Costumes Pics
The kids had a great time. It was quite the busy day especially since it was on a day I am sure like yours was jam packed! After the kids were off to school I needed to make Brownies for Jarred's school party. I then showered and headed over to Sis. Phylis house to help with her. Came home in enough time to dress Hailey in her Princess costume and head out the door to Jarred's party. That lasted until 12:30 and then I was back home. I got them both out of their costumes (Jarred was a football player for his school scary costumes allowed.) I had then a little time to pick up my house. About 2:00 I started getting Jarred and Hailey ready again and then we hoped in the Truck to go get Jake from school. Jake jumped in we got home and I rushed around finishing dressing everyone. Jarred's make-up took awhile because I had only a little white crayon like thing to apply all over his face. Not to mention everytime I touched his hair (That I sprayed black) it would come off on my hands and then I would of course touch his face and..I think you see my problem..GRRRR.
Anyhoo, our little town always has a costume judging contest and then we walk around to all the businesses down Main street. I know, I know little town..hehe
So we made it there on time and it was CHAOS!!!
But this was nothing new..getting 100 kids all jacked up for candy and wanting them to stand still in a small area is like expecting the impossible.
Much to our surprise Jarred won the "scariest " prize for his age group. But in all honesty he was really the only one who dressed up scary, all other kids his age were power rangers, or animals, or something sweet, but not my Jarred...
After the town walk we came back home and the boys handed out candy as they waited for Rusty to came home and take them trick or treating around our they didn't get enough candy.
Then it was time for church and as luck would have it we handed out our last 3 pieces of candy as we were walking out the door for church..I timed that pretty good if I do say so myself.
So here are a few pics I snapped of the kids in their costumes...
Jake is the Scream guy, Jarred a vampire, and Hailey is a princess...
This costume was great because he could put it on all by himself and it kept him warm..Even though he was 1 of about 15 Scream guys out there..hehe
Here is my "scary guy"..Seriously that paint was quite the irritation...GRRRR again
And here is the Princess....Sometimes she plays that part way too well..hehe
Okay, Trina this is the close-up that you asked for..hehe
So hope you all had a great day and no crazy cavities are being made..LOL
Well they all look great, was wondering if you were going to post some pics of there costumes. Sounds like they had a lot of fun...and you sure had a BUSY day.
Beth, at November 2, 2007 at 12:55 PM
Okay that is a crazy busy day, but again you pulled it ALL off! Good for you Super Mom! The costumes all turned out great! Little Hailey is so pretty. I cant believe how quickly she is growing up...*sigh* I would have loved to have had a pumpkin chai, and to have walked downtown with you and all of our kids again. I miss that! We will need to start our own traditions here. Just hurry and get here! hehehe
Trina, at November 2, 2007 at 2:19 PM
what a perfect princess!!! And the make-up looks great on Jarred! I think it's too neat that your town does a costume contest! I love small towns!!!
Lori, at November 2, 2007 at 3:10 PM
I haven't been blogging much lately, so I was just sitting here catching up on your blog when I came upon your New Jeans post. I am now having a moment here in my public library of tears streaming down my face and trying desperately to hold in the hysterical laughter. I am surrounded by strangers who, I am sure, think I am a little strange!
Thanks, I needed that!
Chantel H, at November 2, 2007 at 4:07 PM
You did really good with all their costumes. Hailey looks so pretty in her princess costume. Love the close up picture.
Marisela, at November 2, 2007 at 8:49 PM
What a busy day, but the customes are very nicely done.
Nadine, at November 3, 2007 at 6:35 AM
Halloween. Good thing it only comes once a year! The kids look great, Hailey is a darling!
meNmykids, at November 3, 2007 at 8:40 AM
Your kids' costumes were great! Hailey looked VERY beautiful! And your boys looked very scary ;) You did a great job on the makeup, but I KNOW what you mean about frusterating! I delt with makeup also. I hope they had a great time, and your kids really did look GREAT!
Jules, at November 3, 2007 at 8:56 AM
It was nice to see your Halloween pictures. Don't worry I'm going to be even later than you putting mine up! Jarred's face looks very good considering how hard it sounded; Hailey does look awefully cute!
Tish, at November 3, 2007 at 9:01 AM
We're not allowed to do anything Halloween-ish at our school so I didn't see anyone dressed up. Looks like your kids had fun!
Steff, at November 4, 2007 at 5:12 AM
Your princess is BEE-YOO-TEEE-FUL! Little Dracula is also darling, and the Scream man...well I'm sure he is a doll too underneath that scary mask! Halloween sounds crazy busy for you, but what fun!
Tan, at November 4, 2007 at 6:46 AM
They look awesome. I am the worst mom when it comes to dressing up for Halloween, I just can't seem to get into it. We are lucky if I just scounge something up around the house. And most of the time I ask them to hand candy out.
Cherrie, at November 4, 2007 at 7:46 PM
Oh they were adorable! Okay, the princess was adorable, the boys were scary!
Lindsey, at November 11, 2007 at 5:42 AM
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