Night of the Notables
Most of the research and the speech writing was done at school so really our only project at home was to find and bring to life the physical part of his character, aka the costume....
Jake picked the famous Sitting Bull. So last Sat. we as a family scoured the county-side looking for a Indian costume and the accessories that go along with any great Sitting Bull costume. Much to our disappointment, but not surprise we really couldn't find a great Indian outfit in March..huh that's weird..LOL
We did however find the accessories, but no costume so, my hubby and I came up with the "brilliant" idea of me making it. Now this is quite funny in itself because I have never made clothing for my children nor anyone else for that matter..Actually I take that back I think once my sister-in-law talked my into making a dress about 10 yrs ago, but she basically did EVERYTHING and I was just along for the ride.
So cut to Sat. evening and Rusty and I are in Jo-Ann's and wading through the pattern books looking for something resembling and Indian outfit. I found an actual costume, but it looked so complicated that I couldn't even understand the instructions on the back on how much material and what kind of material to get.....I was in BIG trouble.
But alas we found a pattern (Pajamas) that would work and figured we were good to go.
Sunday afternoon we spread the pattern and material all out and I pinned the pattern while my trusty assistant (Rusty ) cut it out. Thanks Honey!!
I then set to sewing this mess together. The top went together pretty quickly, until I got to the sleeves. It looked WAY to complicated for this novice seamstress so I vetoed the them and he was now going be a sleeveless Indian....hehe
Then came the pants...I started feeling over confident in my abilities and thought I could "fancy" this baby up a bit...I decided to put some fringe along the side. Well, after I finally figured out how to get the two legs sewn together, I put the fringe in problem. I then was tackling the elastic and I was just about done when my eye drew back for a moment and I noticed a different texture on the pant leg. I looked closer and realized that had I had sewn one pant leg inside out. It was fleece material so obviously it looked a different shade not to mention the texture!!! NO NO NO!!
I had to rip out every thing on one pant leg, even the fringe, and start from the very beginning.....
This is why I don't sew!!
Anyway, I finished it, but then I went back to the elastic I was so burnt out that after I sewed it in the hem thingy I just tied it in a knot and called it a day..LOL Not very pretty, but the shirt was long enough to cover, thank goodness!!
So, last night came and we got Jake all dressed up and ready for his big night. Here are few shots of the occasion......
Here is my Hunk of a man...I needed to braid the wig and Jake wouldn't hold still enough so Rusty volunteered for the job...What a guy!!
The kids decided to get in on the photo session with their beautiful Daddy..LOL
Sitting Bull in the flesh!!
Silly Kids!!
Me with my masterpiece..LOL
Jake was so nervous when we pulled up to the school. I do believe his words were.."I think I'm gonna hurl." I of course told him it was gonna be Okay, but what do I know I am just a silly mommy who never has been through anything like this..hehe I practically had to drag him out of the suburban, but as you can see once we got inside he was all smiles and the stress melted away.
Here he is giving his speech..He did a great job and all in all the night was a great success!!
Good Job, Jake..I mean Sitting Bull!!!!!
You did a great job on the costume. He looked really great. It was fun trying to figure out who everyone was. Glad he didn't hurl :0 that would have heen embaressing!
Marisela, at March 5, 2008 at 12:02 PM
What a great experience! Good job Jake! I am impressed with the costume! Give yourself a big pat on the back. Now you're ready to tackle another sewing project, right??
Chantel H, at March 5, 2008 at 4:14 PM
Kudo's to you both - that costume looks awesome! The stress was worth it!
Lori, at March 5, 2008 at 5:02 PM
THat costume turned out fantastic! Totally impressed Mom! Now I know who I can turn to for all my homemade costume needs for Halloween next year...I'll get to planning...hehehe
Trina, at March 5, 2008 at 5:25 PM
First of all the costume looks great with all the fringe and the boots to match. The wig was funny with Rusty in it. I thought he looked like JaLea a bit. LoL I understand getting the jitters for you little kids but it turned out nicely.
Mrs.Martin, at March 5, 2008 at 6:57 PM
Wow! The costume looked great! I loved the wig on your husband! LOL.
Jules, at March 5, 2008 at 7:49 PM
The costume looks awesome. You are a good momma, and Jake looks adorable.
Cherrie, at March 5, 2008 at 8:05 PM
Well, it looks great to me!!!! You are better than you think. All the pics are great!!!
Beth, at March 6, 2008 at 8:39 AM
I can completely relate to your sewing experience. I sew everything inside out,upside down,backwards,any way but the right way. I am a safety pin woman!
Skylene, at March 6, 2008 at 10:25 AM
Haha oh my goodness, ok so first congrats on the costume! Turned out cute. But, my favorite part no doubt was Uncle Rusty with his oh so pretty hair! lol ;) I laughed for quite a while, while looking at that one! I showed Jeremy and I must say he enjoyed it too! hehe I think it's going to be printed out and put on our fridge before ya know it! ;) Love ya Uncle Rusty!! hehe
Anonymous, at March 6, 2008 at 5:09 PM
I cannot believe that Rusty let you take a picture of him with that wig on!!! He is such a trooper! The costume looked really good. You are such a dedicated mommy. I'm sure I would have found a lazy way out!
Tish, at March 13, 2008 at 11:07 PM
Also I'm glad that Jake got rid of his jitters.
Tish, at March 13, 2008 at 11:08 PM
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