Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sound Advice

There are many many conversations that my 2 boys have that I do not hear but the few that go on in front of me seriously sometimes crack me up. You see I know I have explained Jake's personality and that he is a worrier and literal and really he can't let some things go. Jarred on the other hand is more down to earth and really doesn't get shook up by a lot of stuff. Oh sure things upset him and has some mini-meltdowns, but he definitely has more of a adventuresome spirit than Jake. Jake the cautious one, is the child that is pulling all his siblings in the house in a hurry when the neighborhood bully dog is roaming around while Jarred is wanting to back outside to see if his owner is missing him. Get what I am saying here..Jake can spot a problem a mile away, but Jarred, well if he does see it then he will probably try to find a solution to it or at least give some good ole 5 yr old advice.
Example of 1 among many conversations:
During the first week of school this year Jake came home and I asked him if he brought the lunch menu so we could determine what days he needed to take his lunch. He told me this....
Jake: I know I put in my folder.
Me : Well it is not here.
Jake: OHH that boy next to me must have grabbed it.
Jarred: Did you tell him to give it back?
Jake: I didn't know he took it Jarred.
Jarred: Oh well why did you sit next to him?
Jake: Jarred, I had to sit there, you just don't understand.
Jarred: Well I would still ask for it back. And maybe you shouldn't sit by him tomorrow.
Jake : Sigh..rolling eyes
The next day Jake gets home from school and I ask if he brought home the menu...
Jake: Oh I forgot it again.
Jarred: Sighing.. Did you sit by that boy again??

Another example:
The other day Jake came home from school and was so excited about this assembly they had at school where this guy came and did a lot of yo-yo tricks. Well you guessed it Jake now wants a yo-yo and was talking about all the cool stuff he could learn to do with it. We were sitting around the dinner table and the following convo went down....BTW our pet dogs name is Joey.....
Jake: It was so cool I want a yo-yo.
Jarred: Me too.
Jake: I wonder if I could learn to walk the know what that means right mom and dad?
Rusty and I nod our heads... ( you know it is a yo-yo trick)
Jake: Yeah I hope I can learn to do that.
Jarred: You can Jake, we will just practice on Joey. We can walk him to the park.
Jake: Jarred, that is not what I mean.
Jarred: You just said you wanted to learn to walk the dog, so we can. We do have Joey ya know??
Jake: Again sighing and rolling eyes.
You see what I mean, very sound sensible advice for a 5 year old don't ya think?


  • I love the name of your blog! Very Zen, very Taoist.

    Conversations between kids can be so funny and entertaining ... almost as funny and entertaining as most conversations I hear between adults! :)

    By Blogger Dan, at March 29, 2007 at 1:28 PM  

  • Kids have the most wonderful conversations. I love how literal he is my Elisha has a lot of the same traits. Very serious and defenitly a huge worry wart. They are our

    By Blogger Cherrie, at March 29, 2007 at 7:21 PM  

  • I so enjoy reading your posts. It puts a smile on my face. This one is no exception. Your sons are precious and I love how they put things.

    By Blogger Nadine, at March 29, 2007 at 9:36 PM  

  • Your boys are so cute Mary and isn't nice to know that the big brother is watching out for his little one. So adorable and priceless.

    By Blogger Mrs.Martin, at March 30, 2007 at 7:49 AM  

  • They are just too cute! I love to just sit and listen to children talk ~ it can be so funny at times and then so serious at other times. If you happen to talk with Mrs. Trina tell her I said hello! I was thinking about you too the other day when I read about her move! About how far will she be from you at her new place?
    Well, I best go and get to cleaning this messy house.

    By Blogger Michelle, at March 30, 2007 at 10:06 AM  

  • Well I had to go and reread this post because it made me giggle, just like it did when I read it in your bedroom at YOUR computer. You know I love your family and they make me smmmmmmmmmmmilllle!!

    By Blogger Trina, at March 31, 2007 at 9:02 AM  

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