Swim Lessons
Here is Hailey testing out the water, or should I say her new "swing"....probably too dangerous for a 2 yr. old's slippery little hands don't ya think??
This is what I got when I told her to put her head under water....
Not exactly what I was meaning.....
Finally living life on the wild side and starting to enjoy the water....
However this is how she spent most of her time at the pool....
And now on to the actual lessons.......
Here is Jarred fighting a kick board through the water.
Jarred floating on his back. This was one of his favorite drills.
This is Jarred's least favorite drill....Jumping in to the deep end. I can't tell you how many times that poor instructor counted to 3 without even so much of a twitch from Jarred. Check out his cold little class mates in the background. That didn't even phase his fear...Sigh
So after MUCH persuasion he would jump in and spend the rest of free time right here....
Now for Jake....
Having some one-on-one time with the instructor..
Jake applying what he learned.
HEAD DOWN JAKE!! He finally started to get the hang of diving. Thank Goodness..I don't think this mommy could have handled too many more belly-flops. It stared to even make my tummy hurt!!
The end is here!!
In case you couldn't tell apparently we are serious about our swimming here, I mean GOGGLES are a must...lol.
I think they had fun and even though at times I questioned how much they were REALLY learning, they both came away with something new. I mean what more could I ask for..At least I didn't have to pay to watch some 16 yr girl flirt with a 17 yr. boy like I have in the previous years..LOL But in our little town beggars can't be choosers!!
Looks like they learned! Hailey looks absolutely adorable when you told her to put her head under water. In her mind she did it! I love the literalness of kids...makes me miss my students! The dive looks great!!
Lindsey, at July 30, 2007 at 7:34 PM
It's great that the boys learned so well how to swim. Hailey is absolutely a cutie pie. I love the picture of her putting head under the water.
Nadine, at July 31, 2007 at 12:19 AM
Good for you giving your kids swim lessons. I have never done that but I so would like to. You kids look great and very adorable.
Cherrie, at July 31, 2007 at 5:33 AM
It would be great to have the kids through swimming lessons. I'm glad that yours completed theirs. Hailey is too cute. Love those pictures. I can relate to Jarred.
meNmykids, at July 31, 2007 at 9:23 AM
Hailey is so cute! That is a funny little anecdote. Glad you're having fun with the swim lessons (talking to the whole family, not just you - you might not be having as much fun?). I think I'd be scared jumping off the deep end, too!
Sabriena, at July 31, 2007 at 9:51 AM
Hailey is quite the ham! ha! That third pic of her is precious!! I bet you have to cover her in serious sunscreen though!!
Way to go boys ~ I loved swimming lessons but never mastered diving.
Lori, at July 31, 2007 at 5:57 PM
Hailey is beautiful and her head under water is Perfect.LOL I would spoil her bad mary if she was mine. The boys look so like you and Rusty together, so cute. Amazing how big they are getting, but of course, I remember my relatives always saying when they saw me, YOU ARE GROWing LIKE a WEED. lol
Swimming lessons in that small town is such a blessing!
Mrs.Martin, at July 31, 2007 at 6:27 PM
Hailey looks so cute - like a little mini diva too ! LOL!
la bellina mammina, at July 31, 2007 at 7:07 PM
It looks like the kids were having fun with swim lessons. I loved the photo of Hailey with her head under water... I had to laugh, how cute!
I tagged you, if you wish to play along, great!
Anonymous, at August 1, 2007 at 6:27 AM
Awwww it makes me miss our summers of meeting at the pool during swim lessons, chais in hand....*sigh* The boys look like they are really coming along, and good for Hailey for getting her hair wet at all. Pretty soon she will be right alongside those boys in that water. Crazy how fast time goes by!
Trina, at August 2, 2007 at 11:51 AM
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