Jarred's 6th Birthday!
Anyhoo, my little guy is now officially 6 yrs. old!!! I can not tell you how long I have heard this count down from my little man...I think since like maybe Dec. No Joke!
Unfortunately I was sick on his actual B-Day day so we had to have just a small party of just our own family. That is a big change on how we normally throw party bashes around our house. We normally do a big themed party with pinatas and goodie bags and all the hoopla, but since we don't live around family any more we toned it down a bit. We were going to combine parties with Tisha's little boy because the 2 boys birthdays are only 3 days apart and we would be inviting the same people anyway. Then I got sick and so did she so it got even more scaled back. But all was not a complete loss...Jarred's "big" cousin, Scott had came down for his special day and we ordered pizza, had cake and ice cream, and then went to a nickel arcade. I was feeling better so I decided to join the family and we had a great time. Tisha's Hubby showed up at the arcade with Christian and Ruby and hung out with us too. So that was great that Jarred still got to spend sometime with a few of his friends.
All in all I think Jarred had a pretty good time. After all he still got tons of presents from family and friends and let me just tell the Nerf Wars have not stopped yet.
Here are a few shots of Jarred on his big Day...
The Birthday Boy and his Transformer Cake
Here is a close up of the Cake...I found these letter candles at Party City and it worked out perfect because Jarred has 6 letters in his name..
This was his big gift from Rusty and me. Everyone meet "Boomer." The newest edition to our family. This little hamster has brought all 3 kids tons of joy.
This is a look of determination..He WILL get that gift open!!
This was just the beginning of his Nerf Gun stash..
Of course every war isn't complete without the classic bow and arrow attack..hehe
He has had his eye on this baby since right after Christmas.. He was super pumped!
Here they are....The 3 little ones that help make my world go round..however, just a little faster than I would like at times..LOL
So there you have it my second son is now 6 yrs. old and all I gotta say is..
Where Did the Time Go?!?!..Sigh
Happy Birthday Jarred!!!
We Love You!!!
The pictures of the party looked pretty good ,even with a sick mommy it looks like you out did me on most my kids B-day.Today was Tyrels 14th and we made a cake and didn't even eat it.
michelle, at March 9, 2008 at 11:04 PM
Looks like he really enjoyed it and got a lot of cool stuff.
Beth, at March 10, 2008 at 8:39 AM
Looks like a lot of fun! The hamster will be great as long as you don't have to do the maintenance. Ours were the sweetest things. I can't believe how big your kids are.
meNmykids, at March 10, 2008 at 8:41 AM
I love the look on his face in those pictures. Sorry you were sick but glad you were well enough to go and enjoy.
By the way I am so ready to be out there we are just waiting on this house to sell. PRAY!!!!!
Cherrie, at March 10, 2008 at 9:14 AM
Looks like he had a great birthday. You got a lot of great pictures too.
Marisela, at March 10, 2008 at 12:08 PM
Well, happy birthday... a while ago! Looks like it was fun, even if not as big as usual. As Mom said, your kids should really enjoy that hamster! I don't know how you are about rodents, but Mom didn't think she could stand for Kali to get one... But it was Kali's money! Mom, too, fell in love! Boomer looks just like our Popcorn (we had two hamsters, Popcorn, and Kernel). Good luck with the nerf wars!
Sabriena, at March 10, 2008 at 1:26 PM
I wish we could have been there for it too. It looks like the party turned out super cute, as usual. My boys loved the idea that you guys were going to a NICKEL arcade. BTW...You aren't a bad mommy...I still havent posted about Levi's bday either. So much to post, so little time! hehehe
Trina, at March 10, 2008 at 2:25 PM
Looks like he was pretty happy! ha! His facial expressions are priceless!
Lori, at March 10, 2008 at 2:54 PM
I love the cake! And it looks like he had quite the birthday and I still remember some of my gifts from my 6th, so they do remember this age.
Mrs.Martin, at March 10, 2008 at 8:20 PM
Beautiful Childern Mary. It amazes me how much those boys look like Rusty at that age. Weird that I can remember that. But Mom and I were going through old pictures when I was in Oklahoma and we ran across a picture of Rusty & Frank about the same age as your oldest son is now. Talk about time whiplash.
JoAnn, at March 11, 2008 at 8:31 AM
Awww... It looked like it was a GrEAT b-day party. I love the Transformers theme. Blake is just 3 months younger than Jarred :) He'll be 6 June 1st. You are so right...WHERE DOES TIME GO ?!?! Jarred looked very happy :D
Jules, at March 11, 2008 at 2:42 PM
Your toned down birthday is still better than ours so far. It seems like some major craziness is always going on about birthday time.
Skylene, at March 15, 2008 at 10:23 AM
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