My Little Checklist...
Last weekend we went down to Oregon and stayed with our favorite Dennis and Trina Family. (LOVE YOU GUYS!! Thanks for everything!!) We scoured (and literally I mean scoured) our new home town to find the best house we could for our family. Seriously we looked everywhere...Craigslist was our BFF..hehe
Anyhoo, after 4 days of looking, deciding, hoping, disappointments, then looking some more, then deciding some more, we finally got a house. It is Super Cute. However their is a small down side, not a great backyard..bummer. However I am not complaining because the house is GREAT! Not to mention when it came down to Tuesday morning and we were having to leave in a few short hours I felt a little stressed to make it all happen. Don't get me wrong there was quite a few houses to choose from, but finding the one that would fit our needs or should I say wants was a different story. But alas, we found one and I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!! And so I placed a little Check Mark here.
We submitted our application Tuesday afternoon, and we heard back Wednesday morning that we got approved for the house. Check mark please.
Then, yesterday afternoon at 3:00 the appraiser came and assessed our house and we should hear back this afternoon or tomorrow. I tried to chat it up with him to get a feel for how it would go and really I think we are good to go! Again SUPER EXCITED!! Another Check. ( ..still pending the final word but Rusty and I are feeling some what confident ..sort of..HEHE.)
I know I still have tons of work for that mental Black Sharpie, but for now I am just basking in the glory of crossing a few things off my list. Because after all that is the best part about making a list..The Crossing OFF!!