Logic of a 7 yr. old.......

My Jake is such a sweetheart, but this little man of mine has got some issues. Well I'm sure most of you have now figured out that he is quite the worry wart!! He is such a literal joe as well that he totally thinks that what you say is what you mean. So, with my sense of humor this is sometimes frustrating in our many conversations. His constant worrying is obsessive and tends to get out of control. Jake's worries are ALL over the map and range from being abandoned, never happened, to our latest issue.. fear of riding in elevators. We recently stayed at a hotel and to his demise our floor was located on the 4th floor and so my little guy was constantly running up and down 4 floors because he would not ride in the elevator. As he explained it.."How do we know that we won't get stuck, and if we do there is just no way to get out. Oh no I'm not riding in that baby."
He is definitely my question man...So whenever we go somewhere he wants to know WHERE we are going, WHY are we going there, and HOW LONG it will take. The very next question is will I be leaving him in the car?? Now I do not make this a habit of leaving my 3 children in the car, but the way this little boy acts you would think it is my M.O. I mean quick runs in to the post office or to pay for my gas and that really is the extant of it. He also wants to make sure that I always have my cell phone so we can call for help if needed..hehe ( His poor wife and children, I mean he is an ulcer waiting to happen!!)
So Friday I ran to another town (30 miles away) to Wal-Mart to buy some last minute things for our big wrestling tournament on Sat. About half way home I noticed that I was flat on empty. Now I knew this when I reached the town earlier but I forgot and then on the way home I looked down and was quickly reminded. I was pretty sure I could make it and that we would be fine, but you know I was definitely keeping my eye on the gas gage..hehe I decided not to share this little piece of info with my kids because I knew Jake would FREAK out and the questions would be coming at me fast and furious and I wanted to avoid that drama. However out of the blue my little worrier asks me,"Mom, what would happen if we broke down right here, would we make it home?" Me, really not thinking and focusing on just getting to my little house mumbles, "I don't know we might just have to find that out." Really kind of surprised that he heard me, he says, "What what do you mean." I try to play it off, but he has now honed in on the possibility that something could be wrong, his little stress sensor, and I am done for. It is either fend off an artillery of questions or reveal to him that we are low on gas and there is a slight possibility that we could run out. Well now that the cat is out of the bag and he realized that we really didn't have great cell service, I notice him leaning over every 5 seconds to see where we are at and how much gas was left. It kinda made me giggle and I tried to reassure him but his gas gaging was so obvious that I could tell he was not believing a word I said.
He was looking out the window, mind whirling I'm sure about all the terrible scenario's that are about to take place, and all of a sudden his demeanor changes and he says, "I have an idea." Feeling kind of guilty that his worries were giving me a chuckle I encourage him to share his new found solution. Thinking that maybe he had come to terms with the fact that the odds of us actually running out of gas were very slim, or if we did it would not be the end of the world and we would ALL survive the experience. He says, "Do you see those houses over there on the other side of the river?" ( The road that we were driving on runs alongside a river the whole way home) I say, "Yesss." Confused as to where he was gong with this. "Well we could just go to one of those houses for help," he says. "Well that is great Jake, but how are we gonna get to their house..there is a big wide river between us," I say thinking that he must have just over looked that MINOR detail. He says, "Yeah I know, but we could just swim across and then walk up to their house from the shore." Okay people, I know some of you are thinking okay well he is just being silly, but NO he was dead serious and the look on his face was stone sober. How extreme is this child? I said, "Jake we can't swim across the river, it is too cold and what about Jarred and Hailey?" He then informed me that he planned it all out and I could put Hailey on my back and he would simply help his little brother swim across the river and it really didn't look that wide. I was so totally blown away as to what his little mind came up with that it made me laugh. Can you just imagine me trying to explain my reasoning to the homeowners that we were seeking help from. "Sorry to bother you, can I get some help? Yes I know I'm soaking wet, and my children look like drown rats and there lips are turning blue from the cold, but I ran out of gas over on the highway so I just put my little family in the freezing water and we swam across the river for some help." I'm pretty sure that IF the people decide to help me, their next call would be to social services and Jake would have a whole new set of worries..LOL
I guess it is a good thing that for now I'm the brains behind our little outings.
He is definitely my question man...So whenever we go somewhere he wants to know WHERE we are going, WHY are we going there, and HOW LONG it will take. The very next question is will I be leaving him in the car?? Now I do not make this a habit of leaving my 3 children in the car, but the way this little boy acts you would think it is my M.O. I mean quick runs in to the post office or to pay for my gas and that really is the extant of it. He also wants to make sure that I always have my cell phone so we can call for help if needed..hehe ( His poor wife and children, I mean he is an ulcer waiting to happen!!)
So Friday I ran to another town (30 miles away) to Wal-Mart to buy some last minute things for our big wrestling tournament on Sat. About half way home I noticed that I was flat on empty. Now I knew this when I reached the town earlier but I forgot and then on the way home I looked down and was quickly reminded. I was pretty sure I could make it and that we would be fine, but you know I was definitely keeping my eye on the gas gage..hehe I decided not to share this little piece of info with my kids because I knew Jake would FREAK out and the questions would be coming at me fast and furious and I wanted to avoid that drama. However out of the blue my little worrier asks me,"Mom, what would happen if we broke down right here, would we make it home?" Me, really not thinking and focusing on just getting to my little house mumbles, "I don't know we might just have to find that out." Really kind of surprised that he heard me, he says, "What what do you mean." I try to play it off, but he has now honed in on the possibility that something could be wrong, his little stress sensor, and I am done for. It is either fend off an artillery of questions or reveal to him that we are low on gas and there is a slight possibility that we could run out. Well now that the cat is out of the bag and he realized that we really didn't have great cell service, I notice him leaning over every 5 seconds to see where we are at and how much gas was left. It kinda made me giggle and I tried to reassure him but his gas gaging was so obvious that I could tell he was not believing a word I said.
He was looking out the window, mind whirling I'm sure about all the terrible scenario's that are about to take place, and all of a sudden his demeanor changes and he says, "I have an idea." Feeling kind of guilty that his worries were giving me a chuckle I encourage him to share his new found solution. Thinking that maybe he had come to terms with the fact that the odds of us actually running out of gas were very slim, or if we did it would not be the end of the world and we would ALL survive the experience. He says, "Do you see those houses over there on the other side of the river?" ( The road that we were driving on runs alongside a river the whole way home) I say, "Yesss." Confused as to where he was gong with this. "Well we could just go to one of those houses for help," he says. "Well that is great Jake, but how are we gonna get to their house..there is a big wide river between us," I say thinking that he must have just over looked that MINOR detail. He says, "Yeah I know, but we could just swim across and then walk up to their house from the shore." Okay people, I know some of you are thinking okay well he is just being silly, but NO he was dead serious and the look on his face was stone sober. How extreme is this child? I said, "Jake we can't swim across the river, it is too cold and what about Jarred and Hailey?" He then informed me that he planned it all out and I could put Hailey on my back and he would simply help his little brother swim across the river and it really didn't look that wide. I was so totally blown away as to what his little mind came up with that it made me laugh. Can you just imagine me trying to explain my reasoning to the homeowners that we were seeking help from. "Sorry to bother you, can I get some help? Yes I know I'm soaking wet, and my children look like drown rats and there lips are turning blue from the cold, but I ran out of gas over on the highway so I just put my little family in the freezing water and we swam across the river for some help." I'm pretty sure that IF the people decide to help me, their next call would be to social services and Jake would have a whole new set of worries..LOL
I guess it is a good thing that for now I'm the brains behind our little outings.
Oh my goodness Mary!! I was wondering how the "No Swimming" sign played into this post. That little Jake is truly the grand prize worrier, poor baby. Well if its any consolation I was a bit of worrier myself. I dont know if I was that intense, but I can relate..hehehe You are a good mommy for keeping his little world so loving and stable. God knew what He was doing by giving him to you.
Trina, at March 19, 2007 at 4:45 AM
Ohhhh take notice of the time I was up and wrote this post! Too sick to get out of bed for days, and now I have insomnia. lol
Trina, at March 19, 2007 at 4:46 AM
I love to listen in on my kids "what ifs". I think they have more fun planning their escape than we think. He will probably turn out to be an amazingly capable problem solver. He seems to be able to cross the barrier of only seeing obvious solutions.
meNmykids, at March 19, 2007 at 6:28 AM
Oh again, Mary you had me laughing so hard this morning. My husband laughed heartily last night at the beggars and this post is funny too. You are such a great mommy it is funny he is such a worrier. He will out grow it and ride the elevator some day with his wife and kids when he has 6 pieces of luggage to carry.
Mrs.Martin, at March 19, 2007 at 9:15 AM
Too funny! My Micah is alot like that. He is a thinker
momto3blessings, at March 19, 2007 at 10:47 AM
Your poor little Jake...he is so adorable. You have to give him credit for thinking the whole thing through. I love how you take situations and manage to give me and others who read your blog such a laugh. Thanks for the giggle today.
Nadine, at March 19, 2007 at 12:47 PM
You are to funny with that little guy. Elisha worries about everything also. And why not take that swim he has it all planned out. hehehe So I take it that you made home or at least to the gas station.
Cherrie, at March 19, 2007 at 5:13 PM
LOL Oh you are a good mum. I was laughing. I wouldnt fancy a swim in your cold waters.
Kim's Life, at March 20, 2007 at 4:33 AM
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