Why do they do that?
Last night Rusty came home with a little surprise for the boys. He rented Transformers the movie. The boys have been dying to see it. Jarred has been sick for the last couple of days so he brought it hope in hopes of a little pick me up. However much to my liking, Jarred was already feeling better and so he was SUPER pumped to watch the movie and Jake, well he couldn't have been happier. Hailey was of course along for the ride, and the popcorn..hehe
So we get all settled in and pop this baby in and really Rusty and I are looking forward to the movie too. After all, Transformers was from our generation. He had the action figures, as did my brother, and so we were just as amped for the show as the boys were. It starts out and I see the PG-13 rating and I got to be honest was alittle worried, but figured it was just a violence thing and I was like well it is robots so how bloody could it be?
Well it really wasn't that bloody, but I sure could have done without some of the language. Luckily most of the bad language, and really it wasn't that much, but any is enough for me to complain, was during really active scenes and the boys didn't seem to notice because their was so much activity on the screen, but Rusty and I picked up on it.
So here is my grip...Why do they do that???
Why do they make movies that is obviously going to interest children and sprinkle bad language and some content that is not suitable for them to watch?? I mean call me kooky, but I mean it certainly doesn't make the story and it doesn't even add to it either. I mean we aren't watching the movie and saying,
"Well I'm sure glad they said ***** because I couldn't quite figure out what they were trying to say here."
We have so many people in the world today complaining about our youth and where they are going and all the wrong choices they are making, but then we continue to feed the beast just to make a buck. I know everybody says well that is what sells....Well why do we continue to make it a choice for them to buy. Cut it off at the knees and if it isn't an option, then it won't have the chance to sell. I know, I know freedom of speech, right? Well I doubt, that was set in place in order to make a scene in a movie stretch out by placing 7 words in it that most moms would wash their children's mouths out if they heard them saying. I mean after all we are talking about a movie that is centered around robots and action figures..aka TOYS!! It drives me crazy that their are so few things out there that a family can enjoy together that will hold the attention of a child, but yet entertain the parent.
Okay so their you have it, that is my complaint for the week..hehe
So, agree or disagree???
So we get all settled in and pop this baby in and really Rusty and I are looking forward to the movie too. After all, Transformers was from our generation. He had the action figures, as did my brother, and so we were just as amped for the show as the boys were. It starts out and I see the PG-13 rating and I got to be honest was alittle worried, but figured it was just a violence thing and I was like well it is robots so how bloody could it be?
Well it really wasn't that bloody, but I sure could have done without some of the language. Luckily most of the bad language, and really it wasn't that much, but any is enough for me to complain, was during really active scenes and the boys didn't seem to notice because their was so much activity on the screen, but Rusty and I picked up on it.
So here is my grip...Why do they do that???
Why do they make movies that is obviously going to interest children and sprinkle bad language and some content that is not suitable for them to watch?? I mean call me kooky, but I mean it certainly doesn't make the story and it doesn't even add to it either. I mean we aren't watching the movie and saying,
"Well I'm sure glad they said ***** because I couldn't quite figure out what they were trying to say here."
We have so many people in the world today complaining about our youth and where they are going and all the wrong choices they are making, but then we continue to feed the beast just to make a buck. I know everybody says well that is what sells....Well why do we continue to make it a choice for them to buy. Cut it off at the knees and if it isn't an option, then it won't have the chance to sell. I know, I know freedom of speech, right? Well I doubt, that was set in place in order to make a scene in a movie stretch out by placing 7 words in it that most moms would wash their children's mouths out if they heard them saying. I mean after all we are talking about a movie that is centered around robots and action figures..aka TOYS!! It drives me crazy that their are so few things out there that a family can enjoy together that will hold the attention of a child, but yet entertain the parent.
Okay so their you have it, that is my complaint for the week..hehe
So, agree or disagree???
I TOTALLY agree! Our society is full of contradictions concerning this issue. I don't understand why they choose to put foul language or sexual content in children's movies either. I remember when we watched the Disney movie "Hunchback of Notre Dame", the female main character was so seductive at times I was like "Hello!" That is absurd to bring to children's minds. I don't know what our world is coming too. Anyway that is my rant concerning it all! grrrrr
Trina, at October 26, 2007 at 11:47 AM
I also TOTALLY agree. And it will continue to get worse, unfortunately :( It baffles me of how they say crime rates keep going up, yada yada yada. Of course it is, they are trying to take God out of peoples lives and adding trash to EVERYTHING. You can't hardly find a movie without even just a "little" bad word. I noticed that about the movie too. Oh, and another thing I HAVE to vent about: Have you ever watched the Doodlebops on Disney? I refuse to let my kids watch that because the guys (I'm pretty sure) are portraying gay. They have the "gay lisp". ON DISNEY! All we can do is pray hard for our kids' future, and try to correct them when they pick up on bad words that are surrounding us! Good blog Mary! I feel a little better, after venting too ;) hehe.
Jules, at October 26, 2007 at 12:13 PM
I agree there are so many movies that have scenes in them that do not have to be there. Matt was going to rent that movie, but decided not to when he saw the rating. What about all the little inuendos in the Shrek movies? I'm pretty sure that my kids don't have a clue, but I don't like it when they put that kind of stuff in kids movies either.
Tish, at October 26, 2007 at 12:57 PM
AGREE! That is my exact argument! And there are a LOT of good movies that our family can't watch because Dad and Mom checked it and found bad scenes. Furthermore, the only movies that ARE clean are ooooooold, or for kidnergarteners! (Or documentarys, of course)
Sabriena, at October 26, 2007 at 1:33 PM
I hate the language that is in most of the movies now a day. But I must say the movie was pretty good and would of been better with out the language.
Cherrie, at October 26, 2007 at 8:25 PM
Funny, cuz my first words to comment were... I TOTALLY agree too. It does not make sense to sprinkle profanity in movies geared for children, about toys or robots. For years Colin and I would sit, ready with the remote, to fast forward, any scene that might be concerning, but profanity is just too quick to catch.
Mrs.Martin, at October 26, 2007 at 9:38 PM
I agree. Filth is being insinuated into our culture everywhere, language, violence, and fornication, adultry. If the children see it as the norm, how can the world expect them to do any differently? James just rented the movie last night for us to watch tonight. Now I'm not sure.....
meNmykids, at October 27, 2007 at 9:11 AM
I agree-
When kids bring in movies to me on Fridays to watch during our Fun Friday time every week, I have to call home and make sure there isn't blood in these movies, or sex or bad language, and they are PG movies! It's ridiculus.
Lindsey, at October 27, 2007 at 4:19 PM
I think I straddle the fence. I mean, I agree that foul language doesn't get the point across any more strongly. I just know that I can watch a movie and sort of tune it out. My mom on the other hand can't. She hates foul language in a movie. She's been known to stop a movie if the f word was tossed about. But I do whole-heartily agree about language in a child oriented flick. Just sorry class on someone's part.
Steff, at October 28, 2007 at 3:17 PM
I AGREE! Our sermon this morning was on this very thing! It's irritating - they even do it in the movies aimed right at kids. Look at Shrek - why do they have to ruin a perfectly good kid movie by throwing in unnecessary bad language? URGH! I could go on and on...you aren't alone on this one!
Lori, at October 28, 2007 at 6:18 PM
Amen Sister, I am so glad others see this from my point of view. The English languages is one of the most expressive languages in that you could use so many different words to make one point. Why do we need those words? Not only that but the insinuations, they normally go over a kids head but should we really count on that? Wake up America! ha ha
Barbara Reed, at October 29, 2007 at 7:26 PM
I agree. Between the language and sexual content of movies, very few are even worth watching. I dont know if you have ever checked on the website, screenit.com. I use it a lot. There is a section you can pay to use or a free side. I just click no thanks and use the free stuff. The movie is broken down in different sections and tells you if it is light, heavy, extreme, etc. Then you can click on it and it will tell you exactly what happens in the movie to give it that rating. Check it out.
Anonymous, at October 30, 2007 at 7:43 AM
Ya..it is really annoying and frustrating when movies do that. It seems you can't get away from it these days. Just when you think you want to watch a good movie and you get all excited then you get let down. Well hope you all are doing well, how is the moving thing coming lately? Hey also was wondering if you could ask Jalea to send me an invite to her blog. Used to read it, but now it is set to private. Thanks a bunch. ttyl
Beth, at October 30, 2007 at 9:30 AM
I'm with you 100%! All you can do is teach your kids that just because they hear it doesn't mean it is okay to say it. Just remind them that they are responsible for themselves and tell them you think they are smarter than the people who feel they need to say these words!
Tan, at November 1, 2007 at 5:41 AM
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