Juice Anyone??
So Jake being 7 yrs old and all, this unfortunately is not the first time in his young life that illness has come his way, I'm not that good of a mom..hehe. Anyway, every time he gets sick my hubby and I try to be the responsible parents that we should be and attempt to cram all the fruits and veggies down his little tummy that it can possibly stand. This of course includes JUICE. I emphasize this word because that is not a very popular word for Jake and as a matter of fact he would probably rather drink just about anything else in its place. However this to my husband is CRAZY TALK and the child MUST have at least 1 glass a day when he is feeling under the weather. And the battle now begins.....
So my hubby runs to the store for this house bound mommy and picks up all the necessities that one might need to regain a healthy child. He of course is SURE that he has now found the perfect brand and flavor of juice that is gonna send our little man into blissful joy and that he might even consume the whole container in one sitting. I, of course, try to stay positive and attempt to sell this oh so yummy drink to my not so interested son. Jake being the obedient child that he is, is willing to give it a try and may even be sold on the amazing pitch that his daddy and I just gave him on how this juice was great and different than any other before. I mean we have even gone so far as to enhance some stories on how we as kids adored this flavor as well and yada, yada, yada...not lie just enhance..hehe. We pour this tasty liquid into his glass and together we march into his room for the big presentation..quite funny when I think about it...and I hand this precious cup to Jake as his Daddy and I watch eagerly as he takes a sip. He nods, agreeing that THIS WAS a great idea and he could possibly learn to love this drink. With smiles on our faces we both leave the room feeling content with the mission....
About 15 mins later I walk back in to check on Jake and I find the sippy still filled to the brim and my people pleasing son admitting that it wasn't very good and he really doesn't want any more.
I however, am not surprised by this confession because it happens every time!!! Seriously every time. So, I go break the news to my hubby and he is always a little shocked at this outcome and then decides to open the OTHER bottle of juice that he picked up for him... and so the saga continues. So by the end of the day all I have is a little boy who is still sick and will only drink Sprite or 7up, and a hubby that is confused as to why our child doesn't like juice and this:
6 bottles of juice!! The amount of money we spend on juice gets pretty crazy sometimes!
You will notice that some of the containers do seem like they are missing quite a bit of juice and that is just because we have dispensed it to the other children or we attempted to crack the barrier and tried 2 rounds of that type with Jake. As you can see we have the never fail 7 up on hand so the child at least has 1 thing to drink that he likes.
Most of you are probably thinking that the time to introduce something new to your child is not when they are sick in bed and I agree...however, we have tried that route as well and it is also a no go.
Conclusion... Jake just does not like juice...the quicker we accept that as parents, the better off and cheaper it will be...I have come around to that idea, my hubby on the other hand, well that might take some work...LOL
That's so funny. I love the picture with all the juice bottles. There is hope - when my son was little he didn't like certain things but when he got older (late teens and now) he has retryed some things and found that he likes it... but there are those things that are still a no go.
Nadine, at February 22, 2007 at 6:35 AM
That is a LOT Of juice!! Hey at least the other kids like it, right? I mean 2 out of 3 ain't bad!
Why is it that men, buy everything in such ridiculous quantities, always trying to cover their bases?...lol
We have to get these kids in ship shape if we are gonna leave for your big b-day celebration tomorrow....Come on kiddies...GET BETTER!!!
Trina, at February 22, 2007 at 8:33 AM
LOL Yep..juice just isn't liked by everyone. Little fact of life! I think he'll survive w/ out it. Your posts are so entertaining..I love it! LOL
Anonymous, at February 22, 2007 at 1:23 PM
My kind of kid. I HATE juice with a passion. When I was pregnant with Micah I actually craved Grape Juice but that was a very rare occurance. My kids on the other hand LOVE juice.
momto3blessings, at February 23, 2007 at 12:16 AM
LOLOL You have got to love the juice!
Kim's Life, at February 23, 2007 at 3:04 AM
I was thinking same thing, when men buy the product either it comes back bigger or in larger quanities.
Happy Birthday Mary!!!!!!!
Mrs.Martin, at February 23, 2007 at 1:25 PM
What a funny story! So sorry your kids are sick, I hope your weekend turns out. I know you were looking forward to it. I hope you Have a happy birthday. Chantel
Anonymous, at February 24, 2007 at 2:42 PM
Since I have always hated juice my mom used to make Jello and let us drink it warm when we were sick. Maybe he would like that.
momto3blessings, at February 26, 2007 at 11:02 AM
Oh, that is too funny!
Nicki, at February 27, 2007 at 11:32 AM
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