pulled it off. NO smoothing it on, NO pulling my eye tight, NOT even pulling it the opposite direction. (Red Flag) I could feel that the wax was definitely hot enough, but when she showed me the strip there was almost no hair. I said," Well I think you are supposed to smooth the strip, pull my eye tight and pull in the opposite direction." Thinking this is waxing 101 lady. I told her try it again.(Red Flag) We went through the procedure 2 more times. (Red Flag) Finally she told me the reason why she couldn't get a good strip of hair was because my hairs were too short . NOT TRUE. She then busted out the tweezers to finish up the job. So, by now my eye has been so worked over that it is kinda of moist, you know like when it has been cut or burned. YEAHHHHH.. The whole time I'm trying to be this brave little solider to show Trina it's a piece of cake, and as I look up at her facial expressions throughout this torturing ritual she shows shock, grimaces, alittle confusion, and yea its Trina, so a little of smiling that smile that says this is CRAZY and we are soo am gonna laugh about this later!!!!
So now on to the other eye..... Basically it went pretty much the same way and when it was done I still had to go grocery shopping through Wal-mart. It wasn't pretty, not pretty at all. It took days for the scabs to heal and I even had alittle bruising. Needless to say, I have not had my eyes professionally waxed since, and I think I scared Trina forever!
I'm officially scared, I don't have to experience that on my own. I've heard other stories, and... tweezers for me. I'm afraid I would be left with NO EYEBROWS AT ALL. I think I may even have a phobia. I'm sure I would have enjoyed the laugh though.
Anonymous, at January 25, 2007 at 12:29 AM
MaryKathryn you had me laughing so hard at this post! I have been telling my daughter Indy not to wax. However, I think I will just have her read your post. Maybe she will believe a hip mama like you.
Mrs.Martin, at January 25, 2007 at 9:06 AM
Hey Mary,
Well I have never had my eyebrows waxed, and I guess if I ever decide to I will NOT go to Wal Mart. That must have been horrible..I feel for you. Oh and by the way, I sneeze too when I pluck my eyebrows....hehe.
Beth, at January 25, 2007 at 9:50 AM
Okay, rereading this story had me in stitches! If only you could have seen the horror from where I was standing. It was horrible! I still cant believe you payed for that!!! ROFL OH the giggles we shared, afterwards, from that moment.
And Ummmm..Yah...WalMart "SALON" had bells, whistles, horns, and naked ladies screaming down the street in my head. hehehe
Anonymous, at January 25, 2007 at 10:01 AM
That is too funny. I do remember Trina telling me this story . LOL.
momto3blessings, at January 25, 2007 at 11:29 AM
haha I remember hearing about this walmart incident! And it has been a lesson for me also!!
Anonymous, at January 29, 2007 at 10:12 AM
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