Just Hanging Out
As you might guess my the kids were very intrigued as to why this little fellow was resting so calmly and just checking us out as we checked him out.....
I mean he was soo crazy close to the door that we had to be careful not to smash him as we went in and out of the house. I figured once all the hustle and bustle of us carrying in the groceries got going it would spook him, but nope, he was just content to hang out for a while. Then I got to worrying that maybe he was hurt and I would have to play "Vet" to him and if you know me.. I don't like critters (check out previous post for more info on this subject)..Sigh.. so when I saw that he had hoped off the cement to venture back into the big bad world I was quite relieved. I just thought that it was kinda cool that he let us get so close to him and I was able to snap a few shots. You see I need proof to show Rusty that I got that close to an animal and still lived to tell about it. Yes, even a harmless little birdie. LOL
I wonder if he flew into the door and was trying to regain his senses? ha!
I can't believe you are scared of critters - even pet critters? You wouldn't survive a minute at my miniature petting zoo! LOL!
Lori, at July 5, 2007 at 3:20 PM
Awww...that is so sweet! I would have picked it up, which I know would have been a bad idea. I don't think I could have resisted! That is so sweet! I bet your kids will remember that for awhile.
Hey at least it wasn't a loud, obnoxious, chicken right? LOL
Trina, at July 5, 2007 at 4:25 PM
You know, I'm frightened of chipmunks, so no judgment here! What a neat experience for the kids! ~Karlie
ConservaChick, at July 5, 2007 at 10:27 PM
That's cool...once we had a little sparrow fly into our house and get stuck between our double pained windows, and we had to capture it and take it back outside...it was quite the ordeal, but I felt somewhat blessed and comforted by it because it reminded me of that verse in the Bible.
Marisela, at July 6, 2007 at 7:10 AM
What a pretty bird. I'm sure your children will remember it forever. My kids are always on the watch for an animal in need. Wish they weren't, we've got into some interesting predicaments because of it. Never touch and then there's no responsibility toward it. You made the right choice, you chicken.
meNmykids, at July 6, 2007 at 7:50 AM
It looks as though it belonged. The kids would of loved a pet bird I'm sure. lol
Cherrie, at July 6, 2007 at 1:26 PM
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