The Last 3 Weeks...
Why is life sooooooo busy?? I mean seriously you start out one day and think "Wow I have a lot to do today," and then 3 weeks later that same mantra is being re sited THAT morning and every morning in between!! We have been in such a whirl wind lately that I start to think about blogging, but then figure I have so much stuff going on where do I start?? Well today is as good a day as any and I guess I'll just take the plunge and get past this little barrier...
Well for those of you that don't know ..we are MOVING!!! Yep that is what I said and you can now rest assured Trina, because once it is out there in blog world there is no turning back..Right?? LOL
This has been the main source of the whirl wind and I'm assuming the same source of my annoying ulcer..hehe Rusty and I have felt for some time that the Lord was leading us to move and secretly we both knew where, but just a little nervous about saying it out loud. But Oregon is our destination and as a matter of fact In the very same assembly as Den and Trina, and Marisela as well.
Our next question was when?? Well being the novice movers that we are we were hoping for a huge sign to drop out of the Heavens above and clue us in on this little fact. Although no cardboard paper with a black sharpie sketching out the date, a pretty amazing thing happened that aloud us to get our answer.
One night Rusty and I finally decided to put our house on the market, the next day I would go down to the local real estate agency and get going with the process. You see we felt like the Lord has totally in control as to when this house will sell, thus giving us a time frame to move. Well the next day I was scheduled to get a perm from a gal that we have known for about 3 yrs or so. Let me first back up and say that right before we bought our house that we are living in now this same woman and her hubby were interested in this house and were actually ahead of us, but things fell through and they were not able to get the house enabling us to get it. Anyway I knew that she had been renting and they were having to move out of their home because their owners were wanting to move back to our area. I was chatting with her during the perm and asking how the house hunt was going. She then told me that we was getting discouraged because she had gotten pre-approved for a loan for OUR NEIGHBORS"S HOUSE..oh yeah I for got to mention that our neighbors were moving... Anyway she went out to make an offer on that house and their was a voice mail form a friend....It was telling her that she was moving back to our town and was buying a house..Yep, you guessed it it was my neighbors house!! Anyway she was disappointed, but she then told me that she really prayed that the Lord would just give her the house she was supposed to have. I was sitting there a little in shock on how things were starting to unfold.
I then told her that ACTUALLY we were moving and going to be selling our house. She got very excited and told me right there on the spot "Consider your house sold."!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it????
She then told me she needed to be out by Nov. and I told her that I would need to talk to Rusty, but that sounded like a good time frame.
So there you have it....We are moving hopefully by Nov. Things are still going forward, but in a Slow process. I still feel good about it all though. There have been a few snags in the details, but Rusty and I feel like it will all work out. We were really praying and the Lord answered our prayer so quickly that there is no question that we are to move. The time frame is a little fuzzy because some of the financing is holding us up, but even if it is not by Nov. It will be shortly there after.
So we (Rusty, me, and my very energetic 67 yr. old mother-in-law) have been making preparations for selling our home like fixing trim and cleaning out garages and having our carpets cleaned and PAINTING THE WHOLE OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE..including trim and painting/ repairing fences and so now you can see where all my time has been not to mention that my boys started school at 2 different locations with 2 different ending times and Rusty left last Friday to go hunting for a week and Jake is in Football with practice 2 or 3 times a week with games on Sat. I know I should have put a period and maybe a coma or 2 in that crazy long run-on sentence, but I left it out because that is how my life a long run-on sentence with no punctuation in site..LOL
Anyway pray that all will contine to work out and we will be able to get the ball rolling with the packing..
Oh yeah I am sure most of you are wondering how excited I am to be leaving next to my Trina again..Well I gotta say...WHHHHHHOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!
The Lord is so kind to allow us to live in the same part again and I feel very blessed that he not only supplies our needs, but at times he also gives us our wants.
Well for those of you that don't know ..we are MOVING!!! Yep that is what I said and you can now rest assured Trina, because once it is out there in blog world there is no turning back..Right?? LOL
This has been the main source of the whirl wind and I'm assuming the same source of my annoying ulcer..hehe Rusty and I have felt for some time that the Lord was leading us to move and secretly we both knew where, but just a little nervous about saying it out loud. But Oregon is our destination and as a matter of fact In the very same assembly as Den and Trina, and Marisela as well.
Our next question was when?? Well being the novice movers that we are we were hoping for a huge sign to drop out of the Heavens above and clue us in on this little fact. Although no cardboard paper with a black sharpie sketching out the date, a pretty amazing thing happened that aloud us to get our answer.
One night Rusty and I finally decided to put our house on the market, the next day I would go down to the local real estate agency and get going with the process. You see we felt like the Lord has totally in control as to when this house will sell, thus giving us a time frame to move. Well the next day I was scheduled to get a perm from a gal that we have known for about 3 yrs or so. Let me first back up and say that right before we bought our house that we are living in now this same woman and her hubby were interested in this house and were actually ahead of us, but things fell through and they were not able to get the house enabling us to get it. Anyway I knew that she had been renting and they were having to move out of their home because their owners were wanting to move back to our area. I was chatting with her during the perm and asking how the house hunt was going. She then told me that we was getting discouraged because she had gotten pre-approved for a loan for OUR NEIGHBORS"S HOUSE..oh yeah I for got to mention that our neighbors were moving... Anyway she went out to make an offer on that house and their was a voice mail form a friend....It was telling her that she was moving back to our town and was buying a house..Yep, you guessed it it was my neighbors house!! Anyway she was disappointed, but she then told me that she really prayed that the Lord would just give her the house she was supposed to have. I was sitting there a little in shock on how things were starting to unfold.
I then told her that ACTUALLY we were moving and going to be selling our house. She got very excited and told me right there on the spot "Consider your house sold."!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it????
She then told me she needed to be out by Nov. and I told her that I would need to talk to Rusty, but that sounded like a good time frame.
So there you have it....We are moving hopefully by Nov. Things are still going forward, but in a Slow process. I still feel good about it all though. There have been a few snags in the details, but Rusty and I feel like it will all work out. We were really praying and the Lord answered our prayer so quickly that there is no question that we are to move. The time frame is a little fuzzy because some of the financing is holding us up, but even if it is not by Nov. It will be shortly there after.
So we (Rusty, me, and my very energetic 67 yr. old mother-in-law) have been making preparations for selling our home like fixing trim and cleaning out garages and having our carpets cleaned and PAINTING THE WHOLE OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE..including trim and painting/ repairing fences and so now you can see where all my time has been not to mention that my boys started school at 2 different locations with 2 different ending times and Rusty left last Friday to go hunting for a week and Jake is in Football with practice 2 or 3 times a week with games on Sat. I know I should have put a period and maybe a coma or 2 in that crazy long run-on sentence, but I left it out because that is how my life a long run-on sentence with no punctuation in site..LOL
Anyway pray that all will contine to work out and we will be able to get the ball rolling with the packing..
Oh yeah I am sure most of you are wondering how excited I am to be leaving next to my Trina again..Well I gotta say...WHHHHHHOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!
The Lord is so kind to allow us to live in the same part again and I feel very blessed that he not only supplies our needs, but at times he also gives us our wants.
I am so happy that you finally voiced all this on here. I can not wait to get to know you better and hopefully be included in this great relationship. God is so good to his people and it sounds like we all might be real close in the timing on getting there. I will keep praying for you guys in your move and you keep praying for us..Pleeaaseee.
Cherrie, at September 17, 2007 at 1:31 PM
Well you did it! You shared the big news! Wow...that was a huge blogging barrier that is out of the way. Its a great story and one that you will be able to share with others that are in your same situation, later in life. We are all looking forward to your family arriving and settling in. Now we must wait for the long awaited move-in. Hurry up to you and Cherrie, because Marisela and I could really use the company and the help! Yahoo!
Trina, at September 17, 2007 at 2:08 PM
Very exciting Mary! It will be so great when you just get there and this all... becomes just a memory. And believe, with all the hard work and decisions to be made, it will become just a memory. And then you can sit back and sip that Dr. Pepper and relax.
Mrs. Martin aka The Mover
Mrs.Martin, at September 17, 2007 at 2:50 PM
Wow that's great news. I'm very happy for you. I'm glad you will be near Trina again and I'm sure she is equally excited.
BTW - come by for an award.
Nadine, at September 17, 2007 at 10:36 PM
I was wondering where you have been all ths time...very busy!! It will be so great to have you guys here. I've been keeping a look out for houses for you guys.
Marisela, at September 18, 2007 at 10:14 AM
Hope things are going smooth. I am still recouping from our move. My ambition is dwindling, but at least it was there when I needed it. Good Luck!
Chantel H, at September 18, 2007 at 4:03 PM
Wow!!! First of all, I've missed you!!! And secondly, I am so excited for you that you and Trina will be back together ~ yay!!!
What a great story about how you sold the house! ha! God does have a way - doesn't He?
Well...I know you are busy, but you MUST keep us blogfriends informed of your progress! ha!
Lori, at September 18, 2007 at 7:44 PM
I'm so glad you guys will be moving here. We are all looking forward to having you guys. We'll continue to pray that things will continue to work out for you. The Lord will take care of things though. (I have to remind myself of this all the time!). He really does an amazing job of taking care of us though.
Tish, at September 21, 2007 at 3:19 PM
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