Come Give Momma A Kiss

A few months ago some teenage boys from our church were at our house visiting with Rusty and me. Somehow we got on the subject of when the last time they told their mom they loved them. To my shock and horror most of them started confessing that they couldn't even remember the last time they said those 3 little words, much less gave them a small kiss on the check. (However, I'm sure their moms remember.) I admittedly had mixed emotions about this because now that I was a mommy I would hate to think that my little guys are ever gonna get to the stage where they are TOO COOL to show some affection to their momma.
However it did take me down memory lane as I too remember the times when I would cringe at the thought of my parents even acting like they knew me much less crossed the room to speak to me. And as for hugs, my poor parents, not really an option. Sorry Mom, Sorry Dad. Now let me take this opportunity to clarify that it was not My Actual parents that was the problem. It was the fact that I was a typical, extremely bored, eyes rolling, teenager when it came to my parents. Over the top Definitely, but to me at that present time I was just being normal and they just didn't get me...hehe Oh how times have changed.
So today I was able to have a little lunch date with Jake at his school. Every year each grade has a designated day that lets the parents come eat with their kids, and today was the 2nd graders day. Jake of course has been reminding me everyday since late last week that today was the day. (He is a bit of a worrier and I guess thinks his mommy is very absent minded..hehe) So, Jarred, Hailey and I ran through McDonald's ( cuz this is one gal that won't eat cafeteria food if I can avoid it..been there, done that) and we headed to the school.
My concerned little Jake was waiting anxiously at he door for us and I wasn't even late. We went on in and ate a nice little lunch, but before we left he wanted to show me his locker which had a sign displaying his goal of reaching winter benchmark. After he showed us the "locker of fame" I told him we better go and I could see that he was just as anxious to get to recess. Now I forgot to mention that the hall was busy with some hub-bub. You know..nothing crazy but there were some classes going to the cafeteria, some students walking to the bathroom and etc. Anyway I said, "Okay give me a kiss bye." This being a normal and very reasonable request I'm thinking. However the hesitation is what stumped me. He looked both ways as if to see if anybody would notice him give his MOTHER a kiss. He decided it was safe and with a quick hug and kiss he was off to make some noise on the playground.
Now I know he loves his momma and he still lets me hug and kiss around on him all the time at home. But, are we getting to that faze where I'M the uncool parent in public?? Surely not. Right?? Sigh. Well if so I guess I will just take what I can get. Maybe every now and then get a little extra squeeze and smooch in... on my own turf.
However it did take me down memory lane as I too remember the times when I would cringe at the thought of my parents even acting like they knew me much less crossed the room to speak to me. And as for hugs, my poor parents, not really an option. Sorry Mom, Sorry Dad. Now let me take this opportunity to clarify that it was not My Actual parents that was the problem. It was the fact that I was a typical, extremely bored, eyes rolling, teenager when it came to my parents. Over the top Definitely, but to me at that present time I was just being normal and they just didn't get me...hehe Oh how times have changed.
So today I was able to have a little lunch date with Jake at his school. Every year each grade has a designated day that lets the parents come eat with their kids, and today was the 2nd graders day. Jake of course has been reminding me everyday since late last week that today was the day. (He is a bit of a worrier and I guess thinks his mommy is very absent minded..hehe) So, Jarred, Hailey and I ran through McDonald's ( cuz this is one gal that won't eat cafeteria food if I can avoid it..been there, done that) and we headed to the school.
My concerned little Jake was waiting anxiously at he door for us and I wasn't even late. We went on in and ate a nice little lunch, but before we left he wanted to show me his locker which had a sign displaying his goal of reaching winter benchmark. After he showed us the "locker of fame" I told him we better go and I could see that he was just as anxious to get to recess. Now I forgot to mention that the hall was busy with some hub-bub. You know..nothing crazy but there were some classes going to the cafeteria, some students walking to the bathroom and etc. Anyway I said, "Okay give me a kiss bye." This being a normal and very reasonable request I'm thinking. However the hesitation is what stumped me. He looked both ways as if to see if anybody would notice him give his MOTHER a kiss. He decided it was safe and with a quick hug and kiss he was off to make some noise on the playground.
Now I know he loves his momma and he still lets me hug and kiss around on him all the time at home. But, are we getting to that faze where I'M the uncool parent in public?? Surely not. Right?? Sigh. Well if so I guess I will just take what I can get. Maybe every now and then get a little extra squeeze and smooch in... on my own turf.
With children things go in cycles. My son who is 21 has friends come over all the time. One friend in particular loves when I greet him with a hug. My son says, "sorry about that man that just my mom." His response, "it's okay I like it." This same friend wants to rent my laundry room because he likes being around our home.
You see all you need is one friend who thinks you cool.
Nadine, at February 7, 2007 at 11:29 PM
I'm scared to death of that time in life. Right now I think that Trent is even more loving than any of the girls, but realistically I know he'll hit an age sometime. I treasure every little show of affection. You seem emotionally equipped to handle the kissing break, with a little nostalgia, good for you.
meNmykids, at February 8, 2007 at 6:36 AM
My oldest as you know is 18 and I just get a hold of him and kiss him in public and his friends think it is funny. If you can get one to laugh it will be okay, I agree. The elmentary age is just a phase, then gets worse in high school, then gets better again. Really.
Mrs.Martin, at February 8, 2007 at 8:06 AM
That is too funny. Well some of my boys are MORE kissy then others. However, I don't think we normally give kisses goodbye in public. Although I think SOME of my boys would be fine with
I love the visual of him darting his eyes around before doing it...hehehe It is definitely a back and forth phase for kids.
Trina, at February 8, 2007 at 9:47 AM
Yah I think it can be an age thing and just there personality . It is hard though when they dont want to do it. It hurts a little.
momto3blessings, at February 8, 2007 at 1:03 PM
Oh girl...I have thought about this same scenario many times! I do NOT look forward to my kids doing this!
Anonymous, at February 8, 2007 at 9:03 PM
Great work.
Anonymous, at November 10, 2008 at 11:02 AM
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