Where's my ATM card????
You know those commercials that talk about either Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, and not to leave home without it?? Well people..they are speaking the truth!
Yesterday I went to "town" to get some groceries at the old faithful Wal-Mart. Jake is out on winter break, a.k.a. our local high school basketball teams are playing in the state tournament, and so He was home from school. I also had my niece for the day so that makes child #4.
So off we go to get all the groceries that my little cart could carry along with a child in the front basket seat, one in the main basket part, one riding on the end and one straggling along behind me because really there was no other place to put him. Unless I loaded him underneath the basket. Can you imagine the stern looks from the Wal-Mart employees that I would get?? You know the ones where they look at you disapprovingly right before they tell YOUR child to set down or tell you that he/she is gonna fall...love that..like you are that bad of a mommy because you let you child stand up in the big basket part of your cart. Does that bug anybody else or am I just over the top about that??
Anyway, we arrived in the town right at lunch time and well the troops were starting to get restless and they needed food. I thought no biggie I'll just grab them a quick bite to eat and then we can get to Wally World, and knock this errand out in no time.
Well the decision was made and we went to Burger King. As I unload all the kiddos and we were walking up to the door I remembered that they do not take checks anymore..Grrr. You see I have "misplaced" my debit card somewhere around my house and I have not been able to find it anywhere. And to make matters worse, Hailey loves to play with my wallet. So that means that she takes everything out and puts it where ever her little heart desires. Needless to say that also means she has taken out any and every other credit card that I had in there. Point being, all I had was checks because I rarely carry cash.
So I then piled all the children back into the truck and headed to Taco Bell where I was sure that they took checks...I mean I was sure I had written a check there before.
We AGAIN filed out of the truck, walked in the place, I got all the kids situated, including high chair and all. Went through the drama of what ever one wanted to eat, walked up to the counter and big as a barn a sign that said.."We no longer accept checks, sorry for the inconvenience." Yeah right!!
I then had to gather all 4 of the kids AGAIN and leave the restaurant explaining the whole way out....
Come on Jarred, I know you wanted a taco, but we will be right back..Yes I know we already did this...
Yes Jake I have money, just not with me. Yes, it is at the bank..Yes I know where a bank is...
Come on Jackie hold Jake's hand..Yes I know you are hungry...
Let's go sissy... We go bye-bye....
Next Stop .......A BANK......
Next mission...Find my ATM CARD!!!
Next rule..NEVER leave home without it!!
Yesterday I went to "town" to get some groceries at the old faithful Wal-Mart. Jake is out on winter break, a.k.a. our local high school basketball teams are playing in the state tournament, and so He was home from school. I also had my niece for the day so that makes child #4.
So off we go to get all the groceries that my little cart could carry along with a child in the front basket seat, one in the main basket part, one riding on the end and one straggling along behind me because really there was no other place to put him. Unless I loaded him underneath the basket. Can you imagine the stern looks from the Wal-Mart employees that I would get?? You know the ones where they look at you disapprovingly right before they tell YOUR child to set down or tell you that he/she is gonna fall...love that..like you are that bad of a mommy because you let you child stand up in the big basket part of your cart. Does that bug anybody else or am I just over the top about that??
Anyway, we arrived in the town right at lunch time and well the troops were starting to get restless and they needed food. I thought no biggie I'll just grab them a quick bite to eat and then we can get to Wally World, and knock this errand out in no time.
Well the decision was made and we went to Burger King. As I unload all the kiddos and we were walking up to the door I remembered that they do not take checks anymore..Grrr. You see I have "misplaced" my debit card somewhere around my house and I have not been able to find it anywhere. And to make matters worse, Hailey loves to play with my wallet. So that means that she takes everything out and puts it where ever her little heart desires. Needless to say that also means she has taken out any and every other credit card that I had in there. Point being, all I had was checks because I rarely carry cash.
So I then piled all the children back into the truck and headed to Taco Bell where I was sure that they took checks...I mean I was sure I had written a check there before.
We AGAIN filed out of the truck, walked in the place, I got all the kids situated, including high chair and all. Went through the drama of what ever one wanted to eat, walked up to the counter and big as a barn a sign that said.."We no longer accept checks, sorry for the inconvenience." Yeah right!!
I then had to gather all 4 of the kids AGAIN and leave the restaurant explaining the whole way out....
Come on Jarred, I know you wanted a taco, but we will be right back..Yes I know we already did this...
Yes Jake I have money, just not with me. Yes, it is at the bank..Yes I know where a bank is...
Come on Jackie hold Jake's hand..Yes I know you are hungry...
Let's go sissy... We go bye-bye....
Next Stop .......A BANK......
Next mission...Find my ATM CARD!!!
Next rule..NEVER leave home without it!!
First, you are NOT over the top. The more children you have with you, the more they are looking for signs that you don't care. Not true. I can't empathize much with the card thing as I don't usually use one much. James does though, and would be lost without it. Nothing like unloading, loading, unloading, loading to get a person annoyed. Hope you aren't too downhearted about Trina. Many good memories of this time eh?
meNmykids, at March 3, 2007 at 10:50 AM
You poor dear. Not over the top about the kid in the cart thing. People can be so rude and don't even realize it. They past judgement by one quick look at a situation. Take heart not everyone thinks that way. I am amazed whenever I see a mom out with more than 2 kids - because to me - they are super moms.
Nadine, at March 3, 2007 at 10:57 AM
lol I loved this one! Don't worry after moving up to the big city, it was quite a change figuring out that no where takes checks and everyone takes debit cards..except of course the dollar store! Yeah thats right..after discovering i had became a poor college student i started going to the dollar store to find out they took checks, but not debit cards right after i had finally got into the routine of using a debit card and a debit card only...so yeah..its ok, you aren't in the confusing debit card drama alone~!
Anonymous, at March 3, 2007 at 11:19 AM
Oh ya have been there many times. In wal-mart with one on front of one cart anothr on the front of another and groceries piled high in both. I have missed your posts this week I have gotten spoiled to reading them everday. So glad to see you back.lol
Cherrie, at March 3, 2007 at 12:06 PM
I have SOOO been there before! I usually pay a bill online, or buy something online..and leave my debit card sitting by the computer. Then find out next time I need to use it that I don't have it! LOL SOOOO irritating! Hope you were able to get those poor, starving children fed! hehe
Anna, at March 3, 2007 at 3:11 PM
OH I cant stand when a walmart employee reminds me of my child's safety when Im standing 12 inches from him. Pleeeeeeease!!
Now about the checks or debit card:
Well you know how many times I have had poor luck with such things. I almost always just have cash now. I just hate being caught off guard...hehehe So you know if I had been there, we probably could have managed since Im CASHOLA girl...lol.
Trina, at March 3, 2007 at 7:27 PM
Looking forward to the employees reminded me about my new little one to sit down, when you are Right there, literally sitting them down as they speak.{ nice memory}
The other day I drove all the way to the mall and was in my car going over my well thought over list of thing to purchase to realize I had not brought my debit card. And to make matters worse it took hours to get ready and out the house to do the errand that was not accomplished. Very fun.
Mrs.Martin, at March 5, 2007 at 6:45 AM
I love it! Blogging is so awesome. Way more entertaining than TV. Good luck finding that atm card, but in the meantime keep the funny stories coming!! Chantel
Anonymous, at March 5, 2007 at 1:22 PM
Been there done that a thousand times.
Now I have to make sure I have my debit card before leaving the house. I have been caught too many times without it.
momto3blessings, at March 6, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Wordless Wednesday Mary...join in!!!!
Trina, at March 7, 2007 at 7:12 AM
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Answers :
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Anonymous, at January 18, 2010 at 2:28 AM
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Anonymous, at January 19, 2010 at 11:47 PM
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