A New Plan...
Well it is official...The couple that was MOST DEFINITELY buying our house has pulled out. SIGH
However I am fighting the urge to be discouraged about this because I know that the Lord is in this move and I do take comfort in that.
My sister-in-law told me last night that she heard from a friend that this couple wasn't going to be able to get the financing and they were already moving into another house!! Now mind you we do live in a small town, but you would still think that I would have been notified of this little fact before it hit the rumor mill and got back to me...but NOPE!! However, it is really not that big of a deal how or where I heard it and I really have no bad feelings towards the couple because they are good people, it just wasn't meant to be.
So now we are contemplating selling the house ourselves or listing it with a Realtor. Oh the decision!!! We really don't know what to do. It is quite the dilemma. We have even toyed with the idea of lowering the price in hopes that maybe the original couple could afford it.. GRRRRRR.....
As you can tell we haven't decided what to do. Do we raise the price and take the loss on the agents commission or do we stay firm with the price and hope that someone will see our little sign in the yard..LOL
No really, I do know it is in the Lord's hands and it will work out. However sometimes I don't have the patience that I should and I like to "borrow" trouble instead of waiting on the Lord. an I then end up all worked up instead of just patiently waiting for His sign. So for now we are praying about our "New Plan." I will keep everyone updated on the progress..
However I am fighting the urge to be discouraged about this because I know that the Lord is in this move and I do take comfort in that.
My sister-in-law told me last night that she heard from a friend that this couple wasn't going to be able to get the financing and they were already moving into another house!! Now mind you we do live in a small town, but you would still think that I would have been notified of this little fact before it hit the rumor mill and got back to me...but NOPE!! However, it is really not that big of a deal how or where I heard it and I really have no bad feelings towards the couple because they are good people, it just wasn't meant to be.
So now we are contemplating selling the house ourselves or listing it with a Realtor. Oh the decision!!! We really don't know what to do. It is quite the dilemma. We have even toyed with the idea of lowering the price in hopes that maybe the original couple could afford it.. GRRRRRR.....
As you can tell we haven't decided what to do. Do we raise the price and take the loss on the agents commission or do we stay firm with the price and hope that someone will see our little sign in the yard..LOL
No really, I do know it is in the Lord's hands and it will work out. However sometimes I don't have the patience that I should and I like to "borrow" trouble instead of waiting on the Lord. an I then end up all worked up instead of just patiently waiting for His sign. So for now we are praying about our "New Plan." I will keep everyone updated on the progress..
I'm sorry...it is so frustrating when you think you have everything all worked out and then it falls through. I will be praying for you guys. I have made many moves, and have had to tell my self over and over "Patience is a virtue"
Marisela, at September 25, 2007 at 9:56 PM
I'm sorry that happened. I hope that the Lord will guide you. Maybe He has something better in store for you. I pray that it will work out for your good.
Nadine, at September 26, 2007 at 6:20 AM
I was disappointed to hear how the whole thing unfolded too. Nevertheless, the Lord DOES have a plan and things will work out as intended. Oh if we could only see how this would turn out though! I am anxious for you guys to get down here and to get settled in. We will keep praying.
Trina, at September 26, 2007 at 7:36 AM
So sorry. Moving is never done without lots of emotion. Hopefully given time your house will be taken care of and it will all be a memory. We'll try to pray for you.
meNmykids, at September 26, 2007 at 9:14 AM
I'm sorry to hear that it fell through. But, you are right the Lord knows best.
We have our house up for sale right now too. It's been a great lesson to us in having peace that the Lord will sell it if/when the time is right.
But...it's still hard to be patient about it sometimes. :)
Nicki, at September 27, 2007 at 8:04 AM
Sorry!! I guess that would've been too easy! I bet they were embarrassed about not being able to get the financing b/c it sounded like they were excited and really wanted the house.
I would try selling yourself first & if it doesn't go well. You can always list with a realtor later...just a thought!
Good luck!
Lori, at September 30, 2007 at 3:38 PM
We once were in the same situation and knew the Lord was working, but didn't know what to do witht he house. Should we rent it, sell it, list it, do it on our own, with a 1/2 price broker, ect. The options really are endless even if you decide to list. We decided that we would try on our own and see, but if that didn't work, we would list it.
We went into a fast and went into town and bought a sign. We put it in the front yard, and let the Lord do the rest. We were sitting at our dining room table accepting a full price offer within a week!
Anonymous, at October 1, 2007 at 8:09 AM
But then, Matt & Tisha have prayed and fasted about their home, I am sure, and it is still sitting here. Waiting on God's time. He will work things in His time according to His plan.
Sis. Connie M., at October 3, 2007 at 2:57 AM
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