The Barrette Dilemma
Okay so I need some answers...What is the deal with baby hair clips?? I mean sometimes I feel like I have to be a professional hair stylist to put these little clips in my daughters hair!! It is absolutely ridiculous!! I mean they look so cute in the package and so your thinking, "Awwwwe, my little one has the perfect outfit that will match that little butterfly clip." Or, "Finally, I found the right shade of green for her little flower shirt." I get so pumped , so the next day I pull out the little outfit that I have been waiting for her to wear and attempt to place the precious clip in her hair and IT WON'T STAY! Now, I'm no fashion model, but putting a clip in my own hair is something I have been able to accomplish most of my life. This seriously baffles me. I have such a variety of barrettes that I am pushing overkill here, but I'm SURE that I just haven't found the right kind that will stay in her hair. I mean I have tried butterflies, strawberries, ladybugs, bows, frogs, turtles, the snap kind, the little pinch kind, you name it I have tried it. Either she does have enough hair to hold the clip or she has too much hair and the clip pops off. I mean come on people..Which is it?? Is there no consistency when these clips are mass produced? They make these little hair things so darn cute that they suck you in and then have now spent a small fortune on baby hair accessories. Or when I do finally get the look I am going for and we finally get to leave the house, of course 10 minutes late, it still ends up a disaster. If the car seat doesn't pull the clip out when I go to pull it over her head, which happens all the time, then by the time we arrive at our little destination the clip has disappeared from her head. I turn around to retrieve my little one and her hair is sticking strait up, due to some crazy hair spray, and she has the rubber band in one hand and the clip in the other. I don't know.. I know I sound crazy, but this is a real problem. Maybe I am in the dark and there is some baby hair class that I have missed where they instruct you on the proper technique of fastening the hair in the clip. If so would somebody please clue me in so my little girl won't continue to run around looking like a troll doll!!

First off, Hailey is as cute as a button! The troll doll image is quite funny however....hehehe Second, I would love to help ya, but my boys just wont tolerate me putting clips in their hair, so hopefully someone may have some good old fashioned advice for ya.
Trina, at February 1, 2007 at 2:30 AM
Ya, Hailey is very cute! I always wanted a red haired daughter. If I was you, I would super glue the clips to a rubberband and use the rubberband method. I would make sure I got to display that fine assortment of barrettes, cuz after a certain age, they just Wont let U. And dressing a little girl up is very special and fleeting.
Mrs.Martin, at February 1, 2007 at 8:16 AM
Hope this don't get tooooooo long. First, don't feel bad, Everyone with little girls has had the same problem and probably still battles it. Use the mean little rubber bands that do not claim to be "ouchless". It may ( definately will) feel cruel, but the only way to train a sweet little hair doodad snatcher is to make them understand that it isn't worth taking it out. I remember taking a walk with Sabriena in her little stocking cap and stopping by Lacey Lemons' house. Lacey saw the friz bomb that occured when the stocking cap was pulled off of Sabrienas' then Sirley Temple head of hair. Lacey begged to "fix her hair", hahahaha. After a LONG time Lacey finally asked "what do you DO with it?". Practise makes perfect, baby hair is not like grown up hair, it does it's own thing.
Anonymous, at February 1, 2007 at 11:56 AM
When my daughter was little I always used the little ouchless rubberbands and then put the clip between the hair and rubberband. Believe me I was the drill seargant of hair with her. My family always thought I was mean. hahahahehehe It brought such joy to annoy them. hehe. Good luck with the hair issue her hair might be just baby fine. But it will definetly get better as she gets older. Enjoy her natural beauty with all of her troll issues. She is still adorable. Nice meeting you on journey out there.So enjoyed myself we really needed that trip.
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