Friday, August 10, 2007


Whelp, Hailey did it..she is now officially Potty-Trained!! Three cheers for Miss Hailey Ann!!

Actually she has been for about 3 or 4 weeks now, but I am just now finally getting around to blogging it. She did really well and I am pleased to brag that she only had about 2 accidents and none of the yucky kind..Yeah for me on that one!!..LOL

I have really been pretty fortunate, because all 3 of my kids have been easy in this area. Believe me this had nothing to do with me or my parenting skills. I have however, found a few little things that help this transition to go more smoothly, at least for my kiddos.

The major key I think in every child is they have to be ready and able to communicate. This of course means that there wasn't a MAGIC age that I expected my kids to been trained by, or even an age that made me start working with them. I just kinda followed their lead. One major sign that all my kids sent me was waking up in the mornings and from nap time with a dry diaper. That was always my cue that they were starting to be ready. Then, when they were able to tell me if they needed their diaper changed I was like Okay here we go....

I know their are various ways to actually train them and some work for some children and others work for other children, but this is what worked for me.
1. I would first set aside about 1 week and plan on not really going anywhere (except the obvious, store, church and such).
2. I then would buy their favorite candy and show them where I was keeping it and tell them that it was ALL theirs.
3. I would let them help me pick out some "big-girl" panties (big-boy undies for the boys..hehe) and explain to them that their favorite character liked to be clean and dry.
4. I would set a timer for 20 min and every time the buzzer went off I would ask the usual questions. If they didn't need to go I wouldn't force them, but I would make them show me WHERE ( they would point to the toilet) they were supposed to go. Then the timer was set and this cycle started all over again in 20 min.
The timer thing only had to last 2 days for all the kids, and then by that time they were coming and telling me, which meant we were good to go.

Hailey was fully potty trained in about a week (even nights) and I am soo happy that the buying diaper days are done...

Here are a couple of pics that I snapped of her while she was being introduced to the world of potting on the potty...

Here she is sitting on the potty..I think she was a little surprised that I was holding a camera...

And now she is figuring out that I am taking a pic and she is Protesting!!

Finally she turned her back and wasn't about to turn back around again!! LOL

So their you have it, One milestone down and now if I could just break her of the pacifier ( I started that today) we would be in "Big-Girl" business.


  • That's great...says the person with no kids to potty train! My mom said that I was easy to potty train too. Maybe it's a girl thing?

    She's going to hate those pictures some day!!!

    By Blogger Steff, at August 10, 2007 at 7:21 PM  

  • It is almost sad. Once they get through that they start leaving the sweet baby days behind. I guess it still takes a while, but that is the beginning. I have had easy ones and hard ones. To me the difference is if Mom is calm and sweet natured. Or harried and upset. I use most of your techniques also. Good job Hailey!

    By Blogger meNmykids, at August 10, 2007 at 7:32 PM  

  • Congrats! She looks so thrilled to be photographed on the potty!!

    By Blogger Lindsey, at August 11, 2007 at 6:50 AM  

  • I'm glad we're done with potty training Heidi. Maybe it's supposed to be the Mother's job, I don't know. In our family it isn't. Everybody (excepting Trent, of course) jumps in happily, feeling so special to help. Until she has an accident that they have to mop up. And until we've been in the potty training business for about a week or two. Then the going gets rough. We still have to take Heidi potty, but she doesn't have any accidents, and she always tells us when she has to go. Correction - she always tells the person she wants to take her, when she has to go. And if somebody else tries to take her, it's fit throwing time!

    By Blogger Sabriena, at August 11, 2007 at 8:44 AM  

  • Oops! I was planning on telling you "congratulations on potty training Hailey, as you can see from above, I understand your feeling of relief." But then I forgot to add that, since I was so happy Heidi was done! Sorry!

    By Blogger Sabriena, at August 11, 2007 at 8:45 AM  

  • Congratulations to Haylie!!!

    Thanks for writing all those tips out, I am going to really try and get focused on working with Trin. I know if "I" just applied myself, we would be done already. :)

    I showed her the pictures of Haylie, and she is walking around the house saying "Haylie is a big girl" :)

    By Blogger jessica, at August 11, 2007 at 10:28 AM  

  • It is ao awesome to be through with all of that and not have to change diapers anymore. Good for you! and Hailey!

    By Blogger Marisela, at August 11, 2007 at 6:17 PM  

  • That's wonderful milestone in a child's life (especially for mommy). Congratulations Hailey! One day when she is a teenager and sees those pictures...oh oh, but they are cute.

    By Blogger Nadine, at August 11, 2007 at 6:31 PM  

  • Congrats to Mom and Hailey!! But, you know you are so dead when she discovers those pictures when she's a bit older! ha!

    By Blogger Lori, at August 12, 2007 at 10:29 AM  

  • Way to go Hailey!!

    I wouldn't MY photo taken when I'm on the potty too! ;-)

    By Blogger la bellina mammina, at August 13, 2007 at 6:45 AM  

  • Congratulations to Hailey!

    The pictures are so great and making mental notes to not forget to let Wyatt pick out his own underwear. Good Idea. I am bad at potty training,, such dread.

    By Blogger Mrs.Martin, at August 13, 2007 at 7:45 AM  

  • Way to go Mommy and Hailey! I had to laugh at the photos! Oh she's gonna be thrilled mommy posted those. Just wait... LOL

    The other day Andrea asked me about potty training. I'm Like your baby brother is 17! You need to talk to someone with little ones... lol I'll send her to your blog!

    By Blogger Mrs. Mom, at August 13, 2007 at 11:19 AM  

  • Congratulations to Miss Hailey or maybe it should go to Mommy!! You have always done such a great job on potty training. You have almost made it look enjoyable....*gasp* I am just gonna wait until you are here for a week to potty train Roman. Are you game? hehehe

    By Blogger Trina, at August 13, 2007 at 11:42 AM  

  • Congrats Hailey and Mommy! Such a relief for you to be all done. Good luck with the pacifier thing!

    By Blogger Chantel H, at August 14, 2007 at 10:20 PM  

  • Hailey is so cute, Mary. Congratulations on the potty training!You do make it sound pretty easy. Trinity needs to be around her more often! )

    By Blogger cArOl, at August 15, 2007 at 7:44 PM  

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