The Little Beggars!!

So on April 16 ( my oldest child's B-Day) of this year it will be 8 years since I was able to eat a complete meal in peace without any little mouths begging for a bite.....Okay I might be exaggerating a bit, but really it is not by much. Trina always teases me about waiting to eat lunch until late in the afternoon, but I do this because it is my only meal that I can eat uninterrupted. Hailey is napping and the boys don't hassle me over every little nibble so I enjoy my freedom to eat at my own pace. You know it is a break in the usual way I eat where if I want to be stingy and not share my meal I will scarf it in like 30 secs. or hide the plate with a pillow.. I know this all sounds EXTREME, and it even makes me giggle as I type it and but at the time it all seems perfectly normal to me..hehe
Anyway for all you good mommies out there that think I am just over the top and would gladly share your mere morsels with your babies, I am sorry...and for all you mommies who totally get me and have been there, done that...well here is a little story for ya......
So today is my hubby and my 9th wedding anniversary, (Happy Anniversary Honey!!). We have been on the go so much lately with my birthday weekend and traveling with sports tournaments that we decided to just spend this one at home. Really we have already had our time away and we couldn't afford to continue to take these weekends away, money doesn't grow on trees ya know..LOL (A little quote I OFTEN heard from my Dad.) Anyway, so this day was basically just another day and I was TOTALLY fine with that. The evening got away from us and we decided to just do a McDonald's run for supper. I am soooooo burnt out of that place that I said none for me and so I just scrounged around the house for something simple. Rusty got home with the bag and I of course took the opportunity while he was gone to call Trina and chat with her for a short spell. I was pacing around and lost in our rived conversation (hehe) when Jarred came up to me and handed me a box from McDonald's that looked like a chicken sandwich box. I opened it confused as to why my hubby would buy this for me and to my pleasant surprise it was a cinnamon roll. I was excited, you see cinnamon rolls are so my VICE...LOVE THEM!! This must be a little treat for me on our special day. I went back to my convo w/ Trina and as I was walking through the house I was nibbling on the yummy roll. Totally wrapped up in out chat I was dodging little ones left and right and really not thinking much about it. I put the box down in the kitchen determined to save SOME of it for after dinner. I walked back through the dining room and bumped into Jarred (beggar#1).
He said, "Where is it?"
I said, "Where is what?"
He said, " You know your sweet roll."
Really only half listening to him I was still puzzled as to what he was referring to and then I saw his fork. I turned around and saw Hailey (beggar #2). They both had forks in their hands and had been following me around the house sneaking bites while my dear Trina was distracting me with her witty humor!!
I quickly informed the little Piranhas that this was MY treat and they already had theirs. I relayed this story on to Trina and she immediately chuckled and said,
"You so have to post about that!"
And so I did.
Anyway for all you good mommies out there that think I am just over the top and would gladly share your mere morsels with your babies, I am sorry...and for all you mommies who totally get me and have been there, done that...well here is a little story for ya......
So today is my hubby and my 9th wedding anniversary, (Happy Anniversary Honey!!). We have been on the go so much lately with my birthday weekend and traveling with sports tournaments that we decided to just spend this one at home. Really we have already had our time away and we couldn't afford to continue to take these weekends away, money doesn't grow on trees ya know..LOL (A little quote I OFTEN heard from my Dad.) Anyway, so this day was basically just another day and I was TOTALLY fine with that. The evening got away from us and we decided to just do a McDonald's run for supper. I am soooooo burnt out of that place that I said none for me and so I just scrounged around the house for something simple. Rusty got home with the bag and I of course took the opportunity while he was gone to call Trina and chat with her for a short spell. I was pacing around and lost in our rived conversation (hehe) when Jarred came up to me and handed me a box from McDonald's that looked like a chicken sandwich box. I opened it confused as to why my hubby would buy this for me and to my pleasant surprise it was a cinnamon roll. I was excited, you see cinnamon rolls are so my VICE...LOVE THEM!! This must be a little treat for me on our special day. I went back to my convo w/ Trina and as I was walking through the house I was nibbling on the yummy roll. Totally wrapped up in out chat I was dodging little ones left and right and really not thinking much about it. I put the box down in the kitchen determined to save SOME of it for after dinner. I walked back through the dining room and bumped into Jarred (beggar#1).
He said, "Where is it?"
I said, "Where is what?"
He said, " You know your sweet roll."
Really only half listening to him I was still puzzled as to what he was referring to and then I saw his fork. I turned around and saw Hailey (beggar #2). They both had forks in their hands and had been following me around the house sneaking bites while my dear Trina was distracting me with her witty humor!!
I quickly informed the little Piranhas that this was MY treat and they already had theirs. I relayed this story on to Trina and she immediately chuckled and said,
"You so have to post about that!"
And so I did.
Mary that is so are a good mommy by the way. I can totally understand wanting a peaceful meal in peace. Did you get to eat the rest or did they ambush you?
Nadine, at March 15, 2007 at 12:06 AM
Ok I was laughing ,laughing ,laughing about You know it is a break in the usual way I eat where if I want to be stingy and not share my meal I will scarf it in like 30 secs. or hide the plate with a pillow. Honestly I thought this was so funny.
Kim's Life, at March 15, 2007 at 12:33 AM
James has a germ issue, my kids wouldn't even begin to think of sharing with him. Me on the other hand, I am community property, whatever it is that I have, coffee, tea, water, cereal, whatever. I'm with you.
meNmykids, at March 15, 2007 at 9:36 AM
I giggled reading this, but laughed just as hard when you relayed the situation over the phone last night. Having your two beggars following you around with forks is priceless!!!Roman is always climbing UP on me to eat whatever I am eating. I have done the same thing with my special goodies though, I hide them with a little guilt, but not so guilt ridden that I
Trina, at March 15, 2007 at 10:00 AM
To funny, I love the little paronas following you around with there forks in hand. Sneaking a bite while you won't paying attention. Sound like pretty smart kids. hehehe
Cherrie, at March 15, 2007 at 7:15 PM
Mary I was Laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The forks, and the dodging about, all to have some peace to eat your roll. You poor girl. You are a good mommy when you know the kids just KNoW you are gona share. Thanks for a laugh this morning.I am going to have my hubby read it.
Mrs.Martin, at March 16, 2007 at 7:20 AM
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