My Day
Well I thought I would take a little break in my day to blog about what my plan is for the next few days. You see I normally don't stop to blog and I think, Oh I'll blog later tonight but then I am too tired and the vicious cycle of not blogging begins. So I thought I need to get into the habit of setting aside like 30 min to just type a few sentences and then I don't get overwhelmed with how behind I am in the Blogging world and go for weeks w/out a post.
My sister in law and I are planning a yard sale/moving sale for Friday and so I am busy getting all the things that I don't want to Haul down to Oregon ready to be sold or given away depending on how desperate I get..hehe
I also have to finish cleaning out my camper because my neighbors parents are interested in buying it. Let me just say I walked out there yesterday to check out its conditions and I was NOT A HAPPY MOMMY!!! You see my lovely kiddos and the neighborhood kiddos have been playing in it. Yes I knew this little fact, but I guess my judgement was TOTALLY off that week and WOW was it a mess!!! So now that is on my list to clean and take everything out in hopes that when the people come Thursday they will just drive away with that baby.
Oh Yeah and a little Update on the moving process... Rusty has an interview with a company in Oregon around the first part of Oct. so that is very exciting!! The Vice President emailed us on Monday and was very interested with Rusty. Rusty called him back and the man chatted for a while with him and seemed impressed with Rusty's skills and told him that he definitely wanted him to come down for an interview. We have sent out a few more resumes and are hoping to get some more responses so when he goes down in Oct. he will have a couple of interviews lined up.
Plus I saw the gal that is interested in our house this morning and she said she has an interview this afternoon with a mortgage agency and she thinks it will go good because they now have enough for a good down payment. Yippee!! She told me to pray and I am thinking..Oh honey, you have no idea how much I have been praying..LOL
Well my 30 min is about up and I need to get off. Hailey is a GRUMP from waking up way too early and I just remembered Jake has football pictures tonight and I need to find and wash his uniform..Sigh.
3 more days ( I think) until this single parenting life is over..I Can't Wait!!!
My sister in law and I are planning a yard sale/moving sale for Friday and so I am busy getting all the things that I don't want to Haul down to Oregon ready to be sold or given away depending on how desperate I get..hehe
I also have to finish cleaning out my camper because my neighbors parents are interested in buying it. Let me just say I walked out there yesterday to check out its conditions and I was NOT A HAPPY MOMMY!!! You see my lovely kiddos and the neighborhood kiddos have been playing in it. Yes I knew this little fact, but I guess my judgement was TOTALLY off that week and WOW was it a mess!!! So now that is on my list to clean and take everything out in hopes that when the people come Thursday they will just drive away with that baby.
Oh Yeah and a little Update on the moving process... Rusty has an interview with a company in Oregon around the first part of Oct. so that is very exciting!! The Vice President emailed us on Monday and was very interested with Rusty. Rusty called him back and the man chatted for a while with him and seemed impressed with Rusty's skills and told him that he definitely wanted him to come down for an interview. We have sent out a few more resumes and are hoping to get some more responses so when he goes down in Oct. he will have a couple of interviews lined up.
Plus I saw the gal that is interested in our house this morning and she said she has an interview this afternoon with a mortgage agency and she thinks it will go good because they now have enough for a good down payment. Yippee!! She told me to pray and I am thinking..Oh honey, you have no idea how much I have been praying..LOL
Well my 30 min is about up and I need to get off. Hailey is a GRUMP from waking up way too early and I just remembered Jake has football pictures tonight and I need to find and wash his uniform..Sigh.
3 more days ( I think) until this single parenting life is over..I Can't Wait!!!
I am so impressed with all that you guys have achieved so far. You probably will be there way before us from the sounds of it. We don't even have a job yet. We are in the getting rid of houses mode. I wish you luck with your yard sale. Keep up on the blogging we love to hear all the news.
Cherrie, at September 19, 2007 at 12:06 PM
I am getting ready to have a yard sale too. I hate getting ready but love the pay-off!
Why are you selling your camper? You gotta keep that!! :-)
Lori, at September 19, 2007 at 3:20 PM
Its starting to pick up speed, so hang on for the ride...hehehe It will feel so good when you get all settled in down here. Its gonna be a big transition for you guys, but well worth it!
Trina, at September 19, 2007 at 3:37 PM
Wow it sounds like things are really staring to line up for you guys. I am so happy for you guys. Good luck on your sale. I hope you make lots of money.
Marisela, at September 19, 2007 at 4:10 PM
I'll say a prayer that he'll have quite a bit of interviews to go on. I also pray that the very best job would be open for him. Blessings to you as you prepare to get things ready for the big move.
And don't forget your award.
Nadine, at September 20, 2007 at 12:32 AM
Glad to see you back with the blogging community! Sounds like you've got your hands full though. :)
Steff, at September 20, 2007 at 5:24 PM
Hang in there!! Congrats on all the good news about the house and your man's fingers are crossed!!
Lindsey, at September 23, 2007 at 6:55 AM
Well, we just got back from our 2 week camping/hunting trip. I just got caught up on your posts. Sounds like you've been BUSY!!! Seems like everybody is moving to Oregon now!
Sabriena, at September 23, 2007 at 7:49 PM
Sounds like a lot to do, but exciting. I hope your camper and house sell in excellent timing. Glad to hear of your move, that assembly is just flourishing!
meNmykids, at September 24, 2007 at 4:03 PM
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