Jake's 2007 Baseball Season
Well it was our last weekend of baseball and can I say I was soooooo ready for the season to be over!! It has been fun and stuff, but I'm ready to just not have anything planned for the weekend and Ohh I don't know maybe get some work done on my HOUSE!!! Call me crazy, but my hope is still to have it accomplished by end of summer, however I feel that it now becoming a dream, like a pipe-dream..LOL
Anyway, off my soapbox for a moment to share some pics of Jake and his baseball season. His original season started in April, but he made the All-Stars and so the season was extended a bit. This was his first season in minors. He just turned 8 in April so really he could have still played a year in T-Ball, but we decided to move him up. He had a blast, but I worry that the little pressure cooker that he puts himself in each game, might cause an ulcer by the ripe ol'age of 81/2.. Actually, his nerves were under control throughout the regular season, but when All-Stars came around it was a different story. However to his defense he was the youngest on his team and we were playing against teams from Seattle and Spokane..in other words he was in WAY over his head at times. Really our whole team was, but what do you do...We actually saw a pitcher who used to play for the Mariners and Dan Wilson (Also Mariners former player) as apposing coaches and they weren't even coaching the same team...get my drift here?? However he did good considering all the circumstances and as Rusty says,
"In theory this should better him for next year."
Yeah if he lives through this year..hehe.
Anyway, here are the pics.....
This was during the regular season..Waiting patiently for a good pitch to hit....
Down in his ready stance....Notice the bulge of sunflower seeds in his back pocket....Rusty was constantly telling him to get his hands out of his back pocket. At first I thought he was having wedgie problems..LOL
The wind up.....
The stretch....
And the delivery....
I just love those 3 pics!! Rusty pitched back in his day and so as you would figure both the boys are just chomping at the bit to get a chance to follow in Dad's footsteps......
Here he is in an All-Star game, playing 2nd base...He is in mid-creeping up position...The "new" ready stance for the infield in to start back and slowly walk up with your legs bent, glove out, down and ready for the ball...Sigh, and this is what we got...LOL...But he is only 8..We had to remind ourselves of this often.....
Here he is at bat in our last tournament..He did much better this weekend..At least the pale face and look of terror was out of his eyes when he would go up to bat...Or he just figured out how to tame the beast....
Again the last tournament and he just stole 2nd base...
Well the season is now over and we our sooo proud of him!! He did great and his love for the Sport is what is one of the best parts. Even when we get killed by the other teams and get back to the house he still is asking Rusty or me to go play catch with him...Now if Rusty and I can just keep from ruining that for him, all will be Okay in his world...hehe
Great Job and We love You Jake!!
Jake looks so much older Mary and .. he just looks so darn intent on winning, doesn't he.
Absolutely adorable!
Mrs.Martin, at July 2, 2007 at 4:52 PM
You are such a good mommy taking all those pictures of your little man. Know its time to get that spring cleaning done and when your done there come on over..hehehe
Cherrie, at July 2, 2007 at 5:50 PM
What do you mean if you havent started your house remodel? hahaha It just turned July...so maybe there is still time...*crossing fingers for ya* Although...I think you have a little something to do July 12-15th...Yeah check your calendar because there are no refunds for all the fun you are about to have when you get here...LOL!
Jake is sooo big!! He did great! Played up this year and still made it to the All-Stars..woohooo!! Great job Jakester!!
Trina, at July 2, 2007 at 6:10 PM
I love the sunflower seeds in the back pocket!!! And you thought he had a wedgie problem! HA!!!
Lori, at July 2, 2007 at 6:41 PM
I love all your photos! They're really beautiful.
Way to go Jake!My son's baseball season ended weeks ago - and he's missing it so much...and no, I didn't take any photos, apart from him holding his trophy!! :-)
Also love the wedding photos - apart from the gorgeous couple, your family is gorgeous too!
la bellina mammina, at July 2, 2007 at 9:03 PM
Looks like it was a great season. He did great! I like all the pictures.
Marisela, at July 2, 2007 at 9:52 PM
Jake looks so cute and I love how he looks like a little pro in all those pictures. I don't know but there is something about kids in uniform, playing and having fun that is just precious.
Nadine, at July 2, 2007 at 10:33 PM
You can see how seriously he takes it all! He is so cute.
meNmykids, at July 3, 2007 at 12:57 PM
Great job Jake!! He looks like he loves the sport and I love the pitching pictures!!
Lindsey, at July 3, 2007 at 8:28 PM
Hey! Nice to see you in the blog world too! Great pictures of the baseball season. It's so much fun, but it does get long after awhile. Especially when the kids make it to the all stars! Way to go Jake!
It was fun reading through your blog. The wedding photos are beautiful. It sounds like your little man doesn't want to get tied down too soon. I had to laugh... that was just too cute!
Mrs. Mom, at July 5, 2007 at 9:39 AM
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