Scared of the Dark
EARLY this morning at about 5:50 to be exact, I hear this faint little squeak on my bedroom floor and being the light sleeper that I am (most mommies are, aren't they?) it brings me out of my little dream world and I am now awake, but my eyes are still shut..I then feel a slight lean on me bed and I open one eye to see my 5 yr. old bent down in my face and saying..
"Yes," I say.
"I need to go to the bathroom."
I then say, "Well go then."
He does and then he leaves our room. Only to return 5 mins. later to ask if he can turn the main bathroom light on. You see, if he does this than the stream of light will fall in his bedroom and the darkness won't feel so scary. I know this because this is something that Jarred has been battling lately..He is in that phase where he is scared of the dark.
About 15 min. later I hear a little something that sounds like he is in the bathroom again. I give him a few more mins., but I don't see him pass in the hallway and so I begrudgingly get up to check on him..You know it is always that silly thought in your mind that something could happen to them, and you could have maybe prevented it, but you were too lazy to check on them..hehe
I got up and looked into the bathroom..No Jarred
I checked his bed..No Jarred....UHHHMMMM...
I checked the floor of our bedroom, a favorite spot that he likes to lay down at when we have said he needs to go get back in his bed.....Still No Jarred
Okay so my heart is starting to pick up a little and I'm thinking that surely he didn't go wonder through the house because even though it really wasn't dark, it still would spook him out...Nope, he is not in any of the other rooms...
I check back in their room and look all round...No Jarred....I mean their room is dark, but not that dark, thanks to the 5 night lights we have going in there
(No that isn't a typo. I said 5..see what I mean about the scared of the dark thing.) As I start to get panicked and pull all the covers off his bed I stand back and I see a little raised head pop up in Jake's bed..They have bunk beds.
I say, "There you are..Mommy was getting nervous." I of course down play my stress level because I don't want to add to his fears by acting like something could actually happen to him in the safety of his home. He smiles and I say, "Your gonna sleep with Jake?" He nods and I give him a kiss, and relieved I go back to bed. It is now about 6:15. About 10 mins. later he comes back into our bedroom and asks to sleep with us...I knew Rusty's alarm would be going of soon and so I told him I would just go get in his bed...Sigh..
He tosses and turns and FINALLY falls asleep just as Rusty's alarm goes off at 6:55. GRRR...I have now been up and moving about for the last hr and 5 min and the chance of me going back to sleep is probably non-existent!!
Rusty leaves and I slide out of the Oh too small for 2 people bed and jump back into my bed and pretend that I will gracefully fall back to sleep. Pretend being the key word here.
So as you can see I gave up. I made some Hot Tea and decided to use the peace and quiet of the morning to call a close friend who lives in a different time zone and catch up on whats been going on in her little world...Hi Amy!!
Anyhoo...My day is now started, no matter how early it came, and so I guess I will get off of here and be productive because after all the laundry won't do itself...will it?? Hope everyone has a great day!! And I hope my little boy will quickly get past this stage and we can move on to the next..on second thought what will the next one be???
"Yes," I say.
"I need to go to the bathroom."
I then say, "Well go then."
He does and then he leaves our room. Only to return 5 mins. later to ask if he can turn the main bathroom light on. You see, if he does this than the stream of light will fall in his bedroom and the darkness won't feel so scary. I know this because this is something that Jarred has been battling lately..He is in that phase where he is scared of the dark.
About 15 min. later I hear a little something that sounds like he is in the bathroom again. I give him a few more mins., but I don't see him pass in the hallway and so I begrudgingly get up to check on him..You know it is always that silly thought in your mind that something could happen to them, and you could have maybe prevented it, but you were too lazy to check on them..hehe
I got up and looked into the bathroom..No Jarred
I checked his bed..No Jarred....UHHHMMMM...
I checked the floor of our bedroom, a favorite spot that he likes to lay down at when we have said he needs to go get back in his bed.....Still No Jarred
Okay so my heart is starting to pick up a little and I'm thinking that surely he didn't go wonder through the house because even though it really wasn't dark, it still would spook him out...Nope, he is not in any of the other rooms...
I check back in their room and look all round...No Jarred....I mean their room is dark, but not that dark, thanks to the 5 night lights we have going in there
(No that isn't a typo. I said 5..see what I mean about the scared of the dark thing.) As I start to get panicked and pull all the covers off his bed I stand back and I see a little raised head pop up in Jake's bed..They have bunk beds.
I say, "There you are..Mommy was getting nervous." I of course down play my stress level because I don't want to add to his fears by acting like something could actually happen to him in the safety of his home. He smiles and I say, "Your gonna sleep with Jake?" He nods and I give him a kiss, and relieved I go back to bed. It is now about 6:15. About 10 mins. later he comes back into our bedroom and asks to sleep with us...I knew Rusty's alarm would be going of soon and so I told him I would just go get in his bed...Sigh..
He tosses and turns and FINALLY falls asleep just as Rusty's alarm goes off at 6:55. GRRR...I have now been up and moving about for the last hr and 5 min and the chance of me going back to sleep is probably non-existent!!
Rusty leaves and I slide out of the Oh too small for 2 people bed and jump back into my bed and pretend that I will gracefully fall back to sleep. Pretend being the key word here.
So as you can see I gave up. I made some Hot Tea and decided to use the peace and quiet of the morning to call a close friend who lives in a different time zone and catch up on whats been going on in her little world...Hi Amy!!
Anyhoo...My day is now started, no matter how early it came, and so I guess I will get off of here and be productive because after all the laundry won't do itself...will it?? Hope everyone has a great day!! And I hope my little boy will quickly get past this stage and we can move on to the next..on second thought what will the next one be???
I just love those kind of nights, NOT. lol. Well it was probably the best thing to give up and get up. When I try to get back to sleep my whole day is messed up and the house is usually trashed by kids who got up while I was asleep. I hope it gets better soon.
Anonymous, at July 11, 2007 at 9:31 AM
I just love those kind of nights, NOT. lol. Well it was probably the best thing to give up and get up. When I try to get back to sleep my whole day is messed up and the house is usually trashed by kids who got up while I was asleep. I hope it gets better soon.
Anonymous, at July 11, 2007 at 9:31 AM
What a good mommy for getting up and checking on him. That old imagination of ours of the "What ifs" is miserable! Im sorry that you guys had that sort of night and morning too. Hopefully it wont be a pattern, and you can play catch up tonight!
Trina, at July 11, 2007 at 11:47 AM
I wish him better luck than me - I am 34 and still sleep with a night light! :-) But I only have 1! ha!
Lori, at July 11, 2007 at 2:14 PM
That poor guy. You are a good mommy to get up and check on him. And I hope you can get some sleep soon.
Cherrie, at July 11, 2007 at 5:57 PM
5 night lights? wow. And I though mine were bad. Of course you had to get up, you wouldn't have slept anyway for the worry. Gracious, I hate it when that happens. (don't I sound like a grandma? Gracious.) Land Sakes. Fiddlesticks, My Stars... Whatever, I think I'm tired too. Forgive my late night ramblings!
meNmykids, at July 11, 2007 at 10:20 PM
Oh the memories this post brought back. We lived in a two bedroom house and we had five children at the time. So we built on more bedrooms. Each child had their own bed. Even so, every morning we'd find all five children squished into one bed.
Five night lights! I had to laugh... But I felt your nervousness as you searched the house for the little man.
Mrs. Mom, at July 12, 2007 at 9:15 AM
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