The Happy Dance
There is nothing in this world (maybe except when Daddy comes home) that will get my little girl to come a running like the theme song to Dora the Explorer. It is actually quite comical really. She could be very content playing any where in the house and as soon as she hears that little jingle she drops whatever she is doing and makes a bee line for the T.V. It is kind of weird almost like a dog whistle or something. She will then continue to stand ever so close to the tube and do her little clumsy dance along with several claps and squeals. And maybe every now and then sing the last word of a line..oh yeah she is that good..hehe At first this was very exciting to me because I thought she was maybe getting to the stage where she might actually sit down through a program and I could get some things done without my little shadow, but no. Basically as soon as the theme song is is she. Oh sure she will tease me every once in a while and ACT like she is interested only to chase after me as soon as I leave the room.
Her dancing is quite the sight as well. I tried to capture it on camera, but my her movements kept making the picture blurry. So let me describe it to you if I can. It reminds my hubby and I of Elaine, you know off Seinfeld. It's that one episode where she dances on the sidewalk to that street guitar player. Yep that is definitely what she looks like. One main difference is instead of the thumbs sticking out Hailey uses her index finger. But the same chicken wing flapping, foot stomping, finger pointing, neck bobbing out of rhythm jig is what my baby is performing . She must get that from her Daddy..hehe
This of course makes me smile because I am reminded of Trina's post a couple of days back when she talked about the things that babies can get away with and us being adults, well it would be just plain wrong.
I mean can you imagine when one of my favorite shows came on like ..Friends (yes I know it is only in reruns, but they still make me laugh), I stop loading the dishwasher, run into the living room blocking the T.V and begin jumping up and down, clapping and squealing with delight. Only to continue to dance until the intro is done??? I mean if I managed not to hurt myself the looks I would receive from my little family would still be of great concern. The children would stop dead in their tracks and Rusty probably would encourage me to get out of the house more. UMMMM..on second thought, maybe I'll give that a try!!
Her dancing is quite the sight as well. I tried to capture it on camera, but my her movements kept making the picture blurry. So let me describe it to you if I can. It reminds my hubby and I of Elaine, you know off Seinfeld. It's that one episode where she dances on the sidewalk to that street guitar player. Yep that is definitely what she looks like. One main difference is instead of the thumbs sticking out Hailey uses her index finger. But the same chicken wing flapping, foot stomping, finger pointing, neck bobbing out of rhythm jig is what my baby is performing . She must get that from her Daddy..hehe
This of course makes me smile because I am reminded of Trina's post a couple of days back when she talked about the things that babies can get away with and us being adults, well it would be just plain wrong.
I mean can you imagine when one of my favorite shows came on like ..Friends (yes I know it is only in reruns, but they still make me laugh), I stop loading the dishwasher, run into the living room blocking the T.V and begin jumping up and down, clapping and squealing with delight. Only to continue to dance until the intro is done??? I mean if I managed not to hurt myself the looks I would receive from my little family would still be of great concern. The children would stop dead in their tracks and Rusty probably would encourage me to get out of the house more. UMMMM..on second thought, maybe I'll give that a try!!
Your blog is rockin' girl! Way to go Lindsay! The Dora thing had me rolling this morning. My kids love Dora too...and Diego. They love the interactive stuff on it...they'll be screaming the answers to the TV. Hilarious. And the dance Elaine on Seinfield...ohhhh thats great. ha! That was one of the best episodes ever. Too funny!
Anonymous, at February 16, 2007 at 6:44 AM
That is too funny because I too like Seinfield and remember that episode. So I imagined this morning a little girl doing that dance - made me laugh out loud.
My daughter liked watching Bob Villa the original home improvement guy (I'm talking over 20 years ago because she's 23 now) she'd scream his name over and over again whenever he did those Sears commerical and stop as soon as he was gone.
Again, I'll say I love this new look for your blog. Thanks for the laugh to start my day.
Nadine, at February 16, 2007 at 6:59 AM
Mary great looking blog! Lindsay is quick and good. I love the saying going with the flow with the kids in tow, so cute.
And I was laughing so hard at your little girl jumping up and dancing to Dora. We havent watched that, but I am sure I will when the baby gets to that stage.
Hillarious the BoB Villa fascination! Too funny. My older kids watched fragle rock and would run in to see the puppets and I was so glad when they were glued to the tv.
Mrs.Martin, at February 16, 2007 at 8:36 AM
I can totally see Hailey dancing the jig. She is growing up so fast. She is actually talking and what fun to hear what is on her sophisticated little I also had to laugh at the idea of YOU running in when you heard Friends coming on. Ya know I would love ya anyway, in fact I may come over during Friends just watch you do it...LOL
Trina, at February 16, 2007 at 8:51 AM
Cute blog. I think babies and toddlers have the most beautiful bodies, purely made for wiggly, out of tune gyrations. It is one of my favorite things to do, watch a perfect little body feeling all sophisticated.
meNmykids, at February 16, 2007 at 9:03 AM
Very funny I can picture it all! Too cute.
momto3blessings, at February 16, 2007 at 10:32 AM
Ok , Ok Im doing the jealous dance. LOOK AT THAT BLOG. This look wonderful. Oh MY now I have to say my blog would have to be the the only one that hasnt been done. FANTASTIC.
Kim's Life, at February 18, 2007 at 12:41 PM
I love that Seinfeld dance. My kids love all those shows too. I think they make them to be that way, right? :)
You new look rocks!!! Lindsay is EVERYWHERE now!!
Nicole, at February 18, 2007 at 2:09 PM
That is too cute! My kids used to run into the room when they heard the Vonage commercials. You know the ones that go, Woohoo woo hoo hoo. Hee!
P.S. I found you through Trina. :)
Nicki, at February 19, 2007 at 11:10 AM
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