Crazy Monday..aka Birthday Party!!
I woke up and got Jake off to school....Took a shower and got ready. Woke Jarred up for school and he was GRRRRUMPPPPY!! We had that little battle this morning and even though we both got over it fairly quickly, it still wasn't fun. I took Jarred to school and then decided to go see a sick sister in our church. I am so bad about going to see about the sick sometimes, that I thought since she was on my mind I better go. I left her house after about an hour or so and went back to get Jarred. We got home and I was starting to get the house picked up for Jake's Birthday party and my phone rings. It is a friend of mine giving me some crazy news . I made a few quick phone calls concerning this news and needed to leave immediately to run a few errands for her. I got back a few hours later, fed the kids and laid Hailey down for her nap. Then I started back to the house cleaning....Jake came home from school and of course wanted a snack. I then helped him with his home work, and remembered that I needed to make cupcakes for the party.( I bought a small cake, but we normally have a big crowd so I thought I would add some cupcakes to the menu. Boy am I glad I did..I made 24 and by the end of the night I had 1 left..hehe) I barely finished making the cupcakes only to drag Hailey out of her nap to take Jake and Jarred to baseball practice.
Well as I was at the first practice I remembered that tonight was a PTA meeting. I haven't been able to make a lot of meetings, and so the president stopped me the other day and said they really need to beef up attendance....this means,
Hello loser mommy, Don't you care about your kids school and helping with the progress to make it better?? Okay got the picture....
Rusty just arrived at the field and so I dashed off to that little meeting with only minutes before it started. The meeting lasted about an hour and it was now 6:55 and the party started at 7:30. I made a quick stop at the ball field and picked up Hailey. I then ran by the store for the cake and ice cream, ran home and started the decorating. LUCKILY one of my nephews was early and was at my house waiting on me and we went to work. Thank you Scott!! So 7:30 rolled around and the guests started to arrive. I then sneaked off to wrap the remaining presents and walked out of my room to a house FULL of company.
IT'S PARTY TIME and all systems were a go......
Everything went smoothly besides the fact that I had 13 children jumping on our trampoline and screaming their heads off..I'm sure my neighbor loved me last night..hehe.
At about 9:00 pm most of them started calling it a night. Jake of course was totally bummed and was asking for it (the party) to last longer. I explained that it was a school night and everyone was tired....most of all ME!! Whew!
Here are a few pics from the big shin-dig:
Here is a picture of Jake and his you will notice I had to DRAAAAAG a smile out of him all night..hehe
Here is a pic of the whole crew...not many girls, but the screams that were coming from the trampoline, you would have thought that it was an 8 yr. old GIRL party, not an 8yr. old boy party.. They all have quite the set of lungs.
Of coursed I missed the actual blowing out of the candle..No surprise
This was one of the best smiles he had all night...sigh.
So the pattern continues of the "forced smile." This one I thought for sure I could capture a great pic...He was begging us for this bat all weekend. I was like:
"Okay smile Jake....No, smile I said......Jake SMILE!!" And this is what I got..hehe
Well there you have it, another birthday down. I still can't believe that I have an 8yr. old!!!
Happy Birthday Jake!!
We Love YOU!!!
Happy Birthday Jake. What I love about reading your blog it always gives me a smile - your humor about life is great. Too funny the "force smile" pictures - that is what happens now with my kids as grown ups they don't like pictures.
Nadine, at April 17, 2007 at 9:49 PM
Whew! I get tired just reading your blog - LOL! And you're brave holding the party on a school night. I can relate to all the runnings, etc...sometimes we have too much on our plate and we don't realise it. But hey, you managed to pull it off so, BRAVA!!
la bellina mammina, at April 17, 2007 at 11:47 PM
Happy Birthday Jake! You had a full day without it being a Birth Day too. But that is what a good mom does, make sure it gets done anyway. I was tired reading it.
Love the pics of all the kids. Very fun to see them.
Love ya
Mrs.Martin, at April 18, 2007 at 6:28 AM
You did have a busy didn't mention all the phone calls you juggled in between there too! lol...thanks for the help too Mary! So the strange thing is that it really only seems like last month that we were at his seventh bday party. Life is flying by! Happy Birthday Jake!
Trina, at April 18, 2007 at 8:06 AM
Sound like you had your plate full. You did a awesome job pulling it off. Glad you made it and tell Jake Happy B-day.
Cherrie, at April 18, 2007 at 11:58 AM
Looks like fun. Glad that you were able to get it all done. Trent just turned 9 and I almost cried. It is going too fast.
meNmykids, at April 18, 2007 at 1:51 PM
Whew! I am exhausted just reading about your day!!! ha!
I love the smile with the baseball bat! forced or not, it's cute!
Lori, at April 18, 2007 at 2:52 PM
Wow! you really got your exercise in running from place to place to place...
Chantel H, at April 18, 2007 at 4:13 PM
Wow! are you a busy lady! Sounds like some great memories though!
D, at April 18, 2007 at 5:49 PM is amazing what one person can get done in one day. Looks like Jake's party was really nice.
Beth, at April 20, 2007 at 9:38 AM
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