The Sock Basket it is...Something that I've been hiding from the world and from all the company that graces this home of mine, and really I'm not even ashamed of it. What is this dirty little secret you ask?? Well it is this.............

My sock basket!!
What is a sock basket you ask?? Well come come, let me enlighten you to a whole new world of laziness. You see this little basket of mine helps me shrug some of the laundry responsibility, but yet at the same time I can still seem like it is ALL part of my organizational system by keeping it in a basket. You see, Genius aren't I?
I know I am not the first intelligent woman to stumble across this idea and I know this because some of closest friends also use this little tool in their homes. My hubby on the other hand really is not fond of this tactic, okay I'll be honest it actually drives him crazy. You see he was raised by a southern momma who did right by her hubby and kiddos and always made sure that to start their mornings off there was a clean FOLDED pair of socks in her loved ones drawer.
Not this mommy. Oh sure when we were first married and still in the Honeymoon stage, I folded socks, but then again I dusted and mopped every day as well..hehe Oh how times have changed.
Rusty attempted to tame his riotous and unruly wife one time as we had several couples over at out house for dinner one Sunday. This was a couple of years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday..
Somehow the subject of us women not keeping up on laundry came up and my dear hubby took this opportunity to make an example out of me and asked an older lady in our church for some advice. You see he was hoping that the scripture in Titus where the older women are to be the EXAMPLE to the younger women would apply here. So feeling very confident in his approach he had the following conversation with an older sister of our church...
Rusty.. "So Sister__ can I ask you a question?"
Sister__.. "Sure Bro. Rusty, but I don't know if I'll have the answer."
Rusty.... "Oh I'm sure you will do just fine. So not to get to personal or anything, but where do you keep your socks?"
Sister__.. "My socks?"
Rusty... "Yeah, your clean socks. You see my wife and I have been having this debate for sometime now. I just wanted my wife to see how an older sister in the church handles it, so where do you keep your socks?"
Sister__.. "Oh..Bro. Rusty, I keep my socks in a basket in my laundry room."
Okay so the look of SHOCK on my hubby's face was priceless and the look of satisfaction on my face was well kinda mean..hehe, but I couldn't help it!!
So now a few years later we still have the sock basket and when ever he gets fed up with searching for socks in the morning I'm a good wife and find them for him, but he knows that I know I'm just following the example that he brought to my attention and was set before me..hehe. Every now and then I surprise him and fold them on special little occasions..He still clings to the fact that someday his dream of waking up to a drawer full of folded socks will come true, and I'm alot of things, but I'm no dream crusher. So I'll let him believe in this fantasy because after all wishing is what makes the world go round.
My sock basket!!
What is a sock basket you ask?? Well come come, let me enlighten you to a whole new world of laziness. You see this little basket of mine helps me shrug some of the laundry responsibility, but yet at the same time I can still seem like it is ALL part of my organizational system by keeping it in a basket. You see, Genius aren't I?
I know I am not the first intelligent woman to stumble across this idea and I know this because some of closest friends also use this little tool in their homes. My hubby on the other hand really is not fond of this tactic, okay I'll be honest it actually drives him crazy. You see he was raised by a southern momma who did right by her hubby and kiddos and always made sure that to start their mornings off there was a clean FOLDED pair of socks in her loved ones drawer.
Not this mommy. Oh sure when we were first married and still in the Honeymoon stage, I folded socks, but then again I dusted and mopped every day as well..hehe Oh how times have changed.
Rusty attempted to tame his riotous and unruly wife one time as we had several couples over at out house for dinner one Sunday. This was a couple of years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday..
Somehow the subject of us women not keeping up on laundry came up and my dear hubby took this opportunity to make an example out of me and asked an older lady in our church for some advice. You see he was hoping that the scripture in Titus where the older women are to be the EXAMPLE to the younger women would apply here. So feeling very confident in his approach he had the following conversation with an older sister of our church...
Rusty.. "So Sister__ can I ask you a question?"
Sister__.. "Sure Bro. Rusty, but I don't know if I'll have the answer."
Rusty.... "Oh I'm sure you will do just fine. So not to get to personal or anything, but where do you keep your socks?"
Sister__.. "My socks?"
Rusty... "Yeah, your clean socks. You see my wife and I have been having this debate for sometime now. I just wanted my wife to see how an older sister in the church handles it, so where do you keep your socks?"
Sister__.. "Oh..Bro. Rusty, I keep my socks in a basket in my laundry room."
Okay so the look of SHOCK on my hubby's face was priceless and the look of satisfaction on my face was well kinda mean..hehe, but I couldn't help it!!
So now a few years later we still have the sock basket and when ever he gets fed up with searching for socks in the morning I'm a good wife and find them for him, but he knows that I know I'm just following the example that he brought to my attention and was set before me..hehe. Every now and then I surprise him and fold them on special little occasions..He still clings to the fact that someday his dream of waking up to a drawer full of folded socks will come true, and I'm alot of things, but I'm no dream crusher. So I'll let him believe in this fantasy because after all wishing is what makes the world go round.
Sure wish I could still do that! We have so many different sizes now, and so many socks that it makes it impossible to start the day if they are not mated. We would be searching for the mates 'till noon. Every Friday, (or sometimes Wednesday if need be) I do the great search and end up with a little over half of them mated, then we can face the week. Otherwise my kids are all standing on the dryer at once hollering "Mom, I can't find my socks". I wouldn't have much mercy, except it could be hard for a 5 year old to dig through the 3 baskets it takes to hold the weekly socks plus the years worth of unfound mates. And then half of the socks are back in the dirty clothes again. Sigh.... Enjoy your sock basket!
meNmykids, at March 22, 2007 at 6:18 AM
Getting them into their drawers? Now that's another story! Sometimes by the end of the week they still haven't found their way to the drawers, but at least the mating was done, and the 5 year old can dig through only 1 basket to find her mated socks.
meNmykids, at March 22, 2007 at 6:21 AM
That is too funny. I wish I had thought of that when the kids were little and I did everyone's laundry. I fold socks because it usually mine and his and I can the tell the difference so easily, but what genious I missed out on.
Nadine, at March 22, 2007 at 6:22 AM
I dont know if you'ah speak'ah my language, but I laugh at your posts so much. Especially mating your socks for Rusty on You know, the specail occasions. I can see the happiness on his face to open a drawer a find a few mated socks.
I have bought so many socks in the 2 decades of little ones running around. I once bought like 10 pkgs to fit me, my 11, my 10, my 6 year old thinking it would solve the problem. However, it was awful to wear skin tight socks and watch the 6 year old where sloppy ones, just so matching was easier. I've tried everything.
Mrs.Martin, at March 22, 2007 at 9:52 AM
*clearing throat* Well Miss Mary you know where my socks are, and the constant battle to find the mates...Someday...some sweet day!
Trina, at March 22, 2007 at 9:58 AM
LOLOLOLOL Ok I have never seen a sock basket. Maybe if I had one I might be able to keep track of all my socks. Good idea.
Kim's Life, at March 23, 2007 at 3:45 AM
I to have a sock basket but is is for all my mismatched socks that the dryer eats it match. hehe
Time to go through again. But I love it that he tried to give you a example of a older sister. I love moments like that with my hunny. lol
Cherrie, at March 23, 2007 at 2:31 PM
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