T-Ball 2007
As I mentioned before he did have a few minor breakdowns, but for the most part it was a good year. Rusty and I really talked to him about keeping his emotions under control and it took some effort, but we managed to make some great progress.
So in honor of his good little season I thought I would share some pics of my little T-Baller..aka Major Leaguer..in action.
Here he is in all his glory.. all 45 inches and 5 full years of him!!
He started the season off at 2nd base and then they moved him to shortstop. Here he is of course down in his "ready position"...a little something he has heard Dad yelling at his big brother for the past couple weeks..hehe
Here he is making a routine stop.
Another shot of him stopping a grounder..My Dad took these pics and he did sooooo awesome about capturing the pic at the right time..great job Dad!!
Here he is eyeing the ball to take a major whack at it!!
And here comes the WHACK!!
Running for his life to the next base..Seriously I am not exaggerating when I say this, at times this is how he felt..Sigh
Waiting intensely for the crack of the bat so he could run Home..hehe
Coach Rusty watching and coaching from the outfield in his usual position and spitting sunflower seeds to pass the time.
All in all it was a great year and a lot of fun. Jarred improved alot on his baseball skills, but even more importantly I think he gained some major ground in life lessons.
Great Job Cubbies and Great Job Jarred!!!
I'm glad you're back. You have been missed. Okay, I know I don't really know you, but I've come to know you through your posts. So when I say this it is a totally honest bystander talking - Your son is adorable. Oh my...I love the way he looks in his uniform - too cute. He looked like he was having fun.
Nadine, at May 21, 2007 at 10:03 PM
How cute. I remember all the hustle and bustle going on there at that time of year. Glad that you had a good season and that Jarred learned his life lessons too!
meNmykids, at May 22, 2007 at 8:31 AM
Ohhh that is such a great time of year, busy, but a chance to see everyone and all the kids. He looks like he had another fantastic year, and your right those life lessons are just as critical. Way to go Cubbies and Jarred! Lots and lots of love!
Trina, at May 22, 2007 at 10:53 AM
We missed you while we were taking a little break! I'm glad that ya'll had a fun time with your parents. Love the pictures and he is such a cutie!
Michelle, at May 22, 2007 at 10:58 AM
Missed your stories lately! I'm sure baseball season keeps you running ~ those were some AWESOME pics!! Your dad captured some exact moments - not easy to do!
Lori, at May 22, 2007 at 3:10 PM
Missed You! And that was so fun to see Jarred. He is so little to have such good form.
It made Alexis miss it there to see your hubby and Jarred.
Mrs.Martin, at May 22, 2007 at 3:46 PM
I'm glad you're back! I kept stopping by to see...What fun! Your little guy is adorable!
D, at May 22, 2007 at 5:36 PM
Glad you're back! Jarred is just sooo cute! :-)
la bellina mammina, at May 22, 2007 at 7:52 PM
Those were sweet pictures! Do you scrapbook...those would make perfect pages!
I think that it's great that you're teaching him to control himself and preparing him to be a good sport. Most parents (or at least it seems that way!) allow their kids to think it's all about them and that they'll always win. I ran into that in the classroom where kids couldn't handle anything but winning. Life is a tough place to find out sometimes you don't win so kudoes to you for helping him understand that early!
Steff, at May 25, 2007 at 11:53 PM
Looks as if he had a good time. Love all the pictures makes me feel as though I was there.
Cherrie, at May 26, 2007 at 12:14 PM
Hi Mary!
Just wanted to check in with ya! You have not popped up on my bloglines lately so I thought I would just drop by and say hello!
Michelle, at May 31, 2007 at 4:44 PM
Hey Mary - just checking in. It's been a while since you posted or stopped by. I hope that all is good in your world.
Nadine, at June 6, 2007 at 6:27 AM
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