Because 7 ATE 9
Last night we were sitting around the dinner table and the boys were telling us about their day. Rusty and I enjoy just sitting back and letting the kids follow one another rapidly with stories about school and friends and such. So last night, Jake was talking about something that happened at recess and Hailey decided that it was her turn to talk. She kept repeating, "8 11, 8 11, 8 11."
Now she knows how to count to 10, but this is her favorite little sing song phrase and it really cracks us up because it normally comes out of nowhere.
So Jarred then says, "No Hailey it is 1,2,3......" And starts counting in which she quickly jumps in with him and soon all 3 of the children are counting to 10 over and over.
This reminds Rusty of that one joke:
He says, "Hey Jake ( my literal one), why is 6 afraid of 7?"
Jake: "Umm. because it is bigger?"
Rusty: "Nope, because 7 8 9."
Jake is now sitting there puzzled and you can see the wheels turning in his mind.
Jake: "Right because it is bigger!"
Rusty : " No, because 7 ATE 9."
Jake: "Ohhh I get it!" Still with the puzzled look on his face.
I say, "You know because 7 ate( and I pretend to eat) 9."
Jake: "Ohh because 7 8 9." Continued puzzled look.
Rusty again says, "Because 7 ATE 9."
Jake: "Oh because 7 8 9. Ohhh because 7 8 9. 6 was afraid of 7 because 7 8 9." A moment of thought and then it clicked, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH because 7 ATE 9."
This gave Rusty and I quite the chuckle. Not to mention how impressed Jake was with his parents for "thinking up" such a clever little play on words. hehe
He then began to go over the list of people at church who later he would try and flub up on this little joke. We assured him that most of his list probably already knew it, but he was determined to find some prey.
He then turned to his little brother (who had been sitting at the table the whole time) and tried the joke out on him.
Jake: "Jarred, why was 6 afraid of 7?"
Jarred: "Because 7 ate 9."
Jake: "Right, because 7 ATE 9."
Jarred: "I know Jake..I get it."
I just love dinner time!!
Now she knows how to count to 10, but this is her favorite little sing song phrase and it really cracks us up because it normally comes out of nowhere.
So Jarred then says, "No Hailey it is 1,2,3......" And starts counting in which she quickly jumps in with him and soon all 3 of the children are counting to 10 over and over.
This reminds Rusty of that one joke:
He says, "Hey Jake ( my literal one), why is 6 afraid of 7?"
Jake: "Umm. because it is bigger?"
Rusty: "Nope, because 7 8 9."
Jake is now sitting there puzzled and you can see the wheels turning in his mind.
Jake: "Right because it is bigger!"
Rusty : " No, because 7 ATE 9."
Jake: "Ohhh I get it!" Still with the puzzled look on his face.
I say, "You know because 7 ate( and I pretend to eat) 9."
Jake: "Ohh because 7 8 9." Continued puzzled look.
Rusty again says, "Because 7 ATE 9."
Jake: "Oh because 7 8 9. Ohhh because 7 8 9. 6 was afraid of 7 because 7 8 9." A moment of thought and then it clicked, "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH because 7 ATE 9."
This gave Rusty and I quite the chuckle. Not to mention how impressed Jake was with his parents for "thinking up" such a clever little play on words. hehe
He then began to go over the list of people at church who later he would try and flub up on this little joke. We assured him that most of his list probably already knew it, but he was determined to find some prey.
He then turned to his little brother (who had been sitting at the table the whole time) and tried the joke out on him.
Jake: "Jarred, why was 6 afraid of 7?"
Jarred: "Because 7 ate 9."
Jake: "Right, because 7 ATE 9."
Jarred: "I know Jake..I get it."
I just love dinner time!!
Kids are just wonderful. It is so fun to teach kids about jokes. I'm always amazed at the weird knock knock jokes my little ones can come up with. That was too cute.
meNmykids, at September 27, 2007 at 9:34 AM
Family time is wonderful. I am sorry about your house. But just remember God has control and things will work out. The old devil is just tormenting you.
Cherrie, at September 27, 2007 at 10:42 AM
I could totally see how that whole thing played out, and I seriously giggled. I love your kids!!
Trina, at September 27, 2007 at 12:01 PM
That story gave me such a chuckle. Your boys are really cute.
Nadine, at September 27, 2007 at 9:08 PM
Kids are so cute!
Marisela, at September 28, 2007 at 7:47 AM
Aren't kids just funny when it comes to jokes. As a teacher I can't tell you the number of knock-knock jokes I've heard. Most never make sense but I always laugh.
My favorite silly one:
Who is there?
Banana who?
I don't know Ms. Stewart. I just like saying banana!
Steff, at September 29, 2007 at 7:47 AM
I love it! I'm going to pull that one at school tomorrow! FuN!
Lori, at September 30, 2007 at 3:40 PM
Too Cute Mary! lol
Mrs.Martin, at October 3, 2007 at 6:09 PM
I remember that joke! Your kids are really cute! Your boys are handsome and your little girl is sooo cute! I also have a little red-head girl. How old are your kids?
Jules, at October 5, 2007 at 7:21 AM
oooh, I love this one! Maybe I'll use it on the boys tomorrow ;-)
la bellina mammina, at October 5, 2007 at 8:43 AM
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