Big News Is Finally Here
Okay well I suppose I will FINALLY plunge back into the infamous blog world!! So much time has passed that I feel totally out of routine and habit..Who am I kidding the habit left me months ago..LOL
Anyhoo, I thought I would do a little catch up and disappoint all you curious Georges out there and let you in on the big news.
Let me first clarify that when I first wrote my last post I had total intentions of posting like the next day and not making this crazy cliffhanger about my "big news." With that being said I realize that the news isn't that big of a deal ...I mean for me is was, but to everyone else it is like.."Oh that's nice."
My big news was that I was going to Hawaii with my sweet hubby for our 10th anniversary! Yes, I know most of you are extremely disappointed in me and that all my news was, was a mere vacation. But in all fairness to me, this really was the biggest trip that my hubby and I have ever taken and I was Oh so PUMPED about it and let me just tell you we had an AMAZING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
We met Rusty's brother James and his wife Lisa there as they celebrated their 25th anniversary!!!
We had so much fun and James and Lisa are a BLAST to be around and I am so glad we got to go..Thanks James and Lisa for inviting guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Not to mention my wonderful mother-in-law watched my 3 kids for 5 nights and 6 days....THANK YOU to her as well!!!!!!!!!!
So there you have it it was a wonderful vacation and I most definitely am not waiting another 10 years to go back..hehe
Since we have been back it has been full steam ahead on the busy level and I sometimes feel like their is no end in sight. However it feels good to be busy and my family is totally adjusting to our new home and new hometown. We are really enjoying our little assembly here, Sis. Marisela and Sis. Tisha are incredibly sweet and we really enjoy the time we have got to spend with everybody. Plus, I can't even begin to describe how awesome it feels to be living close to my Trina again!! WHOOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Rusty really likes his job and the kids are making friends and school seems to be going really good!!
There I have now officially caught everyone up on my "going-ons" and I can now just blog about whatever happens on any given day instead of feeling like I have some major report due and the procrastinator in me is winning and I need to avoid the know who you are..hehehe
So as soon as I can figure out how to download my pics from my new camera then I will be giving you some visual along with my rantings.
I can't promise how often I will actually blog, but I at least just gave myself a reprieve of about 1 month or so..right????
Just kidding it won't be that long..I think.
Anyhoo, I thought I would do a little catch up and disappoint all you curious Georges out there and let you in on the big news.
Let me first clarify that when I first wrote my last post I had total intentions of posting like the next day and not making this crazy cliffhanger about my "big news." With that being said I realize that the news isn't that big of a deal ...I mean for me is was, but to everyone else it is like.."Oh that's nice."
My big news was that I was going to Hawaii with my sweet hubby for our 10th anniversary! Yes, I know most of you are extremely disappointed in me and that all my news was, was a mere vacation. But in all fairness to me, this really was the biggest trip that my hubby and I have ever taken and I was Oh so PUMPED about it and let me just tell you we had an AMAZING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
We met Rusty's brother James and his wife Lisa there as they celebrated their 25th anniversary!!!
We had so much fun and James and Lisa are a BLAST to be around and I am so glad we got to go..Thanks James and Lisa for inviting guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Not to mention my wonderful mother-in-law watched my 3 kids for 5 nights and 6 days....THANK YOU to her as well!!!!!!!!!!
So there you have it it was a wonderful vacation and I most definitely am not waiting another 10 years to go back..hehe
Since we have been back it has been full steam ahead on the busy level and I sometimes feel like their is no end in sight. However it feels good to be busy and my family is totally adjusting to our new home and new hometown. We are really enjoying our little assembly here, Sis. Marisela and Sis. Tisha are incredibly sweet and we really enjoy the time we have got to spend with everybody. Plus, I can't even begin to describe how awesome it feels to be living close to my Trina again!! WHOOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Rusty really likes his job and the kids are making friends and school seems to be going really good!!
There I have now officially caught everyone up on my "going-ons" and I can now just blog about whatever happens on any given day instead of feeling like I have some major report due and the procrastinator in me is winning and I need to avoid the know who you are..hehehe
So as soon as I can figure out how to download my pics from my new camera then I will be giving you some visual along with my rantings.
I can't promise how often I will actually blog, but I at least just gave myself a reprieve of about 1 month or so..right????
Just kidding it won't be that long..I think.
Welllllll its about time Missy Mary!!! And dont think this gets you off the hook for a month or does NOT! I love living near you too, but you know how much I LOVE YOU!! Keep up with your blog, it brings me great joy!
Trina, at February 27, 2008 at 8:34 PM
First of all, I am no one to talk, since I took almost a month off twice. However, blogging is so great to journal our family life, I don't see myself quiting soon. Anyway.. Glad your back.
I would love to see pics. I always enjoy that. Hawaii is one fantastic way to celebrate 10 years together. I can't believe you have been married that long.
See ya soon.
Mrs.Martin, at February 27, 2008 at 10:37 PM
I am a happy woman this morning, you put a smile on my face to see you back. Going to Hawaii for your tenth is awesome that is what me and Lee did. We loved it also and I agree I don't want to what another 10 years to go back. Maybe we should start planning another trip. hehehe....... Please keep us updated I so need the entertainment, when I don't feel good enough to leave the house I just blog.
Cherrie, at February 28, 2008 at 6:23 AM
Hey, it is great to see you back here! I'm so happy for you that you got to go to Hawaii! How fun! I want to go there for Ryan and I's 10th anniversary. It is about 14 months away. Our 9th is coming up quickly. Give us some Hawaii pics, to help motivate me to $$SAVE$$ for it ;) I love reading your blogs! Keep them coming :)
Jules, at February 28, 2008 at 7:25 AM
Hey Mary,
Yippy...I clicked on your page thinking to see the same thing at the top "Jan 3rd" post. Like I should talk my last post was Jan
3rd too....hehe. I will probably be posting again today or tomorrow and it might be a post you want to check out ;-) Anyways, can't wait to see all the pics!!!!
Beth, at February 28, 2008 at 8:33 AM
Nice to have you back! How fun to spend your 10th in Hawaii, lucky you. We need pictures so figure it out lady!
meNmykids, at February 28, 2008 at 10:11 AM
I am really glad you had such a great time in Hawaii. It sounds like a blast!! It is good to have you back.
Anonymous, at February 28, 2008 at 11:32 AM
That sounds like fun. I would definitely consider that big news! So... Happy anniversary last month!
Sabriena, at February 28, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Everyone said everything that I wanted to say for me! So I will just say HI!
Skylene, at February 29, 2008 at 3:26 PM
I know it has only been a few days since you posted but I just wanted to encourage you to show us some pictures. I want to see your house so show us some pictures PLEASE!!!!
Cherrie, at March 1, 2008 at 2:02 PM
Welcome back! sounds like life is pretty busy. I can definately relate. Happy late B-day!!
Chantel H, at March 1, 2008 at 2:03 PM
Jeez...way to leave us hanging! LOL! Seriously, I can't wait to see Hawaii pictures! I would LOVE to go there!!! I am so jealous! Glad to have you back - you are back, right?
Lori, at March 2, 2008 at 3:56 PM
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