MY Wal-Mart Experience

Okay, so my fast typing friend beat me to the punch...AGAIN!! Like she said living in this "One horse town"...there isn't much blogging material outside the walls of your own house. So, when alittle something comes along you snatch it...but I'm just a little slow..hehe.
In case the small number of you who have found your way to my blog without checking Trina's first I am referring to her post this morning.....So here is my take on the night's adventure in case your interested..heheh..
So knowing that the weekend was shaping up to be a crazy, on the go one I know I needed to get some things in the fridge and pantry to satisfy the troops. I wrangled my friend Trina into going to " Wally World" with me and we could have a little girl time...I mean all work and no play?? No way, not this girl..hehe. I know it IS sad that this is are only option, but what do you do?? We take what we can get. Luckily the hubby's can sense when we need a break and scoot us on our way when we mention these opportunities. Side note, we have WONDERFUL husbands. I know we are super blessed.
So we get all gussied up, sweatshirts and slicker make up on my part and maybe a little lip gloss on hers, and off we go to tackle the world of grocery shopping. Of course we make time for a quick bite to eat...Yummy, and continue the task at hand. After way to long at Wal-Mart, I soon fill the cart to complete capacity and we venture off to the checkout.
Being the independent girls that we are we, she decided to experience the self check stand and get a real feel for the cashier life. I was willing to give it a shot never know when you need to rush through the check out stand because you forgot the baby wipes or some other important thing that was forgotten on the list. The self check place would be handy for these such occasions. She went first with her mere 5 items and, smooth as silk....However my 76 items posed us more of a challenge.
I had something to return and so knowing that she was enjoying the whole checking fantasy I left her to continue while I did the exchange. Of course that seemed to take forever cuz you know it is Wal-Mart and it is about 10:45 at night. I get back to my friend who is caught up in her world of scanning cans of green beans and diapers and I attempt to take over. Now that is where the hold up occurs. I scan something twice and after it is finally overrided ( is that a word?) I resume again. I then scan some apples and I guess they must have thought I was paying the for the labor, the gas, assembly line, and whatever else it took to get the bag of apples to the store cuz it was a small fortune. It rang up wrong and to correct that we again had to call for help. After more waiting and punching in a series of number by a worker, finally we are back to the checking of my last few items. I then go to pay with a check and they acted think I needed clearance with the CIA. I think a total of 5 or 6 workers came over and of course none of them knew what to do when this crazy thing called a check was being used. Finally the had to call in the "Big Dog" and she was able to master the payment task and we were finally done with this place. So in the freezing cold we walked or should I say half ran to the suburban, tossed the groceries in and headed home. I took her up her curvy little mountain and headed home to see my man.
When I got home he graciously helped my unload the handfuls of sack and we settle into the kitchen as we unpacked them. I was chattering away about my evening and divulging only bits and pieces of my girl time..hehehe..and he all of a sudden said,
"Man....What's the deal?" I looked up and he then said, "There is like no rhyme or reason on how they packed these sacks?"
Shaking his head in almost disgust, like somebody should maybe loose their job over this, I busted out laughing....He looked at me like I was crazy and then I explained to him the the incompetent "sacker" at Wal-Mart was his lovely wife and our dear friend Trina!!
So there you have it...a couple of lessons here:
1. Don't go to costumer service at 10:45 at night unless waiting at the counter forever is on the agenda.
2. Don't pay with a check at the "self check" lines unless a lady is posted at her station ready for service.
3. Trina and I did not miss our calling on being the all-american sack girls like maybe we thought we did.
4. Last but not least...I love spending time with Trina, no matter what the adventure we always have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!
Laughing sooo hard. How could your man shatter my cashiering fantasy like that? hehehe
Im sure he WAS thinking that there was no reasoning for it all....It was pretty wak-a-doo!
OH...thats gonna make me giggle all day, off and on today....rofl
Trina, at February 2, 2007 at 11:32 AM
76 items!lol When your out with a friend you can do things you wouldn't attmept alone. U Bad little Baggers!
Mrs.Martin, at February 2, 2007 at 11:46 AM
Kim's Life, at February 2, 2007 at 10:36 PM
I loved your take on your adventure in Wally World. It was very funny.
Nadine, at February 3, 2007 at 1:08 AM
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