Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Busy Work

Well today I am playing the waiting game..AGAIN!!! I feel like in the last 2 weeks I have been constantly waiting for the phone to ring , or someone to get back to me, of something..

So to follow suit, today I am waiting on my hubby to call me and let me know what the man said about his BIG interview and where we go from here. Trina posted about our roller coaster day yesterday and so most of you know what I am talking about. It was very stressful to say the least. I know the Lord is in this and this isn't a do or die situation by any means. It all takes time, and I know that if it isn't this job then it wasn't meant to be, but I still that some major patience issues..hehe

But now we are back in our little town and trying to go about our daily life and pretend that yesterday was just another normal day...hehe

So I decided that either I could wait and wait and wait by the phone OR I could get myself in gear and get to doing some things that need to get down. Like sorting through containers and taking some back to storage and some to charity. Then do some deep cleaning throughout the house and really just try to take my mind off stuff. So I chose the second and off I go to "busy" myself and pretend that when the phone rings I won't run to answer it..hehe

Don't worry I have my cell and it also will be checked often!!

Wow, how pathetic am I ??????????



  • LIfe can sure get on your nerves! I hope all is as you hope and your call comes soon. Sounds like it is all going well. So glad for you all.

    By Blogger meNmykids, at October 2, 2007 at 12:43 PM  

  • Well I am anxiously waiting to hear back from you...hehehe Always something to pray about, right? The hardest part is the waiting. Patience isn't my strongest suit either. Obviously, this is something He is working on with me too, as we continue to wait to see who comes, and when they can get settled.

    By Blogger Trina, at October 2, 2007 at 4:07 PM  

  • Ohh the waiting game. I have little patience also. I am so glad for you guys. I know God will work it out for you guys. I will pray for you and you remember me in your prayers also.

    By Blogger Cherrie, at October 2, 2007 at 4:49 PM  

  • I am the worst about being patient with these things! Best of luck & try to remember He has a plan!!

    By Blogger Lori, at October 2, 2007 at 7:00 PM  

  • I was hoping they would say "Can you start tomorrow?" Well if this one doesn't work out maybe the Lord has something better in mind. I think that is the worst part about moving....Waiting!

    By Blogger Marisela, at October 2, 2007 at 7:18 PM  

  • I remember how I felt just before we moved. Almost like I didn't belong in Brownsville anymore; and I was just WAITING for things to work out for us to move up here. I was soo looking forward to be a part of the assembly up here. I love and miss the brethren in Brownsville; but I guess since I knew moving up here was what we were supposed to do I was anxious to get started! Looking back I can see where the wait was good for all involved (my, Matt,the brethren in Brownsville, etc..) It gave people time to get used to the idea.

    By Blogger Tish, at October 3, 2007 at 2:51 PM  

  • You are not pathetic. This is why other people don't move. It is alot of work, stressful and unknowing. You are in my prayers in this big event mary. I hope it goes quickly and smoothly.

    By Blogger Mrs.Martin, at October 3, 2007 at 6:07 PM  

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