Back To Normal
About 6 months ago my brother (Anthony) and my niece (Jackie) moved in with us. It was a very quick move, I mean like a 1 day decision, and they have been here in our house ever since. So, last Wednesday they moved out. I refrained from using the word FINALLY because I don't want to be rude, but I got to be honest it has been a long, very long 6 months.
The circumstances in which my brother moved out here on are of course personal, but let me just say they were extreme and his former life was not good. Nothing against the law or anything just not a good setting for his little girl. Rusty and I offered for him to live here to help him with a fresh start for a better life for him and Jackie. Well it hasn't really gone according to "my master plan" and there have been many bumps along the way. I have described it as a roller coaster ride and Rusty and I are definitely ready to get off. My brother and I really aren't close, which is sad considering we are each other's only siblings. However we do love each other, but our life styles differ in any and every way possible.
Last week he mentioned to us that he was wanting to move out and find his own place somewhere around our town. Now, Rusty and I were surprised by this but it was his decision. Now where he wanted to move really wasn't feasible, so his plan started to fade. But there was one other place for him to go and Rusty and I encouraged him to move. This new place was definitely not "The Marriott" but it would definitely do. Now I want to make it clear that Rusty and I don't make it a habit going around telling people where to live and such, but if everyone knew all the details over the last 6 months I'm sure they would be no question of where our intentions were.
So, anyway it is 5 days later and even though I worry about how they are getting along, it is nice to have our family back to normal. I can go to bed with a clean kitchen and wake up it as well. If Hailey wakes up in the middle of the night, and she does, I can go get her and not have to worry about getting completely dressed from head to toe to do so, and there are many other little things that can take up where they left off...ya know?? Anyway, so basically our life is now trying to get back to where it was 6 months ago as far as the routine we had. I am still able to see my brother and I still get to watch Jackie while he is at work, so that is nice. I do miss her because she is a sweet little girl and our whole family has grown to love her. She even calls me mom, because of course she hears my kids call me that and it is confusing to her, but still we do have a bond.
Rusty and I have often talked about why the Lord brought them out here and what the purpose was for this whole experience. What I think is that without this last 6 months happening, we would have never really known Jackie and in turn never have a good relationship with her. Now after having them live with us and kissing her "owies" and giving her hugs goodnight we have something special that can never be broken. She forever will be a big part of our lives. I even feel sad as I write this because even though it has been rough, I have grown attached to her and now she is gone. But, even if they move back home she will still know us and now the connection is real instead of just brief visits like it would have been before. So for that we are thankful. And as for my brother...well if we can start to build a better relationship then that would be great too.
As he reminded me often I am not his mother, but it was definitely time for this little bird to leave this nest!!
The circumstances in which my brother moved out here on are of course personal, but let me just say they were extreme and his former life was not good. Nothing against the law or anything just not a good setting for his little girl. Rusty and I offered for him to live here to help him with a fresh start for a better life for him and Jackie. Well it hasn't really gone according to "my master plan" and there have been many bumps along the way. I have described it as a roller coaster ride and Rusty and I are definitely ready to get off. My brother and I really aren't close, which is sad considering we are each other's only siblings. However we do love each other, but our life styles differ in any and every way possible.
Last week he mentioned to us that he was wanting to move out and find his own place somewhere around our town. Now, Rusty and I were surprised by this but it was his decision. Now where he wanted to move really wasn't feasible, so his plan started to fade. But there was one other place for him to go and Rusty and I encouraged him to move. This new place was definitely not "The Marriott" but it would definitely do. Now I want to make it clear that Rusty and I don't make it a habit going around telling people where to live and such, but if everyone knew all the details over the last 6 months I'm sure they would be no question of where our intentions were.
So, anyway it is 5 days later and even though I worry about how they are getting along, it is nice to have our family back to normal. I can go to bed with a clean kitchen and wake up it as well. If Hailey wakes up in the middle of the night, and she does, I can go get her and not have to worry about getting completely dressed from head to toe to do so, and there are many other little things that can take up where they left off...ya know?? Anyway, so basically our life is now trying to get back to where it was 6 months ago as far as the routine we had. I am still able to see my brother and I still get to watch Jackie while he is at work, so that is nice. I do miss her because she is a sweet little girl and our whole family has grown to love her. She even calls me mom, because of course she hears my kids call me that and it is confusing to her, but still we do have a bond.
Rusty and I have often talked about why the Lord brought them out here and what the purpose was for this whole experience. What I think is that without this last 6 months happening, we would have never really known Jackie and in turn never have a good relationship with her. Now after having them live with us and kissing her "owies" and giving her hugs goodnight we have something special that can never be broken. She forever will be a big part of our lives. I even feel sad as I write this because even though it has been rough, I have grown attached to her and now she is gone. But, even if they move back home she will still know us and now the connection is real instead of just brief visits like it would have been before. So for that we are thankful. And as for my brother...well if we can start to build a better relationship then that would be great too.
As he reminded me often I am not his mother, but it was definitely time for this little bird to leave this nest!!
You sound very sweet and patient in this whole situation. I am glad you got to know and grow attached as a good Aunty would. Enjoy your new or I mean old routine. You deserve it Mary.
Mrs.Martin, at January 30, 2007 at 6:50 AM
Well I know that this was a challenge for you. I am glad that I got to know your brother and neice too. I wish the circumstances could have been different, and that it could have ended on a different note, but I admire how much you love him and how much you have wanted him to succeed. You, truly are a good sister, and a sweet Aunty!
Trina, at January 30, 2007 at 9:08 AM
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