My Birthday Treat
Our Friday started off great. Both families battled sickness with the kids all week so leading up to the big event definitely had its ups and downs. So the fact that we actually departed on the day that we planned to was a small victory for us. We arrived at Seattle about 2:00pm and I was informed that we were right on schedule for the night festivities. As we guided our way through traffic some of the secret was being divulged to me and I was ohhh so pumped. We stayed in downtown Seattle at The Weston. It was so nice and our rooms were so neat, they were in a circular layout that was pleasantly surprising. Here are a couple pics of the the view from my room, don't ask me why but I didn't get any shots of the inside of the room. I must of been giddy from anticipation that my mind wasn't working ..hehe

This was the view looking strait down...I told Rusty that the cranes and trucks looked like the boys' Tonka Toys and match box cars

This was the view looking toward the cool huh?

This was a ferry coming in and I thought it was so neat that we got such a great view from our room!! Dennis said he played the "Birthday card" and I gotta say..Way to go Den!! Loved our view. I wish I could have got some pics of the night when all of Seattle was lit up and we could see the shine that went on forever.....
So we got all fancied up and left the hotel to begin my first official night out as a 30yr old woman..hehe We ate at an amazing restaurant and by the prices I'm a thinking they knew how amazing they were as well. Seriously we are talking a far cry from the normal evening out at Taco Bell..not even close to The Outback and we don't even go THERE very often. However as we kept reminding our selves and each other the rest of the night that it was a "once in a blue moon thing." Seriously we needed that reassurance all night long..hehe
Next was the theatre...Fire On the Mountain.. It was a great musical. The story line was told in such a unique way and the songs and the artists were really amazing. We had a blast and here are a couple of pics of us at the theatre.....

Here is me and my hubby posing before we walked into the play....Isn't he a cutie!!!!

I was just giving him a little kiss for all the hard work he put into planning this big night!
We did have some pics of Trina and me and Trina and Den...but they didn't turn out....hmmmm :-)
After the "planned" part of the night was over we decided to take in a little of the scenery and dabble a little in some of the night life. We traveled by taxi all night long and boy was that an experience. Trina being the caution girl she is actually asked me one time if we were supposed to be wearing our seat belts. I didn't have a clue, but the way this cab drivers were accelerating their speed I was ready to search for one...hehe
And as the night came to an end I was feeling tired and so happy that my great friends had taking time out of their life to spend this special day with me and my hubby. Friends like that are such a rare find and we cherish them.
And as for my hubby....well he is the sweetest, most hard working, lovable, loyal man that I know. He is truly my best friend. The fact that he planned this all for ME made me feel so special. He definitely made me feel like a princess. I mean what can I say but I Love Him!!!
The next couple of days flew by and we did lots of shopping and I found some amazing deals. Sunday night rolled around and even though I loved my time away I was starting to miss my babies and when we went to pick them up I was so happy to see them. There is just nothing like when you walk into a room and your baby's eye light up and she comes running and snuggles into your arms. Pure Joy.
So after all the hype and build up, which it definitely lived up to, sadly the weekend is over. However I am not bothered by this because I have memories that will last me a life I say BRING ON the 30's!! :-)