Where to begin......
Sigh......Well again I find myself facing my same old nemesis...too much time has passed and there is too much to catch up on and so my swirling mind says,"Why bother?"..hehe
But alas I will conquer my little foe and bite the bullet and post a bit about the crazy past month...............
Well obviously we moved..LOL
Nov.30th was our arrival date in our new home town and boy does that even feel like a life time ago. We were scheduled to pick the U-Haul up on Nov. 29 and that would give us all day to load and finish packing so we could head out Fri. morning bright and early. We were supposed to meet up with our rental agency agent by 5:00 pm in order to get the keys to our new place...Our landlord made it very clear that Rusty and I both needed to be present for the "precious" handing over of the keys and so we were a little nervous about getting there on time or no keys until Monday. The actual drive is only about 6 1/2 hrs. but we would be driving a U-Haul AND not to mention a huge snow storm hit us and the roads were not looking to be very friendly.
Nov.29th comes around and Rusty and I go to pick up our gigantic truck and I then run to Wal-Mart for a few last min things..Well here is where the day goes south...I left my wallet in my shopping cart and DROVE AWAY!!!!!! I immediately realized it when I got to the next store, but when I went back it was gone..Shopping cart still there, but no wallet!.....GRRRRRRRR
I of course went to all the necessary places and asked if a purse was turned in..Nope.
So I then had to go to my bank, shut down my checking account, open a new one, remember what was the last check I actually used and Oh yeah did I mention that this was in a totally different town?...Yep, Wal-Mart and the U-Haul place are in another little town 30 miles away and so going to the bank w/o any ID and asking them to shut down my account and open a new one was kinda tricky. Luckily a lady from my hometown branch was working in that branch that day.....
I then needed to go to the DMV and get a temporary Driver's License. I mean I couldn't drive down there and back w/o my ID...My Luck is not that good. I then returned home to cancel all my other credit cards and help load our 24 ft. U-Haul and finishing packing. Needless to say my mood was not the greatest.
The next morning I woke up and stared getting around and it was about 6:00 am. Our plan was to drop the boys off at school ( the boys were staying there with my sister-in-law because we were coming back on Monday to finish up the closing of our house and stay until Dec. 19th to finish up the boys school and things) and then head out around 8:00am. Rusty's brother was helping us move down there ( Thanks Marty and Bro. Claude!!) because the snow in the passes was supposed to be bad and Rusty was a little unsure as how to properly "chain up". Not to mention I was his only help..LOL Oh my, what a site that would have been.
At 6:30am my sister-in-law called and informed me she was in labor...2 weeks early....I believe my exact words were, "No, No, NO" She then assured me Yes. I was supposed to be there when she had the baby, but I really didn't see how it was going to all work out. The landlord lady was so staunch about us BOTH being there I really had no hopes of getting to stay.
I really prayed about it and whatever was meant to be would just have to be and I would just have to accept it. At 9:00 am I called the agency and spoke to the lady and told her the situation and she was AMAZING!! She said no problem and she would see me on Mon. to sign the papers. Rusty could just pick up the keys by himself....YAY!!!
So Rusty, Hailey, his brother, and his brother's father-in-law all set out on the 6 1/2 hour (which I think turned in to about 8 or 9 hr. journey) while I stayed behind and waited for my new nephew or niece to be born.
At 3:27 my so sweet, so precious cutie pie niece was born..Abi Jane..Congratulations, Greg and Jalea!!
Then at 5:15pm I left on the 6 hr drive heading west so I could get to the new house, unpack, and attempt to get things in somewhat of an order so when we got back down there in 2 weeks it wouldn't be total chaos and overwhelming. Thanks to Dennis and Trina we made a huge dent in our unpacking!! Thanks guys, you are the best!! Not to mention thanks to their strong boys and Bro. Matt who helped unload the beast of a truck in I think I heard like 2 1/2 hrs!! WOWZZERS!!!!
Well that is all I'm gonna post about for now because my fingers are not used to all this typing..hehe. Plus, I am sure if any of you are still with me on this minute by minute replay of my 2 day span then you are wanting to get on with your day..LOL
I will post more about the 2 weeks we spent living in a 1 bed house, pics of my new house and Christmas pics later..not to mention some super exciting news..
No I am not pregnant...LOL
Hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year and may this year bring great things to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!