A Clean Sweep!!
Okay so as some of you may or may not be aware of I have been slightly M.I.A....Well sorry about that, however I am now back and lets see if I can keep up with it again and get back in to the swing of things...Plus I think my Dear Trina is loosing her patience with me..hehe
Things have been pretty crazy lately. We recently traveled back to Oklahoma for my niece's wedding and we just got home last week. I will post about the details of the wedding and the trip when I have some pics to go along with the posts, because we all love little images with our stories..hehe
So now I am back and looking around my cluttered house and am ready for a change!! Anybody who knows me knows that change for me is almost a Bad Word, but I think that this time I am ready to embrace it and get going. Rusty and I are planning on doing some remodeling work to our place and I am feeling the need to simplify the task with getting rid of unwanted items. You know what I am talking about, like that pretty little knick-knack that somebody's aunt bought you that now is just a constant dust ball, or that big half broken race car set that just sits in the boys' room because you spent too much money on it just to toss it. I mean MAYBE just MAYBE they can use their imaginations and use the others parts and build a whole new track, right??..Wrong!! I mean how many empty egg cartons do I need on my refrigerator when I DON"T even own chickens?? How many McDonald toys does my children need to jog their memory of the great time they had one day last week when they opened their little bag, and after their cheeseburger was eaten and the fries devoured they found a stuffed tiger to entertain them for the next 30 mins? Or the little man at the bottom of the toy box you are pretty sure that you saw one on them playing with last week or was it the week before..Sigh...See what I mean, I could go on FOREVER!!
Bottom line..I am in the mood to de-junk this house and get ready for the renovation. Hopefully I didn't paint such a pic of my house that you are thinking that I need a mask and protective suit just to make it to the back door..LOL Just a little Spring Cleaning and a whole lot of Tossing and I will be feeling MUCH better about this little house we call our Home.
Any ideas on what works for all you blogging pals out there will not only be appreciated, but probably used to the fullest extent..HeHe
Things have been pretty crazy lately. We recently traveled back to Oklahoma for my niece's wedding and we just got home last week. I will post about the details of the wedding and the trip when I have some pics to go along with the posts, because we all love little images with our stories..hehe
So now I am back and looking around my cluttered house and am ready for a change!! Anybody who knows me knows that change for me is almost a Bad Word, but I think that this time I am ready to embrace it and get going. Rusty and I are planning on doing some remodeling work to our place and I am feeling the need to simplify the task with getting rid of unwanted items. You know what I am talking about, like that pretty little knick-knack that somebody's aunt bought you that now is just a constant dust ball, or that big half broken race car set that just sits in the boys' room because you spent too much money on it just to toss it. I mean MAYBE just MAYBE they can use their imaginations and use the others parts and build a whole new track, right??..Wrong!! I mean how many empty egg cartons do I need on my refrigerator when I DON"T even own chickens?? How many McDonald toys does my children need to jog their memory of the great time they had one day last week when they opened their little bag, and after their cheeseburger was eaten and the fries devoured they found a stuffed tiger to entertain them for the next 30 mins? Or the little man at the bottom of the toy box you are pretty sure that you saw one on them playing with last week or was it the week before..Sigh...See what I mean, I could go on FOREVER!!
Bottom line..I am in the mood to de-junk this house and get ready for the renovation. Hopefully I didn't paint such a pic of my house that you are thinking that I need a mask and protective suit just to make it to the back door..LOL Just a little Spring Cleaning and a whole lot of Tossing and I will be feeling MUCH better about this little house we call our Home.
Any ideas on what works for all you blogging pals out there will not only be appreciated, but probably used to the fullest extent..HeHe
Yay...my Mary is back!! WOOHOOO! Okay, I can totally relate. I love to dejunk! Okay my tip is to take a black trash bag. Black because once its in the bag you cant see it again. No remorse! And just fill that baby up. Go room to room and just toss little stuff here and there in it. Then just put it by the curb, never to think about it again. The black bag is for the kids and the hubby too. Nobody will question the black garbage bag once outside! Post before and after pics!
Trina, at June 25, 2007 at 5:13 PM
Yeah! You're back. You know I've missed reading about you and your lovely family. I'm glad you're back.
Nadine, at June 25, 2007 at 7:27 PM
Yay...you were missed!!! Can't wait to hear what all you've been up to!
Just take it one room at a time is my advice!
Lori, at June 25, 2007 at 7:46 PM
We have disposal issues here at my house. I love Trinas idea, and use it regularly with a few necessary modifications. You are probably not married to quite the packrat that I am, with quite the packrats as children, but if you are anywhere near, listen up. Fly through your house with the black plastic bag hoping no-one will see you, then HIDE THE BAG. Out of sight, out of mind. Of course you'll have to leave yourself a note so you don't forget trash day... "The unmentionable will need to go out in the trash, it is in the garage, behind the lawnmower, above the old freezer, with an old blanket spread over it, possibly a lock attached." If you don't you may find the little man that has not been played with for weeks in your front yard chewed up by the lawnmower or dog, whichever got to it first. Okay, I hope that I got accross the importance of secrecy? All black plastic bags are suspicious to my family, we've been through this routine too many times now I guess. Or maybe it is the guilty look on my face? Good luck.
meNmykids, at June 25, 2007 at 10:29 PM
Hi I'm glad your back on here...I'm going to have to go with Gale on this one secrecy is very important, cuz once the kids see you are throwing away all there stuff they will be heartbroken, and negotiations will begin to take place. Really the best method is to make sure they are gone, and then just go hog wild!! When they come back they may notice one or two items missing, but 98% of the stuff they wont even realize is gone. You are going to feel so much better when it is all done...I always do
Marisela, at June 26, 2007 at 6:58 AM
I totally agree dejunking is great!I can do it about once a month i think in some rooms of the house.It is a good idea to maybe do it when the little ones have gone to grandmas' house .Very glad to see you back !
michelle, at June 26, 2007 at 8:17 AM
You need to come to my house and help me. I just moved in and I already feel very clutered. Doesn't help that our house is only a two bedroom and we have three kids. I believe if you have not used something in the past year then you really don't need it. So get it out of your house. Not that I use my advice all the time. But it sounds good. So glad your back. Wish I could of seen you while you was here in O.K. but I totally understand a wedding and family is first.
Cherrie, at June 26, 2007 at 8:17 AM
You were missed!! Glad you're back! I agree with Lori...one room at a time, and I find it easier to decide to do one room per day or one room per two days depending on the size and amount of stuff. Just keep plugging away at it!
Lindsey, at June 26, 2007 at 11:03 AM
Hey!! Welcome back!!
I wish I could be like Trina, just go around with a big, black plastic bag...but I can't :-(, so I'll be stealing ideas from here as I need to de-clutter my apartment too! :-)
la bellina mammina, at June 26, 2007 at 8:57 PM
I've been contemplating a dejunking session myself. McDonald's toys are responsible for 1/2 of the kid clutter in my boy's room. ~Karlie
ConservaChick, at June 26, 2007 at 11:25 PM
Good luck with the spring cleaning...but I warn you. It's not as much fun as that TLC show Clean Sweep. It's dirty work, but so worth it when it's all done!
Glad to see you're back!
Steff, at June 27, 2007 at 10:51 AM
Found your blog on Trina's. My husband's in the military so we move every few years.In fact next week will be our 18th move in 29 years of marriage. Great way to force me to clean out closets and junk drawers! But I do agree with the black trash bag idea. I'll pass it along to my kids who are now out of the house and never want to move again!
Anonymous, at June 28, 2007 at 8:47 PM
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