What to say...What to say??
So I woke up this morning thinking "Okay I need to post something..anything." I thought this shouldn't be so hard. However, I've read a couple of my friends blogs, of course they sounded amazing, which is where the pressure that I'm feeling is obviously stemming from. As the day went on I kept thinking, "Okay I'll get to it..I'll get to it." I mean after all there is no way I could be experiencing writers block before even I get to my second post. (HeHe) Soon I found myself analyzing every situation or conversation wondering if it was blogging material. So tonight I was on my way out to my church quilt meeting and I was considering the whole blogging process. Why had I actually started this new journey 4 days ago, which was now a thorn in my side. I mean after all I wasn't an all-american writer and I'm not really even that computer savoy. Well I did this so the loved ones that are not able to live close to me can keep up to date on the ins and outs of my life...right?? And now, all of a sudden I"m thinking that I have to produce this award winning journal, hence the pressure. I mean after all I'm not a genius but I can string a couple of thoughts together to form a sentence or two. So I guess what my bottom line is that this blog is going to be about my life -the exciting and funny times, but it is also going to be about my life- the not so exciting and funny times. If that even makes since. I guess I finally realized it and writing it in words, it became even more clear. This will be for me and my memories, and well if it entertains a few along the way... well then that is just icing.
I think you can string a sentence or two quite well! I am excited to have you on the blogging journey. It will be fun!
Trina, at January 16, 2007 at 7:38 AM
I've come over via trina. Hope you enjoy your blogging adventure. I quite know the feeling of blogging the exciting and the mundane. Visit me sometime.
javamamma, at January 16, 2007 at 8:40 AM
Hi Mary!
I am a friend of Mrs. Trina and came to you through her blog! Welcome to the world of blogging!! I will be back to visit often!
Michelle, at January 16, 2007 at 8:47 AM
Hi Mary! I enjoyed reading your thoughts as you worked through why you blog. I have struggled with the whole thing,too, and I think sometimes people must think I a very odd bird when they read my blog. (IF they read my blog!) :-)
Your kids are beautiful! Enjoy blogging!
In Him,
Christa, at January 16, 2007 at 8:49 AM
Hey Mary,
Great to see you blogging. I will come back to catch more. Come visit my world once in a while.
meNmykids, at January 16, 2007 at 9:14 AM
Hi Mary! welcome to the blogging world.
momto3blessings, at January 16, 2007 at 9:46 AM
Hey Mary,
How's it going? Glad to see you on here. It is a fun way to keep in touch. Look forward to reading your blogs. I have not been so good at blogging lately. I am lucky if I get two blogs post a month, and then it is mostly pictures. I hope to do better again soon. Well I hope all is well with you guys. We will probably be seeing you guys soon. Coming out next month and will be in town for around a month depending on when Janiece has her baby. Ttyl
Beth, at January 16, 2007 at 3:46 PM
Welcome Blogsistah! If all you get is a place to bring your loved ones closer....hurrah, accomplishment.
We don't always accomplish much in a day. Just have fun!
Anonymous, at January 17, 2007 at 10:39 PM
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