Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

This last weekend we too got into the spirit of the season and carved pumpkins. Well really I must confess...Jake's school friend called on Friday and asked if him and Jarred could come over for a pumpkin carving party. Needless to say, this mommy was happy to let that task and that mess go onto another house. Does that make me a bad mommy or a lucky mommy?? LOL

Anyhoo, our instructions were to buy and Gut the pumpkins at home and so when the kiddos arrived at the party they would be good to go. We had to enlist Daddy's help for the cutting duty. I snapped a few shots of the "gutting" process...

Here is the crew all ready for action..Doesn't Rusty looked thrilled for the job at hand..hehe

Here Jake is cleaning out his pumpkin...He loved this part.

Jarred on the other hand wasn't quite sure about the gooey mess he was touching at this moment...

However as you can see, he started to get into after a while...

Finally Hailey gets her turn and she dives right in...Who am I kidding, she is a toddler and what toddler doesn't love to get messy?!?

This was her favorite part..Playing with the bowl of seeds and stringy pumpkin...

Now here are a few shots of the "after pics" that I took after the party. The boys had a BLAST and they (or should I say the other mommy) did a great job... hehe

Here they are all lined up in the Dining room..I know you really can't see the images very well, but Jarred's is a wolf, Jake's a werewolf face, and Hailey's was just a silly face....

Sidenote: Yes, Hailey is wearing a bathing suit and black dress shoes...I told her to get ready for a pic with her pumpkin and this is what she came out in...

This is a shot that I took outside last night...I was very impressed with the carvings..I think they look so neat!!

Here is the silly face that I carved for Hailey... I learned that silly faces can be very forgiving when you mess up on the carving..It just looks like it is supposed to be that way..right??

So now on to the actual Trick-or-Treating....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I Love A Good Bogo Sale..

I needed to get some new shoes. I needed some shoes to wear to church because I am super tired of wearing my boots, which I have wore for the past 2 or 3 winters. I wanted a different style to change things up a bit. I love the look with a little bow on the tip that I saw this younger gal wear, she was like 19 (just thought I would throw her age out there so nobody was thinking that I saw these on one of Hailey's little friends..LOL). Not to mention they were Flats and since my hubby and I are already close to eye level I thought this would be perfect. However when I went and actually tried the Flats on, well it wasn't so cute on me..hehe

So I found these guys and even though they do have a heel, I still couldn't resist them nor the sale.

Here is a view from the front.....

Another little look....

The heel is a little taller than I normally choose, but I decided to live life on the wild side and get them anyway..LOL

I also bought the same one in black. I really did try to look for a different style, but they didn't have anything else I loved not to mention, it was buy one get one 1/2 off....Yay for me!!

I am excited about my new shoes and can't wait to wear them to church...I just hope my next post isn't about me being couch-bound because just I broke my ankle trying to walk in these things..hehe

Friday, October 26, 2007

Why do they do that?

Last night Rusty came home with a little surprise for the boys. He rented Transformers the movie. The boys have been dying to see it. Jarred has been sick for the last couple of days so he brought it hope in hopes of a little pick me up. However much to my liking, Jarred was already feeling better and so he was SUPER pumped to watch the movie and Jake, well he couldn't have been happier. Hailey was of course along for the ride, and the popcorn..hehe
So we get all settled in and pop this baby in and really Rusty and I are looking forward to the movie too. After all, Transformers was from our generation. He had the action figures, as did my brother, and so we were just as amped for the show as the boys were. It starts out and I see the PG-13 rating and I got to be honest was alittle worried, but figured it was just a violence thing and I was like well it is robots so how bloody could it be?
Well it really wasn't that bloody, but I sure could have done without some of the language. Luckily most of the bad language, and really it wasn't that much, but any is enough for me to complain, was during really active scenes and the boys didn't seem to notice because their was so much activity on the screen, but Rusty and I picked up on it.
So here is my grip...Why do they do that???
Why do they make movies that is obviously going to interest children and sprinkle bad language and some content that is not suitable for them to watch?? I mean call me kooky, but I mean it certainly doesn't make the story and it doesn't even add to it either. I mean we aren't watching the movie and saying,
"Well I'm sure glad they said ***** because I couldn't quite figure out what they were trying to say here."
We have so many people in the world today complaining about our youth and where they are going and all the wrong choices they are making, but then we continue to feed the beast just to make a buck. I know everybody says well that is what sells....Well why do we continue to make it a choice for them to buy. Cut it off at the knees and if it isn't an option, then it won't have the chance to sell. I know, I know freedom of speech, right? Well I doubt, that was set in place in order to make a scene in a movie stretch out by placing 7 words in it that most moms would wash their children's mouths out if they heard them saying. I mean after all we are talking about a movie that is centered around robots and action figures..aka TOYS!! It drives me crazy that their are so few things out there that a family can enjoy together that will hold the attention of a child, but yet entertain the parent.
Okay so their you have it, that is my complaint for the week..hehe
So, agree or disagree???

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a Sweetie!

How sweet is my hubby?!? I was having kind of a bad afternoon/evening on Tuesday. I can't really pin point the problem, just feeling down. I expressed my silly woes to him that night. So Wednesday evening, in he walks caring these.....

Oh I love him so!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oh No Yogos!!

I am always looking for a great healthy snack for my kiddos, I mean what mom isn't right? Well the other day we were at Costco buying some things and I went down the snack aisle. Since both boys go to school, packing their lunch everyday with things that stay fresh, but health is sometimes tricky, not to mention can get mundane. So we went searching for a different snack to help spice up lunch time. The boys discovered Yogos Rollers. I snagged the box and read that it was basically yogurt and fruit in a roll-up form. Seemed simple enough. After all the boys loved fruit roll-ups and they both love Go-Gurts so I thought I was good to go.

So we get home and the boys were all to anxious to embark on their new dream snack. I am happy to oblige because after all they are eating fruit AND yogurt.

Well in walks the problem..aka Hailey. She of course wants to sample this tasty new treat. I open up her little package and start to unwrap this sticky strip from the paper. She however strong protests this idea and insists that she do it her self. Yes, you guessed it, she is at the wonderful stage where she HAS to do everything herself, but still doesn't have the skills to achieve it..SIGH...How fun is this little phase.

So I get a little unwrapped from the paper before a full fit is thrown and then hand her the rest hoping that this might all work out. She happily eats the part that I peel and then attempts to unwrap the rest. She walks away concentrating on her little task and I just figure it will work itself out..somehow..hehe

She then comes to me about 5 min later with the roll-up still in a ball, but with several teeth marks in it , including the paper.

She is upset, because the Yogo is not cooperating with her and she now wants me to fix her little problem. I start to attempt to unwrap this thing, but it is now wet and it feels like I am trying to peel toothpaste off of paper, but yet still keep it in some strip like form. What a gooey mess!!


I am thinking this is ridiculous and by now Hailey is irritated by my slothfulness of getting her snack to her and she is now opening another Yogo and attempting to do a repeat performance. I can see that this could turn into a vicious cycle and I must stop it now..LOL

So needless to say after this box of is all gone it will probably be awhile before we purchase these babies again. Not to mention the boys aren't really loving the snack either..Of course, they only like 1 flavor and so the other flavors are left to be halfway consumed by the impatient do-it-yourself 2 yr old. 15 down, 27 to go!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Jeans

So I was sitting here surfing the blogging world and I was thinking that I need to post a quick something. I am SO burnt of all my posts about the Drama that is going on in my life as I read back through my last few journals, that I bet you all are thinking Amen to that sister!! Now I am not discounting everything that has been going on, but I need to throw a fun post in every now and again don't ya think?..hehe

So today is on a lighter note.....

I am the type of person who MUST have a weird body type, because I can not just go to any old store and buy a cute pair of jeans and then go on about my day. In High School I used to love the way Gap jeans fit, however my family was not in the let me drop $50 on a pair of jeans for my teenage daughter income bracket so I might have had like 1 pr....But I LOVED them. So as time went on and I got into college and made my own money I found myself still on that level..hehe Go figure, it was my money I was spending now...

Anyhoo so in college and after I dabbled with Old Navy jeans and really anything that would be long enough to ensure that whispers as I walked by would not be about my high-waters, just about another one of my flaws..hehe

So a couple of years ago I discovered Levi 515....Yes I DO realize that I didn't really discover them and I am sure they have been around for centuries, but to me it was like a little piece of gold. I do believe that Trina enlighten me to this yummy pair of pants because as a tall lady herself I wanted to know where she got her jeans. And so my love affair with this style began...

So, anyway long story short I went to JCPenny's the other day to pick up another pair. I had Hailey with me and really she was being pretty good in the dressing room, but I knew we had a lot to accomplish that day and spending tons of time on something that I knew I like seemed futile. So I purchased the jeans and we went on our way.

The next day I slid my jeans on in a hurry because we were running a tad late on getting the boys to school..I ripped ALL the tags off and we headed out the door.

So about an hr. later I was chatting on the phone with Ms. Trina and I was pacing around the house..Habit that I found myself doing as I chat on the I was in my room and I have a full length mirror on the back of my door. Hailey likes to follow me around as I do my marathon walking and shut the door behind us. So I found myself standing in front of my mirror and decided to thoroughly check out my new jeans..I know a little late. Anyway I liked the fit and of course the length and then I turned around to check out the back and I was SHOCKED as to what I saw.......

Of course we all know that the style these days is for jeans to look faded in certain areas and dark in other..personally I really don't care for the look, but I was not consulted on the matter..hehe

So as I looked at my jeans there was some definite fading and the way that the fading was designed and WHERE the fading was designed made me look well I will let you see for yourself and let you make the call.....

Now I realize that this might be a little hard for you to see, but if you focus on the middle of the jeans and the contrast to the pockets of the jeans I think you will get the picture and see the dark V that I am talking about. And then imagine them on a body where there are no wrinkles and pulled tight...

I was like "No-No-NO"....I told Trina about my little discovery and the fact that I had just left the house and went out in public like this. I quickly took them off and snapped a pic and then emailed her to see if maybe it was all in my imagination and it didn't really look like I just came from a gym where I worked out way too hard and I was sweating in places that obviously didn't get dried off and my jeans were now showing the world what style of undergarments I was wearing...

But she confirmed it and I do believe her exact words were.."Oh no, you HAVE to take those babies back!"

So cut to me 15 mins later digging through the outside trash because I had just put the tags in the trash and took it out before I made my little discovery...Sigh

Gotta love fashion these days!!!

Monday, October 8, 2007


So here is the deal... Most of you guys know that our house deal fell through. I know blah blah blah, right? With that being said it also put a kink in the job plans as to when we could be down there. When Rusty got the call last week about the job the man turned the ball over to our court and told him to get back to him as to what our decision would be and when we could come. This man has seemed VERY understanding and very professional, however he is still running a business. Well Rusty and I knew that today he would have to make the call to tell this man that we DID want the job, BUT we would not be able to leave here unless our house sold...SIGH
So after alot of praying and seeking the Lord, Rusty called the man today and explained our situation.
The man was AMAZING, or really the Lord is AMAZING because I know he worked this out. The man told Rusty that their company sought after employees that would fit them specifically and they only were willing to hire those who they felt like did. He then told Rusty that he had already emailed the other 7 people who interviewed him and they all agreed that they would be willing to wait on him and the job was his when he got down there because he was their guy.
How crazy is that?? I mean seriously.... There has been some confusion here lately as to which direction we are to be lead, but I think this little miracle helps us put things in order. Our main mission is to please the Lord and do what we are feeling like he is instructing us to do. There still are some things to work out in order for the U-Haul truck to be backed up to our drive, but this step helps us see that it is definitely going in that direction.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Call

Well they called!!! Wednesday afternoon Rusty FINALLY ( I say finally, but I know it was only 1 day of waiting..felt like an eternity..hehe) got the call..And they offered him a job!! It was in the price range that we needed to live down there, so we feel happy with the offer, now even more pressure to sell the house however. ( You were so right Trina..LOL) When Rusty first went down for the interview they knew that the move wouldn't take place until Nov. But now that we don't even have a buyer for the house we are unsure about the actual time frame....Sigh
So now we feel like we are on a time line that is picking up crazy speed for selling this house. However, I have faith that the Lord will work everything out the way it is supposed to go. I am just thankful that one big decision is done with and we are now starting to tackle the next.
BUT, last night at Jake's football practice we were talking to a new couple who moved here this year and they are currently living in a 5th wheel and just sold their house in Montana...See where this is going?? So we told them about our house for sale, but Rusty said he really couldn't get a feel for them..interested not interested, we don't know... So, we shall see how this new path unwinds..hehe
I am not getting my hopes up because really I can't see the future, only the Lord can. I know something will come our way when he sees fit, but this ol' flesh always seems itching for the roller coaster ride, even though my stress level doesn't care for it one bit..LOL
So there you have it bloggy friends...We now officially have a job, but no time frame to move nor a real bite on the line considering our house........Oh Me Oh MY...
So we shall see what happens next!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Little Lift

I started this morning off in not the best of moods I must confess. We got the final call last night and the couple that was hoping to buy our house is definitely out of the running...Sigh

Now, I don't think that I posted about how we lowered the offer in hopes that things might work out, but we did and it didn't. So we are now starting from scratch with selling the house...without a realtor. This makes me nervous because I really don't know much, if anything about selling homes. So we might try this for a while and then cave in and list it professionally. Oh joy, another decision to make...LOL

Anyway, I was feeling a little defeated and discouraged about all the "bumps" in the road when Trina called me this morning. Being the AWESOME listener that she is, she waited patiently as I rambled on and on about all my woes of life and how things weren't working out about this and that....

She gave me good sound advice (no surprise there) and some encouraging words. But I have to be honest it really didn't take seed in my heart for awhile until later today when I was able to reflect back on the conversation and really started to re-evaluate my attitude.

I had many errands to run so I was able to get out and think as I drove and realize that life really wasn't that bad. I mean I even feel ashamed even as I sit here and type about how rattled I let Satan get me this morning. Everything has a purpose and a time and if I truly believe that the Lord is the author of ALL things, which I do, why am I consumed with the "whys" and "ifs" that seem to be plaguing me right now??

Sometimes we allow our self to get so caught up in the moment that we need a good friend to help us wade through all the muck and get down to the meat, which is The Lord has a plan. I am thankful for my Trina and thankful for the many many blessing that the Lord has seen fit to bestow on me and mine. I am so unworthy at times that it is truly amazing that all he has done. Thank you Lord.

I am blessed!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Busy Work

Well today I am playing the waiting game..AGAIN!!! I feel like in the last 2 weeks I have been constantly waiting for the phone to ring , or someone to get back to me, of something..

So to follow suit, today I am waiting on my hubby to call me and let me know what the man said about his BIG interview and where we go from here. Trina posted about our roller coaster day yesterday and so most of you know what I am talking about. It was very stressful to say the least. I know the Lord is in this and this isn't a do or die situation by any means. It all takes time, and I know that if it isn't this job then it wasn't meant to be, but I still that some major patience issues..hehe

But now we are back in our little town and trying to go about our daily life and pretend that yesterday was just another normal day...hehe

So I decided that either I could wait and wait and wait by the phone OR I could get myself in gear and get to doing some things that need to get down. Like sorting through containers and taking some back to storage and some to charity. Then do some deep cleaning throughout the house and really just try to take my mind off stuff. So I chose the second and off I go to "busy" myself and pretend that when the phone rings I won't run to answer it..hehe

Don't worry I have my cell and it also will be checked often!!

Wow, how pathetic am I ??????????