Monday, March 17, 2008

Our 10th

Rusty and I officially celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, March 14th. I know what you are thinking, that I just made this big post about Hawaii and it being our anniversary and such and you are right, we did celebrate that trip in honor of our 10th, but Friday was the actual DATE that we got married....we just jumped the gun a little on the celebration..hehe

So I was flipping through my wedding album yesterday (we had some company over and they were checking out my pictures) and so I decided to scan a few and share a few memories of that special day.

Rusty and I met in high school as Seniors, we actually met as Juniors but we were both dating other people. I instantly thought he was a cutie, but I'm not quite sure what his REAL impression of me was. Of course, now he would feed me full of all kinds of nice things, but you never really know, right..LOL

Anyhoo, we finally started dating in January of 1995 and have been together ever since. At first our relationship was quite feisty, we both are strong willed people and it was lot like fire and ice. Just ask our friends and family, I bet they never thought we would make it more than a couple of months. However, thank the good Lord that we both grew up and starting acting like reasonable, responsible adults and the rest, as they say, is history. Now I'm not leading you on to believe that we live in some fairy tale romance with butterflies and flowers all the time, but we both know each others place in our life and we both have a main desire to serve the Lord and so the rest mostly takes care of itself.

So in honor of our wonderful day here are a few pics...

Here we are saying our cherished vows..Rusty's Step-Dad married us which has been so special for us.

Walking down the aisle for the first time as Husband and Wife! He was really happy ..I promise!

One of the many, many pictures taken...I have never smiled (fake and real) so much in my life..LOL

Us cutting the cake.. A friend of ours made it for us as our wedding gift and as you can see she used fresh flowers which I was a little nervous about, but I thought it turned out GORGEOUS!

A picture of our Wedding Party..

Here we are loaded up and ready to take off for our Honeymoon...It took quite awhile for us to break through the saran wrap barrier that covered his truck, not to mention the shaving cream, shoe polish, and all sorts of fun obstacles. As you might have guessed Rusty had a little payback coming his way..hehe

It was an amazing Day and I often look back and wish I could go back to that time where everything was new and fresh, but I then look at my children and the trials that we have been through and I am thankful for where we are at today and that the Lord is still with us each day and our marriage is as strong as ever.

Happy Anniversary Honey..I Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Awwww how sweet, you guys look amazing. I love to see pictures, Rusty looked a little nervous but straitened right up when you got in that vehicle to leave. He sure had a big smile then.

    By Blogger Cherrie, at March 17, 2008 at 8:19 PM  

  • Happy anniversary. I love looking at wedding pictures. It is fun to see how different people look after the 10+ years. I have to say you both don't really look much different. Still a beauitful couple.

    By Blogger Marisela, at March 17, 2008 at 9:47 PM  

  • Haha oh my goodness. I remember being super taller than scott but now there is proof!! lol I was showing amanda. We got a good laugh! Love ya!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 17, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

  • Great pictures!I do agree with Cherrie about Rusty looking a little nervous ,but I'll have to say brian looked scared and about to pass out at our wedding until we we're walking out then he had a big smile.

    By Blogger michelle, at March 18, 2008 at 6:08 AM  

  • It is funny your wedding day seems like yesterday to me and at the same time it seems like forever ago. I enjoyed seeing the pictures again. They brought back wonderful memories of that day and the many days we had before. Mary, you are so beautiful!!!
    We miss you guys.

    Amy and Trav

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 18, 2008 at 6:58 AM  

  • Congratulations!!! Isn't it amazing how fast it goes? And when you look back to all you have faced together it seems like it must have taken longer than 10 years. Its wonderful how God allows us to grow together as one. Good Luck on the next 10.

    By Blogger Mom of 3, Aunt of 16, at March 18, 2008 at 8:13 AM  

  • LACI! AMY! I can't believe you guys finally left a comment..I love hearing from everyone, but I was so surprised when I saw you two!:-)
    Keep it up...
    BTW.. So when am I gonna see your two names linked to a blog? Huh? Huh?

    By Blogger marykathryn, at March 18, 2008 at 8:23 AM  

  • Oh, I LOVE looking at pictures! Well happy official anniversary, hehe. There's nothing wrong with going somewhere ahead of time. Your wedding was GORGEOUS, and you were a beautiful bride! Thanks for posting pics :)

    By Blogger Jules, at March 18, 2008 at 8:29 AM  

  • I must say Mary you are always so pretty.. but gosh you looked like a supermodel or something. Rusty didn't look like he was all that enthused until you got ready to leave the church!! HEE HEE HEE Beautiful wedding. I wish I could have been there.

    By Blogger JoAnn, at March 18, 2008 at 6:26 PM  

  • that is a preety wedding dress

    By Blogger Shelbi, at March 18, 2008 at 6:38 PM  

  • I have always enjoyed your wedding photos, you both are a beautiful couple!!

    I have to say that I was shocked to see Amy and Laci leaving you a comment....I agree, keep that up girlies! *smiling*

    I love the relationship that you and Rusty have. You are very blessed and God knew what He was doing when He put you two together.

    Happy 10th!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 18, 2008 at 6:49 PM  

  • Thanks everyone for your super sweer comments!! That day was so special and it I'm glad I shared that piece of history with you guys!!

    By Blogger marykathryn, at March 19, 2008 at 9:34 AM  

  • A great post - LOVE the pictures! You looked beautiful!! 10 years and still happy - congrats!

    By Blogger Lori, at March 19, 2008 at 3:43 PM  

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