Hicks from the Sticks

Right after my husband and I got married we loaded up our little red Toyota pick-up and set out to move to to the state of Washington. We are originally from Oklahoma so the travel was quite far. Some of Rusty's family lived out here and his brother-in-law offered him a job. So anyway we got here and settled in to the routine of this small town. No big deal even though I was used to the city, I kinda liked it. My sister-in-law came by our house one morning to pick me up to go to "town" for the day. Yes that is what I said, around here we normally make a day of it..hehe. Anyway as I jumped in the front seat my legs bumped into a rifle that was also riding shotgun with me..no pun intended. So it being just us girls in the truck I asked, "So what's with the gun?" She didn't miss a beat and said, "Oh..it's just in case I see a bear or cougar on my way down the mountain in the mornings or on my way home." And with that she simply put the truck in Drive and off we went to town. I often think back about that moment and remembering wondering what in the world she was talking about!! I mean what was she gonna do if she shot something...jump out of the truck, gut the animal, and then continue on down to buy groceries??
So now living out here for 8 almost 9 years now I realize that during hunting season you will rarely find a hunter who doesn't have some sort of rifle stashed away in their truck somewhere.
I was reminded of this, this morning when my hubby stopped by the house. I heard the front door open and the kids usual response to their Daddy. He poked his head in our bedroom door where I was in front of the computer and also on the phone (of course) and he said, "Okay I'm heading out." I turned to ask him why the visit was so short and I saw his .22-250 rifle in his hand and there was no question needed. It was already answered. He was heading on a service call somewhere and it was probably about a 30min-1hr. drive and his eye was gonna be on the look out for coyotes. One of my husband's favorite phrase's is, "We are just hicks from the sticks." Now, he knows I do not care for this analogy of us and whenever I'm in ear shot of the comment I try to correct him. But I am starting to think maybe he is right. I mean anybody who can get used to the fact that a gun is in your vehicle for the off chance you see something, well then maybe that assessment of us is completely on the money!
Well considering that Im a city girl at heart, in many ways, I can relate to your shock when you saw that gun sitting "shotgun" as well. Now, living on that same mt. top that your sil is from, I can completely relate. However, I STILL don't carry around a gun myself. Now, as far as the "menfolk" in my house, well that's another story. Its the hooks on those fishing poles that we have to watch out for when snapping the baby into his carseat...hahaha
Anonymous, at January 26, 2007 at 5:55 AM
That is so funny, while we lived there I learned how to shoot the bow.(James is an archery hunter) In our rig you can ruin an entire day by accidentally bumping the arrows(might bend them). With all of our kids it does insure that I get my space in the front and only have to share with The Bow and James. During hunting season his release is firmly attached to his wrist any time he is in the rig. Everyone, buckle up and strap on releases.haha
Anonymous, at January 26, 2007 at 9:25 AM
That would throw me off too. I live in Texas and there are tons of hunters around here. We don't hunt, but know tons that do. If you live in the country though, it probably is the smart thing to do, ya know. Better safe than sorry. :)
BTW-Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I love new faces!!
Nicole, at January 26, 2007 at 11:13 AM
That is too funny. Something you had to get used to im sure!
momto3blessings, at January 26, 2007 at 4:03 PM
I spent my entire childhood living in the "sticks"..so I know that phrase well! LOL I am still from Texas..but don't live quite as far out of "town" as I did growing up. I did, however, spot a cougar in our residential area a few weeks ago! Scary! We live at the bottom of a mountain..so we are always seeing some crazy creatures roaming around.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love it when I have new people surprise me with a comment!
Anonymous, at January 26, 2007 at 4:16 PM
Enjoying that pic! Sums it up...
Mrs.Martin, at January 29, 2007 at 6:39 AM
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