My Little Checklist...
I am kind of a list girl. I like them, but really only seem to use them when I feel like I have a big task to accomplish. Like super deep cleaning, major grocery shopping, errands to run when I go to town for a whole day, and really things like that. So lately I have been doing a mental checklist of what needs to get done in order for us to move. It has been daunting keeping this running tally in my mind of everything, but I think we are finally starting to make some progress. I feel like things are really starting to fall into place.
Last weekend we went down to Oregon and stayed with our favorite Dennis and Trina Family. (LOVE YOU GUYS!! Thanks for everything!!) We scoured (and literally I mean scoured) our new home town to find the best house we could for our family. Seriously we looked everywhere...Craigslist was our BFF..hehe
Anyhoo, after 4 days of looking, deciding, hoping, disappointments, then looking some more, then deciding some more, we finally got a house. It is Super Cute. However their is a small down side, not a great backyard..bummer. However I am not complaining because the house is GREAT! Not to mention when it came down to Tuesday morning and we were having to leave in a few short hours I felt a little stressed to make it all happen. Don't get me wrong there was quite a few houses to choose from, but finding the one that would fit our needs or should I say wants was a different story. But alas, we found one and I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!! And so I placed a little Check Mark here.
We submitted our application Tuesday afternoon, and we heard back Wednesday morning that we got approved for the house. Check mark please.
Then, yesterday afternoon at 3:00 the appraiser came and assessed our house and we should hear back this afternoon or tomorrow. I tried to chat it up with him to get a feel for how it would go and really I think we are good to go! Again SUPER EXCITED!! Another Check. ( ..still pending the final word but Rusty and I are feeling some what confident ..sort of..HEHE.)
I know I still have tons of work for that mental Black Sharpie, but for now I am just basking in the glory of crossing a few things off my list. Because after all that is the best part about making a list..The Crossing OFF!!
Last weekend we went down to Oregon and stayed with our favorite Dennis and Trina Family. (LOVE YOU GUYS!! Thanks for everything!!) We scoured (and literally I mean scoured) our new home town to find the best house we could for our family. Seriously we looked everywhere...Craigslist was our BFF..hehe
Anyhoo, after 4 days of looking, deciding, hoping, disappointments, then looking some more, then deciding some more, we finally got a house. It is Super Cute. However their is a small down side, not a great backyard..bummer. However I am not complaining because the house is GREAT! Not to mention when it came down to Tuesday morning and we were having to leave in a few short hours I felt a little stressed to make it all happen. Don't get me wrong there was quite a few houses to choose from, but finding the one that would fit our needs or should I say wants was a different story. But alas, we found one and I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!! And so I placed a little Check Mark here.
We submitted our application Tuesday afternoon, and we heard back Wednesday morning that we got approved for the house. Check mark please.
Then, yesterday afternoon at 3:00 the appraiser came and assessed our house and we should hear back this afternoon or tomorrow. I tried to chat it up with him to get a feel for how it would go and really I think we are good to go! Again SUPER EXCITED!! Another Check. ( ..still pending the final word but Rusty and I are feeling some what confident ..sort of..HEHE.)
I know I still have tons of work for that mental Black Sharpie, but for now I am just basking in the glory of crossing a few things off my list. Because after all that is the best part about making a list..The Crossing OFF!!
Oh I do lists too when cleaning. If its not on a list now days it just doesn't get done, I spend time online or playing games with the kids if I don't have a list lol
Unknown, at November 15, 2007 at 11:25 AM
How exciting! Glad you found a place, and to be approved in just one day is amazing. We have been waiting a week now to hear on our house...augh! I'm glad tings are working out so well for you guys....we'll be seeing you soon!
Marisela, at November 15, 2007 at 12:38 PM
I am so glad that we have this big monumentous thing behind us too!!! I can't believe how fast things have been rolling, like a steam roller. Its such a blessing, and we could really use the help here. The Lord knows just how long we could go and He is always good to not disappoint!
Trina, at November 15, 2007 at 2:33 PM
Oh - I love crossing off my lists! I am a serious list maker! ha!
Congrats!! Finding a house in four days is amazing!!
Lori, at November 15, 2007 at 5:14 PM
Wow, it sounds like you know how to make things happen! I'm glad things are coming together for you, with or without a list!
Tan, at November 15, 2007 at 6:12 PM
So glad things are coming together. Congratulations on a house, how exciting. Use a HUGE mental sharpie so you can enjoy the thrill of crossing them off. Hope you are getting the rest done as quickly.
meNmykids, at November 16, 2007 at 9:45 AM
Oh Mary, I am so excited for you all, to have this done and behind you. Selling and buying/renting another is complicated with timing issues. And I don't want to do it again. Nope. I love ya and I am so glad you will be down with my sister soon, to be a comfort to her, in her time of need. LoL {meaning pregnancy} Sorry I have been slow about hopping on your blog. I either blog myself or only comment others. I can't multi task.
Mrs.Martin, at November 16, 2007 at 1:11 PM
Yes! Another list maker!! Cross those babies off!
Chantel H, at November 16, 2007 at 8:55 PM
That's great news! It's nice to move somewhere and actually have somewhere of your own to go! The backyard is a bummer, but our last house we lived in had a (literally) 12' x 12' yard. It was terrible. SO hopefully you have a little more than that ;) If not, I'm so sorry. But I'm glad the house part is what you were wanting. I hate moving, I know you guys will be so happy when it is all over with!
Jules, at November 17, 2007 at 6:31 AM
I am so glad you are getting to mark things off your mental list. Sure wish it was me, but hopefully it soon will be.
Cherrie, at November 17, 2007 at 2:19 PM
Are you going to post pictures of the house?! Sounds like you got to put checks next to some really things. Hope everything continues to go smoothly. :)
Steff, at November 18, 2007 at 8:44 AM
I'm so glad you guys found a place!
I can't wait until you move down here and we can get to know you a little better!
Tish, at November 19, 2007 at 6:22 PM
Dropping in again to say have a wonderful turkey day! :)
Steff, at November 20, 2007 at 6:28 PM
Congratulations. I know how busy life has been with moving and selling and packing. I pray it goes very smoothly for you.
Nadine, at November 27, 2007 at 10:35 PM
Hey Mary,
How's the move going? Was going to give you a call before you left but your phone was already disconnected. Glad you guys didn't leave to early and miss JaLea having the baby :-) Anyways hope everything is going smoothly. Talk to you later.
Beth, at December 1, 2007 at 8:32 AM
You've been really quiet but moving is such a big chore! I just wanted to drop by and say I'm thinking about you and praying for you guys! :)
Steff, at December 7, 2007 at 7:02 PM
I sure hope your settled and enjoying your new home. Have a Merry Christmas!
Cherrie, at December 18, 2007 at 8:33 AM
I hope you and your family are settling into your new home! Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)
Steff, at December 22, 2007 at 6:46 AM
Merry Christmas!
Unknown, at December 22, 2007 at 9:05 AM
I know you have been busy moving. I pray that your Christmas was great with your family. May this new year coming up bless all of you.
Nadine, at January 1, 2008 at 3:35 PM
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