Social Skills.......

Social Skills... What are they and do people not teach them to their kids anymore?? Isn't staring STILL impolite?? Okay so I know I probably sound like some old lady who should be starting my sentence with, "Back in my day..." But really people, what is the deal. Now of course I am not speaking to any of my dear bloggin buddies..hehe or really I'm not even speaking to anybody in particular except for the man and his 3 children who sat next to me at lunch today.......
So today my children and I venture off to a town about 1 hr. away to do a little shopping. I needed to get Hailey an Easter Dress, plus Jake and Hailey's B-day is coming up and I like to take them to the toy section so they can give me some ideas. Anyhoo...We stopped at my kiddos favorite place for lunch..Wendys. I know it is weird, there is no play ground there, but my boys are all about the food and they love Wendy's chicken nuggets. So I get my kids set in a booth/table and we are all settled in and begin eating.
This man and his 3 kids comes in about half way through our meal and they sit down at the table adjacent to us. So 2 of his children's backs were to us, but the way this Wendy's dining area is designed the back of their booth was the side of our booth....can ya picture it? If not, sorry, I'm sure some of you are like what in the world is she Bottom line, we were crazy close to each other...really, closer than 2 separate families opt be to each other.
So my kids and I were chatting away with each other when I feel these eyes on me. I look up and both children are turned completely around in the seats and staring at us. I would say these kids were like maybe 7 and like 9 or so, I mean we are not talking babies here. Now the dad hadn't sat down yet so I'm not thinking too much about it and I smile at them (in which I didn't get response, not even a smile back) and continue on with my meal, trying to focus on Jake's millionth question.
But the staring doesn't stop. The dad soon sits down and I'm thinking finally, but..nothing. He does nothing!! I mean I'm not talking about the occasional glance here. I'm talking full blown turn around in their chairs, hand on the the back of the booth, eating their cheeseburgers as they are mesmerised by my little family. I feel like maybe I was unwillingly entering a staring contest and I kept losing and they were wanting a constant rematch!!
It was out of control and the Dad was in his own little world and I was thinking..."HELLLLLLLLO?????"
I mean my kids were talking about the toys they got in their little meals and they were looking down at the toys as if my children were speaking to them. I was just waiting for one of them to join our conversation, they might as well have they were basically sitting on our laps. It was so crazy!! I left the restaurant laughing to myself and making a major mental note...
Social Skills are a must and staring is a major children who stare kinda creep me out!!...LOL
Watch, I just sealed my children's fate as SOCIAL MISFITS!!
BTW.... I want to thank ALL of you for your kind words after my last post. Everyone was soooooo sweet and thoughtful. It really warms my heart that some took the time to say little prayers on my behalf..I am truly BLESSED!!!
So today my children and I venture off to a town about 1 hr. away to do a little shopping. I needed to get Hailey an Easter Dress, plus Jake and Hailey's B-day is coming up and I like to take them to the toy section so they can give me some ideas. Anyhoo...We stopped at my kiddos favorite place for lunch..Wendys. I know it is weird, there is no play ground there, but my boys are all about the food and they love Wendy's chicken nuggets. So I get my kids set in a booth/table and we are all settled in and begin eating.
This man and his 3 kids comes in about half way through our meal and they sit down at the table adjacent to us. So 2 of his children's backs were to us, but the way this Wendy's dining area is designed the back of their booth was the side of our booth....can ya picture it? If not, sorry, I'm sure some of you are like what in the world is she Bottom line, we were crazy close to each other...really, closer than 2 separate families opt be to each other.
So my kids and I were chatting away with each other when I feel these eyes on me. I look up and both children are turned completely around in the seats and staring at us. I would say these kids were like maybe 7 and like 9 or so, I mean we are not talking babies here. Now the dad hadn't sat down yet so I'm not thinking too much about it and I smile at them (in which I didn't get response, not even a smile back) and continue on with my meal, trying to focus on Jake's millionth question.
But the staring doesn't stop. The dad soon sits down and I'm thinking finally, but..nothing. He does nothing!! I mean I'm not talking about the occasional glance here. I'm talking full blown turn around in their chairs, hand on the the back of the booth, eating their cheeseburgers as they are mesmerised by my little family. I feel like maybe I was unwillingly entering a staring contest and I kept losing and they were wanting a constant rematch!!
It was out of control and the Dad was in his own little world and I was thinking..."HELLLLLLLLO?????"
I mean my kids were talking about the toys they got in their little meals and they were looking down at the toys as if my children were speaking to them. I was just waiting for one of them to join our conversation, they might as well have they were basically sitting on our laps. It was so crazy!! I left the restaurant laughing to myself and making a major mental note...
Social Skills are a must and staring is a major children who stare kinda creep me out!!...LOL
Watch, I just sealed my children's fate as SOCIAL MISFITS!!
BTW.... I want to thank ALL of you for your kind words after my last post. Everyone was soooooo sweet and thoughtful. It really warms my heart that some took the time to say little prayers on my behalf..I am truly BLESSED!!!
I KNOW what you mean. I have had that happen, and it is even worse when they don't even crack a smile at you. Definately a nerve issue for me.
meNmykids, at April 4, 2007 at 7:22 AM
I have had that happen too! You wonder what in the world the Dad is thinking by not getting on to his children. Actually, he was probably thinking..."Hey, this is AWESOME, I don't have to do anything but eat now...perfect!" LOL Good Grief!!
Trina, at April 4, 2007 at 8:04 AM
I think I would of had to say something. Not sure if I would of had the nerve but I can at least think I would of....hehehe. So next time I see you I will be sure to stare you
Cherrie, at April 4, 2007 at 3:39 PM
Laughing so hard at that post. I think because it is a pet peeve of mine too. Which of course, makes this story funny. LOL I think I could defenitely feel your pain and akwardness. I would have stopped eating and turned around and stared at Daddy. Dead Pan Look and all. Stare off....
Mrs.Martin, at April 4, 2007 at 5:40 PM
I totally understand Mary. I can so notice when someone is staring and it can be a little creepy to say the least. I have to see I could picture the whole thing in my mind, very funny.
Nadine, at April 4, 2007 at 8:20 PM
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