Playing Catch Up
Baseball season IS finally over..hehe just barely though. However only to start back up again in 2 very short weeks. According to all the men folk that presusded me into this Summer Season it should be alot less maintenance..Which is a good thing considering we had a game or practice every night Mon-Sat. Sigh...
Jake and Hailey both celebrated turning another year older...the Big 9 and the Big 3. They both seemed to have a great time, but cake, balloons, and presents who wouldn't right?..hehe Here are a few pics of their big day...
Unfortunately most of the pics from his birthday have a weird blur to them but here is a pic of his cake.
Here he is acting like his silly self and VERY happy about his new scooter.
Here is the birthday girl methodically demonstrating her new age..hehe
She is OFFICIALLY ready to roll....
In May we went to the Brewster camp-out which was so great to see all our friends and spend some time just relaxing and enjoying everyone...Not to mention the Great meeting we had. Then the next weekend we travelled 6 hrs back down there for our nephew's (Scott) graduation. That too was a busy weekend, but we are still glad we went and the kids really enjoyed their cousins!
Now it is the end of June and we are currently on the house hunt...Our renting lease is up at the end of Aug. and so we are looking to buy. Rusty, of course, wants to live out in the country and I would love that as well..However the that fact that the price of land and houses on land are CRAZY high that doesn't seem to be in our future. There are few hopeful prospects that I will keep under my hat just in case they don't work out..No use wasting typing time on things unless they look like a real possibility.
So all in all it has been a good 3 months with baseball, birthdays, travel, company, berry picking (love that freezer jam..yum!), house hunting and just hanging out.
Now I can't promise to be diligent about my posts but I will however try to stay on top of it a little better...I am feeling a little deja vous..aren't you? LOL
It is about time woman. We have missed you on here. You sound like a busy woman. Can't wait to see you guys, only a week and a half.....
Cherrie, at June 26, 2008 at 1:55 PM
WOW, I'm so glad to see a new post ;) I have really missed reading your posts. Your kid's birthdays looked like a lot of fun. I LOVE Disney Princesses for little girls. Taylor had several princess birthdays, but now she is past that age. Now it is Hannah Montana, High School Musial, etc... Well, until next time... we'll see ya later :)
Jules, at June 26, 2008 at 2:00 PM
WOW!! I just nearly had a heart attack! To see your name at the TOP of the page is a very big deal! It is so nice to hear from you again. I really hope you and rusty are able to find a nice house. Your childern as usual are completely adorable.
JoAnn, at June 26, 2008 at 4:53 PM
Missed ya! You always tease us and promise to be back and then disappear again!! LOL!
That Haley is just plain adorable!! Sounds like you've been busy and a good kind of busy too. Good luck with the house hunt. I would LOVE a place in the country too, but can't afford land yet...someday!!
Lori, at June 26, 2008 at 6:35 PM
Glad to hear from you. Looks like the kids had great birthdays. They do grow fast.
Nadine, at June 26, 2008 at 7:07 PM
First of all Im so glad that I was able to find something that motivated you to post, FINALLY! 3 months...tsk tsk! hehehe
Im so glad that I was able to be a part of your children's bdays again. What a blessing to resume that tradition again, now that you live here! We are so blessed Mary!
Trina, at June 27, 2008 at 10:24 AM
Wow! I too was amazed to see that you had actually posted again! Things have been pretty busy. I hope summer baseball is less hectic for you. I also hope you and Rusty find the perfect house.
Tish, at June 27, 2008 at 3:51 PM
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